One week out update

Mar 01, 2007


Tomorrow will be one week since surgery.  The whole hospital experience went like this.  I got there at 8:00 am, was escorted to the waiting room, waited for  1.5 hours, then they called me, weighed me in, had me put on the gown, put me on a cart and they rolled me into the OR...I was scheduled for 11:15 am, but they took me in at like 10:00.  They put a mask on me, I told them I was anxious.  The room they put me in was really bright, I just kept my eyes closed.  Then they had me move to another cart, and I got a shot in the arm, and the guy said I would fall asleep soon, and I woke up in recovery.  There were like 15 people in there, I felt confused, then I had to wait in there for 2 hours to get a room.  The guy nurse that was taking care of me was awesome.  Then I got my room, and was agitated.  I don't know why, I was in a little pain I guess.  Then I would sleep, wake up, breath etc.

The next day I was walking, feeling agitated again, I just wanted to be home, I wasn't sleeping well, I couldn't get comfortable and it just felt like I was in the hospital.  I never saw Dr. Quilici, I saw the gal Dr.  Then I was released on Sunday, they took out the drain and I got sprung....

I have been feeling better each day with energy, etc.  I haven't had a BM yet, so I called the Dr. and they told me to take milk of magnesa (sp?)

I haven't weighed myself, I don't own a scale, and I never took before pictures, but I have to buy a camera and do that, everyone says i'm losing weight, but i'll see on Monday when I get my staples out.

I go back to work on Monday, i'm kind of glad, I am getting bored at home.

All in all for me the worst part was the anticipation of the surgery.  I was quite scared.  But when I got to the hospital, I was like in someone elses body, I didn't feel like I was there.  I did everything they told me to do, but I felt nothing.  Then it was over.

I am happy I did it, I'm happy it's over, i'll let you know how much I lost on Monday.  I did lose 8 lbs pre op...


FEBRUARY 7, 2007

Feb 07, 2007

So, I passed the psych, and got approved for the surgery on February 1.  My surgery date is February  23, and I really can't wait.  I am so terribly uncomfortable now, my knees are so bad, I am just eager to get this done and over with.  I wish it was tomorrow, i'm kind of gettng anxious, but I know there are many things I still need to do.

I have my nut class tomorrow, then on Monday 2-12,  I get my chest xray, blood work done at the hospital, and my final appt. with Dr. Quilici.
Then Friday the 16th I have a physical with my pcp, then if all goes well, it's surgery day friday the 23rd.  I am reading others posts, and I will attend a suport meeting tonight, because I feel a gamut of emotions.  It feels very surreal. But when it comes down to it, the pain in my joints every day and getting ready for work, and just feeling depressed, I know for me this is the right decision. 

January 5, 2007

Jan 05, 2007

I have my consult with the surgeon on Jan 10, 2007.  So this is kindof the countdown....tick tock tick tock....I imagine having the surgery done, I actually put myself in the hospital, on the operating table and I start to freak myself out.  I hope they give you a shot to calm your nerves.  I see the nutritionist the same day, as she is in the surgeons office, so i'll keep you posted.  I really want to keep up on this board, because it has been so helpful to me.  I'm not an open book so to speak, so I think opening up will be therapeutic....

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Jan 05, 2007
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One week out update
FEBRUARY 7, 2007
January 5, 2007
