I've often been asked what led me to start looking into bariatric surgery and what my "breaking point" was when I really realized that I needed help. My breaking point came sometime in the summer of 2005 while trying to help my then 5 year old daughter practice for t-ball. We were outside playing and within five minutes I was absolutely exhausted and had to sit down to catch my breath, that's when I realized that I NEEDED to do something. When I started exploring my surgery options that summer my primary care Dr. ordered some routine blood tests and the results were quite shocking to say the least. My cholesterol and triglyceride levels were off the charts, it's a very sobering experience to be 27 years old and be put on cholesterol lowering drugs. I think that was the point when I realized that if I didn't do something about my weight that I would more than likely not live to see age 30.

My life changed forever on July 27, 2006 when I came to Gundersen Lutheran and met this awesome team of Dr's, dietitians, secretaries and nurses that you see here tonight. After going through all the required nutrition appointments, the psychological evaluation (which AMAZINGLY I passed) and getting insurance approval I was scheduled for surgery on January 17, 2007. My surgery went very well, so I've been told, I really don't remember much of it, and I was up and walking around that evening. The next day my friend Diane and I even walked over to the surgery clinic to visit with Laurie, much to the surprise of Dr. Baker and Mr. Larson whom we ran into while we were on our little "adventure." I think they were glad to see that I was up walking, however not so glad that we had walked all the way from the hospital over to the surgery clinic………………we would later be chastised for doing that again the day after Diane's surgery in February.

It's been 15 months since my surgery and my life has changed dramatically. First and foremost I am no longer on my cholesterol medication and my cholesterol and triglyceride levels are completely normal, I no longer suffer from joint pain and stiffness, I no longer literally wet my pants when someone makes me laugh and I no longer have to shop in the "big girl" section of the stores anymore. I can do things I haven't done in years, I was an assistant coach for my daughter's soccer team last spring and I could actually run and keep up with the kids for more than 5 minutes, my husband and I went to an amusement park last summer for the first time in 10 years and I was able to fit in ALL the rides and there are FINALLY pictures of me in our family albums, I am no longer camera shy, I don't run and hide when someone gets one out.

I have lost 148 pounds, at my very first appointment at Gundersen I weighed 293.3 pounds, I now weigh 144 pounds. I went from a size 26-28W to a size 4-6, which to me is CRAZY, I've NEVER been this, dare I say it, SMALL. I cried at my one year appointment when Emily excitedly told me that I had lost 96% of my excess body weight, I NEVER thought that was possible. After trying so many diets in the past and after gaining all of my weight back, I thought for sure I was destined to fail again.

I keep my before and after pictures in a frame that hangs on the wall in our house as a constant reminder of how far I've come and as motivation because I NEVER want to go back to being that person I was before this surgery. I just celebrated my 29th birthday on April 4th and I'm quite certain that because I chose to have this surgery I will live to see MANY more.

I have many people to thank for my success, but most of all my wonderful "team" at Gundersen:

Laurie- Thank you for putting up with me for those months before my surgery when I'd call almost weekly asking if you had a date for me yet, I'm quite positive I was very annoying and I KNOW I was very impatient. I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for your support, encouragement when I was down and your friendship, you are AWESOME!!

Emily- Thank you for teaching me how to eat the right way. You've got a very infectious personality and seem genuinely excited for me each time I see you, you've been there for every milestone big or small and you've been cheering me on every step of the way.

Dr. Bannen- Thanks for helping me understand WHY I used to eat the way I did and helping me learn better ways to deal with stress rather than eating everything in sight.

Dr. Kothari- What can I say other than thank you for doing what you do every single day and for sharing your gift with other doctors. (Oh yeah and I probably should say thanks for not being offended when I dressed up as you for Halloween, that was FUN!! Did you know that Laurie has also nicknamed me Dr. K the 2nd?)

Dr. Baker- Wow, what else can I say? What do you tell someone who's basically given you your life back? Thank you just doesn't seem to cut it, you've given me this amazing tool and I will be grateful to you forever.

And last but certainly not least, Mr. Larson- Thank you for your straight forward, Dr. Phil-tell-it-like-it-is attitude and for not sugar-coating anything. Thanks for calling me back when I had even the silliest of questions like "Could I be having a reaction to a Mantoux test and could that be related to my surgery?" and then for casually asking, "So, have you done any other crazy things like shave your head or anything like that?" I'm still mad and you & Laurie for that and I'll get you both someday! Ha! Ha! And thanks for reading this for me, I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten through it without crying because well as silly as I am, I'm also a wuss and cry at EVERYTHING!!

I can't thank you all enough for helping me become the person that I am today, you guys are an amazing group and I'm so thankful I've gotten the chance to meet all of you.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 6
