33 HRS AND 15 MINS..

Feb 07, 2010

I'm now officially 33 hrs away from that first incision.  My emotions are all over the place. Most of all, I'm just plain nervous.  I don't think I have everything that I'm going to need for tomorrow or when I get home.  I need clear liquids for tomorrow.  I bought a case of Isopure in different flavors, but I forgot the good stuff (Popsicles) and broth.   I thought that today was going to be my last day for eating real food, but my DR. said that I can have breakfast in the morning.  After that, its all clear liquids.  I'm going to pack tonight to make sure that I don't forget anything.  Actually, I'm only taking undies and chap stick.  Can't go wrong with that, right?  Maybe something to read; but, I'm sure that I'll be knocked out most of the time.   Anyhoooo, Just wanted to touch basis with my OH peeps. 

I'll check in tomorrow, smooches!


3 Days and counting...

Feb 05, 2010

Hey Oh, well I have 3 days to go until my life changes forever.  I signed my consent forms yesterday and got my final instructions.  Normal breakfast Monday morning and clear liquids thereafter.  Calcium citrate at 4 PM.  wooooohooooo!  I don't think that part will be any fun.  I went on a shopping spree.  Bought most of the items I will need post-surgery.  I even stopped by my favorite stores, Marshall and TJMaxx.  I thought I would buy an incentive outfit.  It was a great feeling to finally be able to shop in the front of the store (plus sizes are always in the middle or back of the store).  The only dilemma I have now is what size to choose.   I have a Convention in August and I wanted a pretty dress to motivate me.  It was such a great feeling to be able to decide which size to get instead of the dreaded, "do they have my size." 

Anyway, just wanted to shout out to all my Oh Friends that are waiting for approval, waiting on your date or just going through all the appointments.  Keep your head up, your day will be here sooner than you think. 


Givin up...

Feb 02, 2010

Hey OH Fam, I know a few days ago I said I was gonna hit one of my favorite resturants each day until the 7th.. I give up...UNCLE.....enough. I'm really not having any fun.  The food is good, but it reminded me why I'm having WLS and why I'm the size that I am.  I went to a support group last night and I heard something that really hit home.....I don't have to look at this week as the last time that I will try these foods.  It will just be a while before I can try them again and then it will be in very small small amounts.  With that in mind, I decided to give up my whirlwind tour of my FAVs and stick to my plan.  I need to be mentally prepared for next Tuesday...seven days away.  WOW..by this time next week, I will be in recovery.   I did take pics of my dessert yesterday...one of my favorite places...hope you enjoy.  


My 7 days of heaven....

Jan 31, 2010

Hey OH FAM...I've decided to live it up (sensibly of course). I'm hitting my favorite resturants for the next 7 days.  Today was Red Lobster.  Not so much for the food; but, for those Cheddar Bay Biscuits....(Kyra, this one's for you babe).  Now I don't want anyone to think that I'm throwing caution to the wind and forgetting all that I have learned from you, my fam, and from those countless NUT classes.  I had a protein shake for breakfast and lunch; which allowed me to have those biscuits for dinner....Ok, ok, and shrimp, a peice of lobster tail and a crab leg or two.  I did not eat the baked potato. I promise.  Anyway, here's some pics of what me and the fam had.



10 Days...

Jan 30, 2010

Hey OH fam, I have 10 days until the BIG DAY.  I'm still trying to stay focused and mentally prepared for what lies ahead of me.  I have taken to heart every post, book, phamplet and class that I have taken over the past year and have tried to apply what I have learned.  In doing so, I have lost enough weight that many of my co-workers and friends have noticed.  I have adopted new eating habits.  I habitually read labels and I no longer eat until I roll out of the dining room chair and onto the couch .   Good things right? RIGHT!

