
Oct 12, 2015

September 28 was my four-year anniversary and I'm proud to say I'm still at normal weight and maintaining all I've lost! I'm still thankful every day. I'm able to do things I never thought i could do, I'm in better shape than ever, and I feel the best i've ever felt, still. A couple of days ago, I had my annual checkup with my nutririonist. We talked about how i eat and what I eat. What she noted was that I have structured my food environment. Although I give myself permission to eat anything, I don't bring everything I want into the house. So if I want a cookie, I can have a cookie, BUT I have to go out and buy A cookie. I love Cheetos but there's no way I could trust myself to bring them into the house. However, the Honda dealership I go to has a vending machine with 100 calorie packs of Cheetos. And that's where I get my fix.

If you're still on the fence about this surgery, go for it. I don't know anyone who has regretted this decision. If you've had the surgery, you know what I'm talking about. Keep up the good work everyone!


About Me
Sep 12, 2012
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