Changing my user name to MooseFactorygirl

Apr 19, 2012

Someone has kindly & privately brought it to my attention that the "MF" in my user name could be misunderstood as inappropraite ever it stands for Moose Factory Island girl ... I am trying to figure out how to change it so please be patient with me until I was not my intention to offend any one.

My next step in my walk to a healthy life.

Apr 19, 2012

On April 26th and 27th I will be attending a 2 day assessment.  I'm excited and scared all at the time!  Excited to be one step closer to the new me but also one step closer to losing the old me, that's the scary part.  But with that being said, I am SOOoooo ready to be healthy and experience new things I have never done before because of my size! 
So to death with the fear and bring on the excitement!
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About Me
Apr 19, 2012
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