6 months post-op

Oct 25, 2009

Hi everyone! 

I just celebrated 6 month post op on Oct 13!  I'm down 78 lbs since April 13 an down 95 lbs since Jan 09.  I do spin class 3 days a week and work out with a personal trainer twice a week.  Last week I purchased running shoes and next week I'm starting the "Couch to 5 K" training (C25k.com).  I'm really excited to start the running.  I didn't know I could comfortable run until last month or so when I chased after my 3 year old daughter.  For the first time I ran without pain and without feeling my large body pounding/bouncing  up and down.

I go for my 6 month check up on Tuesday and I'm hoping all is well.  I've been having a difficult time getting the calcium in (since you have to stagger the pills out through out the day).

Thanks for listening.



Spin Class!

Sep 29, 2009

Tonight I did my first spin class and it was awesome!  I kept envisioning myself failing at doing the class and was really shocked at how great I feel after 1 hour.  It was difficult but not like I expected it to be, I guess I just don't give myself enough credit.  I'm going back on Thursday, no more aqua class for me!



4 months!

Aug 13, 2009

Just wanted to give an update.  I've lost 61 lbs since surgery (April 13th) and 78 lbs total since Jan 09.  Still doing well.  Increased the exercise this past two years and it feels good to be pushing myself harder.  I like that I can actually keep up and I now longer feel self conscious when I'm working out. I've got 4 lbs to go until I'm under 200!!

Had a WOW moments last week with my 3 year old daughter.  She started running and I joined her and found it didn't hurt to run and I actually was able to continue running for 3-4 minutes.  She is one of the biggest reasons I had surgery, so I could run and play and keep up with her and NOW I truly can. 


3 Month Update

Jul 14, 2009

Had my 3 month appointment today. All my labs came back good!  I'm down 52 lbs since surgery (April 13th) and down 69 lbs since January 2009.

Nothing new to report, still feeling great.  Still been tired but seems to be getting better.  Going to the gym 3 days a week.

Will update again soon.

2 month update

Jun 16, 2009

Friday, June 13th was my 2 month surgery anniversary.  I've still been feeling really good other than being tired.  I have lost 41 lbs since surgery and 58 total since January 09.

I have still had the shoulder/chest pain.  Doctor said it gas, the pain has been getting better.  I only have pain when I eat too fast.

I have only been sick (throw up) once since surgery.  The big turkey sausages are not for me!

All is well, going to the gym 3 times a week and twice a week I have a personal trainer. 

Will update again soon.



5 weeks and 1 day

May 19, 2009

I had to miss my appt with Dr. Takata today and rescheduled for next Tuesday, so I will get the official weigh in then.  It's 5 weeks and still doing good.  Started with the trainer at the gym yesterday.  She kicked my butt and I am hurting today.  According to the scale at the gym I am down 27 lbs since surgery (4/13/09) and down 44 lbs since Jan 09 when I started trying to eat better and doing 5 days of walking.  Just looking forward to getting below 200 (38 lbs to go!!),

Still have not been sick and no dumping.  I've had issues were food just didn't agree with me and I felt like I was going to throw up but it has never happened.  Struggling with water intake and I keep forgetting the calcium.  I'm going to take the liquid calcium when I finish this huge bottle of pills.



2 Week post op

Apr 28, 2009

Had my 2 week post op appt today.  I have lost 15 lbs since since my surgery date!!  All is good, moved to pureed foods on Saturday.  Still have not be sick and still feeling great.  


12 Days Post Op

Apr 25, 2009

Well, still doing really well.  Started pureed food today and have done good with both eggs and tuna.  My energy is the only that has been down this week.   Won't have official weight until I see surgeon on Tuesday, but according to my scale looks like 10 lbs!!!

8 days post op

Apr 22, 2009

Well, I'm 8 days post op and STILL feeling great!  Honestly, nothing eventful has happened. Still really haven't felt hungry and still don't have a full "type" feeling.   Just trying to drink my water all day long and have protein drinks, sf pudding, and ff cream soups.  Looking forward to moving into pureed food stage.  Just do lite walking right now, in 2 weeks starting the gym.

Will update next week.

3 days Post Op and feeling great!

Apr 15, 2009

I'm home from the hospital.  Day 1 was painful, the drain on my left side hurt.  Day 2 it was easier to move.  Day 3 the drain was removed and it was much easier to get up a move.   I did about 25 laps around floor 4 of Scripps Hospital, and seemed to get everything moving pretty well.


About Me
poway, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2009
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