It's done

Jan 26, 2012

OK so today is the 26th and umm the c02 gas is killing me.It runs from my belly up to my neck and then to my shoulders OMG LOL... My surgery went very well on the 24th. My incisions do not hurt it's just this freaking gas. I'm afraid to eat because my belly hurt and it's so swollen from the gas. I keep walking around the house, running in place taking all kinds of gas med to no avail.  Anyway I wouldn't change any of it LOL. I will be saying let the games begin once this c02 is out of my @$@%!!!!.


The time is near

Jan 11, 2012

MY DATE IS 01/24/2012 YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost there

Dec 10, 2011

OK So I have finally finished all of the 1 million pre op test that my surgeon required. I got the surgery referral from my primary care doctor and there are two dates that are fast approaching for the surgery 12/27 and 01/03. I'm going to go for the 01/03/1212 date. I am excited and a little nervous but you know what I'm more tired of this body than anything. I have read the post from a lot of banders and I'm just so confused. When you were overweight you were miserable and now that your losing weight your still miserable. I mean what's up with that. I'm sure that the band isn't a walk in the park and if you've spent most of your live as that fat person I think it's worth what you have to go through to lose the weight.  All of the fad diets the money spent on things to so call help lose weight has made me more than ready for this. I will see what me and this band will accomplish.

Getting closer

Sep 25, 2011

I had my last visit with the dietitian on yesterday ad she has cleared me for the surgery and I'm too excite. I am right on track and she said it will only be about another two to three weeks before the surgery. One of my good friends had hers on Monday and so far so good. I can't wait to have my datee in my had lol.


Jul 07, 2011

OK so I.m going through the 6 month process before the lap band. I started the program at the end of April and to date have lost about 12 pounds yeahhhhh. I'm guessing that I can have the surgery in like November. I'm reading some of the post/blogs and I'm trying to figure out how I would handle some of the issues I have seen. I'm not a big eater however I love water and I drink a lot of it. I'm scared that after the band I will not be able to drink water like I'm use too. I have a friend who had the lap band in 2007 and she is fine I talk to her about some of my concerns and she tell me that I will be fine. I know that everyone is different but in my heart I fell it will be fine as well. I've wanted this too long to let my mind take all of the great things that are about to happen away from me. Food is like a drug so imma take it one day at a time....

About Me
Apr 08, 2011
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