One small victory for me....

Jan 02, 2012

one large win for my jeans!  Today for the first time in a year I can wear my size 22 womens jeans!!  This is a tiny victory, I know, since I am still waaaay fat and still in a "women's size" but this is the first time EVER that I took off weight without a malfunctioning thyroid or breastfeeding baby to do the heavy lifting!!

I have been wearing the same crappy 24W jeans for a year now, and I am so glad to kiss them goodbye forever.  Logically I know that this is a very small step in my journey to a healthier body, but emotionally this is HUGE!  I am positively elated that I was able to do this, I have never really had my eating under my control until now.  Hopefully this victory will be my fuel as I struggle every day to eat less than I want, eat no sweets, eat almost no bread, and walk away from the table hungry after every single meal.   

Next, a busy week for me.  I have a Pathways to Success class on Wednesday, and my first appointment with Dr. Aksade on Friday.  I am working up a list of questions and things to share with him when we meet.  I am really looking forward to my class tomorrow, it is a small group and usually lots of good information is shared, as well as encouragement and ideas on how to deal with various pre-surgical issues.

Tomorrow I will also go to the Community Center and get my membership in order, and then hit the pool.  My plan is to swim five days per week, in an attempt to keep losing weight.  I haven't really exercised in years, so I'm gonna have to start really slowly and then set little goals for myself.  Thank goodness I have my 3X swimsuit all ready to go and there's a hot tub adjacent to the indoor pool to soak away my aches and pains.  

Today's tiny victory will, I hope, provide fuel for my increase in activity as well as help me push back from the table and say no to my beloved bread and chocolate!

Huzzah for dropping a jeans size!

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