A Change

Sep 25, 2011

So, the day came when I particularly needed my husbands support and he totally abandoned me. Something inside me snapped, and it became important to me to flush this man I had loved for years completely out of my life. We had a fight and I asked him to leave. He left (somewhat) willingly, but called periodically to try and patch things up. I had none of it. This man enjoyed tearing me down every chance he got, and I began to look at him like a poison trying to get back in my veins. I ejected him from our home January 2005. My mother took me out for a "feel good" expedition. New clothes, hair and make-up restored some of my confidence and I got a new job and started going out with friends again. My emotional eating had stopped, but years of bad habits were now part of everyday routine.  A desk job with no exercise and poor nutrition kept me plateaued at around 400-425 lbs.  I was trying to move on with my life, but the demons in my past were haunting.. always ready to bring me down. How I yearned for the discipline, the will power and self confidence to overcome.  It was not to happen. Life was better without my husband, but not really "good".
As luck would have it, a white knight was approaching and by January 2006--one year after I kicked my husband out of our home, I was falling for someone again. This one was different somehow.... it felt so good to be around him.  But surely this was just a test relationship; something to get my feet wet. This couldn't possibly be anything more than that.
Could it?


About Me
Sep 15, 2011
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