In the beginning...

Feb 09, 2014

In the begging there was fat, a lot of fat, and it was not good.  This is how I've always felt - I've always been *cough* overweight *cough* for as long as I can remember.  I know I first REALLY noticed it when I was in middle school, and as I got older I started looking at pictures of me from my younger years and realized I had always been just a touch heavier than everyone else around me.  I have tried many different methods of losing weight over the past ten years, it's always been the same result. I'd lose 20lbs, then put it right back on, and then some.  I tried for years to justify it - you're fat, you're family is fat, you are always gonna be fat, there's no changing it, just accept it and move on with your life.  Recently, it clicked, I'm not a slave to my genetics - or my horrible eating habits - and I WILL break free from it!  I have to put up a big props to my hubby for helping me make this decision.  My son is also a big part of this inspiration, I want him to grow up with a healthy mom, not one that huffs and puffs going uphill with a sled (though of course, I hope one day to live in a climate where sleds aren't required).

I recently made the decision to have weight loss surgery, and decided on the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG).  One problem has stood in my way though - finances.  Apparently, if you don't have another "life threatening" condition on top of being morbidly obese the insurance companies tend to think you're healthy enough as is.  Obesity is an illness, let's get that straight right off the bat.  Therefore, it should be treated as an illness - not a symptom.  Am I the only one who thinks insurance companies need to offer gym memberships or something? Seriously, if you're not gonna do anything besides shoving information about weight loss down our throats that we're already AWARE of, at least do something proactive about the information you're providing and help people put it into action! Okay, rant over, but my point still stands that even though Obesity is one of the biggest killers in this country it's not considered a *problem* by those that have the power to help fix it.

Anyway, so, that being said I ended up on the decision to travel to Mexico for my surgery. *Insert comments about being abducted by a drug cartel and being sold into the sex slave trade here* and NO I'm really not worried about it.  I'm slightly upset about the fact that I'll be going it alone, but not because I'm scared but because it's nice to have some emotional support in doing something so drastic to yourself.  Though knowing I have the full support of my family back home is comfort enough - and Skype is also a great blessing.

I'll post my sob stories of my fat years later - for now - I just want to prepare for surgery and look forward to the future! I'll be starting a "vlog" for my progress a little later on when I have more interesting things to say, until then, cheers friends.



About Me
Columbus, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2014
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