Hello All-- I am 44 yrs old and single. I have had a weight problem all my life and I just finally got to the point to where I was not feeling good and was having some other health issues that I needed to take care of before they got out of hand. Several friends of mine have had the gastric bypass surgery and done extremely well. I have also had one friend pass away after having the surgery. After much prayer, I decided to go ahead and have the surgery done (Open RNY).
Since the surgery I have not had many concerns--but there have been a few and I take care of those on a day by day basis.
If I could offer a little advise to the pre-op people. --You make your own decision about the surgery. Don't let someone else make it for you. Also, do your research. You must be very comfortable about your surgeons ABILITY not necessarily their bedside manner. You are paying for their skills. Hope you have a blessed day. Mindy 315/283/???
9-23-03 Hello All---- I know it has been forever since I posted anything. I am doing well----- So far down 74 lbs--- Sometimes I just can't believe it. I am SO ready to hit that 100 lb mark. Hope you all have a GREAT day. Chat with you soon--- Mindy
1-2-04 Happy New Year-- What a year of change----I am down 87 pounds since April 8th. Would like to lose about another 25 pounds. I need to kick back in gear with my eating and exercise. Hope you all have a wonderful 2004. Chat with you soon--Mindy 315/228/???
10-02-05 Well it has been forever since I have posted. I have now joined the century club--again (and not for 200 pounds lost). The last year has been a struggle because I actually was in the century club a year ago and then promptly celebrated--Gaining 15 pounds over about 8 months. I finally got my head and brain working together and told myself-- YOU are NOT going back where you were. STOP NOW. It took me 4 months to get those 15 pounds off. I want to lose about 20 more and then I will be finished. Of course then there is removal of the excess skin (Hopefully this summer). I am so glad I had this surgery done---It has brought my life back or should I say a new life has begun. From one who has been there and done that--if I could give you two pieces of advise. Trying to beat the pouch can't be healthy.Stretching leads to stretch marks. The other thing I want to pass along is --Please don't trade one addiction for another.
God Bless each one--
Mindy 315/215/1 something

About Me
Abilene, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2002
Member Since
