.::Princess Nutmeg::.

'Tupid HMO....

Jul 02, 2007

I feel like crying because I'm so frustrated. Everyone else with my insurance company got answers really fast (eg. one week or less) on whether or not they would approve the surgery. But noooo, not me. I'm getting disturbing runarounds from PacifiCare.

Two weeks ago, my surgeon's office sent off the information that the insurance company needed. I figured I'd give them 2 weeks, then see if anything had happened. Well, when I called, I got told approval needs to be given by my primary care doctor (as if he decides if the insurance will pay or not????) but the insurance specialist at the surgeon's office got the answer of "Oh, we didn't receive any paperwork." When I heard that, I called back, and got transferred to my primary care physician's office. *screams in frustration*

This is horrible because this is my LIFE we're talking about. I have to lose weight and I cannot do it alone. I NEED this surgery.

I'm going to become a pain in the butt for PacifiCare and my primary care physician. I'm not going to go away, and they'll HAVE to give in because they want to get rid of me. I hope.


Too lazy to retype...

Jul 01, 2007

So this is coming straight from my Yahoo Blog. :D

Well first off, the family business survived my uncle. As you know from a previous blog, he padlocked our store, left a note that we were closed and out of business, and not to reopen the store. We tried over the next couple days to get ahold of him, but his cell phone was not in service, and when we called his store, no one answered. The phone just rang, and rang, and rang. Finally, being frustrated and not getting any answers, I went over with my mom to Vallejo to confront TEB. (See previous post about Uncle).

Surprise, surprise. When we got there, HIS store was chained and padlocked. The security guard (haha rentacop) called the management office for us and the property manager came down to talk to us. From what she told us, he hadn't paid his rent on the store for awhile, and even though they set up a payment-installment plan, he hadn't made ANY payments at all. They couldn't find him, and he hadn't told them that he was going to close up shop. Also, from what we gathered from his "neighbor," when he was around he was rude and mean to EVERYONE.

Seeing as we couldn't reach him by phone, we drove by his house. No car. No plants in planters. No BBQ on the porch. The shades were drawn. It was definitely empty. What the hell was going on, we wondered. Well, come to find out, he bought an RV, and it had been sitting in the yard for about 3-4 weeks prior to all this. We also found out that even though the account in Quickbooks said $49,000, there was only about $19,000. He conveniently forgot to write in a check that he wrote to himself for $30,000. Hrmmm. So now he's gone, and the stores have been locked up and closed for a week.

We consulted with a lawyer, and it seems it's all illegal. (Ha!) So now, my mom is the sole proprietor of TWO Hallmark card shops. I'm running the one here, and putting in LONG LONG weeks. I'm sooo tired and sore at the end of the day, and putting in 6-7 day weeks. Plus I'm still going to dialysis every morning before work. And right now I can't afford to pay any other employees, so I'm by myself all day. There are times when I just have to lock up and put up a note that says "Back in 10 minutes" because I HAVE to go get lunch or something.


Did you know dental work sucks? I scheduled my root canal for Monday and called to ask a question and they were like "Oh...we need to reschedule. Did you get the message?" I replied, "Um...no?" So we rescheduled for Wednesday.

The doctor's office was nice. Very "spa-ish" to use a Sue word. Very bright, clean, and modern. I tried to tell myself, "Ok self, you can do this. It's ok." Unfortunately, it was not ok. I started having an anxiety attack in the dental chair. I was clutching at the arm rest, digging my fingers into it, and then....I started to cry. I was SO scared, and the more anxiety I had, the less the novacaine worked. Finally she looked at me and said "You're just too scared. I can't work like this, and it's not good for you either." I kept sniffling and saying "I'm sorry." She referred me to a specialist.

So I called the specialist, and asked some questions. I decided just to do a consult on Friday. I still had to sit in the chair of doom (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!) but there was NO drilling. Thank god. I think I would have had a full on breakdown. Just sitting in the chair, my pulse was racing, my breath was coming shorter, and I was really really antsy. On a scale of 1-10, I was at about a 6.5. Freakout time starts at about an 8. We discussed options and I'm going to have full on sedation dental work done. Yay for drugs! I'm getting a nice little tablet called "halcion." It's like Versed (benzodiazepine), a very nice drug with an amnesiac side-effect (which is desired). It's like sleeping, but you're still awake. You're in an altered state of consciousness, and you don't really remember anything or feel the pain. I'll also receive a local anesthetic, and nitrous oxide (laughing gas). I'm gonna be freaking LOOPY! No driving for Megan. :)

Dr. Andy (the specialist) didn't seem TOO scary. He promised I wouldn't feel anything. He's apparently one of the best in the area for working with big weenies like me. I'm also taking my teddy bear.

Argh for stress eating.....

Jun 21, 2007

My Uncle embezzled $30,000 from our family business, locked the doors to our stores (with chains and padlocks) and disappeared into the ether in a used RV.

SOOOOOOO much freaking stress in the house right now trying to deal with creditors, and cleaning up the mess this jerk has made. I mean, he hasn't paid rent on the stores, OR paid the bills for the product, and MY store hasn't received a shipment in 6 months!!!!!!!! OYE VEY!

My buddy

Jun 19, 2007

This is Einstein...he helps me type my forum posts :D

Restaurant Cards

Jun 17, 2007

For those who like to eat out but don't want to pay hefty prices for tiny meals, there was a card online in the OH Magazine...unfortunately it was hardly readable when you printed it out. So...Here's a better way. I put it in a word document and stuck it online for others to download.

Restaurant "Special Menu" Request Card All you need to do is click on the link and open it in Microsoft Word. Then you can print it out and fill in the blanks.

For those on those computers that don't have Microsoft Word, I have a large JPEG version online here.  You'll need to save it and resize it in your word-processing program.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

About Me
Rohnert Park, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 79

Latest Blog 15
Back from surgery
Got my survival kit
Attacked by coffee...
It called to me....
Guess what...yes, more graphics
More Graphics
New Graphics Part 2
New Graphics:
What the heck? *Just gotta laugh*
Ok, Now I'm Mad!!!