Today was my last day at work .  Why did I take off so early you might ask?  Well, as a Probation Officer, I work in the Camps with detained minors.  Instead of working a traditional 5 day work week, I work a 56 hour shift.  I go in Thurs morning at 6 AM and leave at 2 PM on Saturday.  I'm actually paid to sleep at the camp.  Anyways, I have to sign my surgical consent forms 2 days before surgery.  And what do ya know, that happens to fall on Friday.  So like a "good employee" I call the DRs office to see if I can sign the papers by fax. Do you know they told me that I have to sign them in person. (I was so sad  that I had to take an extra week of from work)   So as I'm walking out of camp today I ran out that parking lot, hopped in my car and drove like madman 1 1/2 hours home.   Any whoo, that's my blog for now...toodles. 


Day 11...

Jan 28, 2010

I'm home from the Doctor's office.  Can you believe I waited almost 3 hours for a 10 min consult.  Boy if I used profanity.....

Any whoo, I'm all cleared for TAKE-OFF.  Now all I got to do is get my nerves under control.  I have seen many Oh Friends sign off for the last time before surgery and return a few days later.  Why should I think anything different for me, right?  Right!  Enough of that for today.  Off to go work out. 


BTW, I know yall gonna hate me for this, and before I say it, let me say ahead of time, that I'm not rubbing it in; BUT, I only have to fast the day before my surgery!!!!!!  whoooo hooooo!  So sorry for those of you that had to do it several days before.  Smooches!



Jan 28, 2010

Would yall believe that I been waiting at my surgeon's office for two and a half hours and still haven't seen him yet? OMG! If I wasn't relying on this man to save my life in a few days, boy would I have a few choice words for him! OMG!!!!!

12 days to go...

Jan 27, 2010

Hey OH fam!  Well I have 12 days to go before my big day. I'm starting to get my ducks in a row, so to speak. I started shopping for some of my necessities (protien drinks, etc.) and studying the diet instructions post surgery.  I've completed my pre-registration at the hospital and my last round of blood tests and EKG.  Now all I have to do is count down.  On a different note...

As I was sitting in the hospital waiting for registration, I suddenly had a panic attack.  What the HECK am I doing.  I was sitting next to this young lady who was on an oxygen tank and walking with a cane.  I could tell that she was either in pain or simply could not breath.  I thought to my self, she's having surgery because something is very wrong with her.  I'm having it for simply vain reasons.  What if I don't wake up.  Who's gonna whoop my son's butt when he doesn't do his homework?  I was so stressed, that when I was finally called in the office, I couldn't remember my address and I kept stumbling for answers to questions I know to.  I guess she knew that I was nervous, cause she mentioned it (and in my mind I said....Uh yeah, I'm about to rip open my stomach and cut my guts up) and then she told me that everyone gets nervous when they're registering.  For some reason, that made me relax and I felt better.  I thought back to the lady in the waiting area and I realized that I deserve this, I've earned it and I need it! I have to protect my health and pre-op prep was  my fourth step toward my goal.  (1st: realizing my &^% was fat  2nd: deciding to have WLS 3rd: changing my eating habits)

Smooches, for now....


Jan 19, 2010

Got the call today, I'm APPROVED and I have a date.  February 9th  OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!  I was so excited talking to the girl from my surgeons office, that I don't remember nothing else she said.  Darn, now I gotta call right back and get the details.  She said something about Thursday, me and my coach, and tests.....darn I don't remember.  I'm going to call back right now.  I just had to let my OH fam know.   YEAHHHHHH!


Guess what yall....

Jan 15, 2010

On Thursday, I'm sitting in this boring refresher course of "Enhanced Supervision and Suicide Prevention",  when I get a phone call from a number that I don't recognize.  So Fam, what do we normally do when we see phone numbers like this?  We send it to Voicemail.  After the class I forget to check my messages. It's now Friday and I'm on my way back to my room and what do I hear?  Thats right yall....I finally cleared all the checks and balances at my Drs office.  Ms. Vera just called to tell me that she had just sent in the request for surgery to my insurance co.   Yall know i'm happy as a lark.  (by the way, what's a lark? That's a weird saying).  Well, I'ma be on pins and needles for the next few days.  I'm going to give them until.....Wednesday before I bug them or do you think that I should just sit back and wait? 

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2009
Member Since

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Latest Blog 29
