Is it all in my head....

Jan 08, 2012

or do I have more energy already?  I weighed in with my nutritionist on wednesday and I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating sensibly.  Of course, I am hungry all the time, but still, seventeen pounds!!!  

This week I noticed that I seem to have more energy.  Yesterday was a beautiful day and Bob and I spent some time outdoors, trying to clear up all the branches in the yard.  Of course, I was the one assigned to walk around and pick up branches to put in our fun fire!  Bob's fake knee and back are really bothering him, so I try to do all the walking when I can.  

So, here I am with an armful of branches, and I hang my foot up in a cluster of small stumps.  I trip, fall, and very ungraciously try to catch myself.  Fail, land on right shoulder and knee and roll onto the patio like a very uncoordinated dumpling!  Bob is totally freaked out and of course I'm fine.  Fast forward to today, however, and O MY!  I am really sore.  My right arm caught my not insubstantial weight, and my right triceps, elbow and shoulder are extremely sore!  My right leg also took quite a jar, and is very sore today.  But, no bruises!! Apparently I am tougher than I think, or maybe just very thick skinned...

So I had a great day Saturday, and made a dent in the massive pile of branches, but today I was a sore, wimpy whiner who got nothing done....

Up until today I have had a pretty good week, so maybe my little fall and resulting soreness is just me getting back to baseline.  

I just hope that this more energetic me returns tomorrow, since I've got shopping to do!  

I am sitting here tapping away at my laptop and very very hungry.  Trying to think of a high protein snack with low carbs and low fat to make my belly shut up long enough for me to fall asleep.  Cottage cheese here we come!

