Long Time No Update! 5 mo.

Aug 21, 2009

Hope all is well with everyone out there!

I know I am so bad at these updates, I used to do a weekly one on youtube now I am lucky to do one monthly!
I am 5 months post op.  I started out at 315lbs./55.7 BMI.  I now am 231lbs./40.9 BMI. I don't loose my breath while going up the stairs anymore, in fact I can run up them! I am way less fatigued however lately something is going on where I am again~maybe my levels.  Feeling so much better, not as many reactions as I thought I would get but friends are cheering me on and that makes me feel good! I have lost 84 pounds now...84...that in itself is truly awesome! I can't believe it! Somedays I still get irritated with not being able to eat what I want but all in all I would totally do it again in a heartbeat! I am so happy! Its kinda funny, when you are overweight and have all these feelings of who cares, worthlessness, etc. you don't care about the flab, but when you loose weight and that flab gets so jiggly and disgusting thats all you think about! At least for me, I never thought I would want to have plastic surgery like I do.  I hate my body flab and if insurance doesn't pay for a tummy tuck and back fat, I can't have it done, which depresses me so much! Its like I can never be satisfied! Are these normal feelings? Anyone else feeling the same way? AAUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!Anyways, I am doing well and other than the challenge of my teenager and kids going back to school, Life is fair! Take Care All!

<3 Monika


Jun 14, 2009

1 comment


Jun 14, 2009

[image noborder]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wO1gzyE/weight.png[/image]

1st up date POST OP

Mar 23, 2009

hi all

my surgery went well, no complications...hooray! however it has been 6 days and i am still in a lot of pain on my left side.  its not the drain hole cut, its whatever work they have done INSIDE-hurts a lot!  one day at a time i guess.  i cant sleep in my bed-NOWAY, i sleep in my recliner with my feet up. my back is killing me, i am exhausted from doing nothing and i cant put my socks on or pick up stuff off the floor.  today i spilled chiken broth all over the island and thank god my mom was there because i cant pick up/wipe off or move too fast!  its frustrating trying to get in all the protein when you can only drink so much at once!  i would LOVE to have a 1/4 cup of cottage cheese or an egg!!!  UUUGGGHHHHH!!! sometimes i cry and feel like what have i done to myself, then i try to focus.  anyone in chicago going to the meet n greet in june?  i am


start wt at nutritionists office 315
                     wt this afternoon 290



Mar 12, 2009

http://www.obesityhelp.com/shared/flash/WeightHistoryChart/WeightHistoryChart.swf?username=mjdossa"> name="quality" value="high"> http://www.obesityhelp.com/shared/flash/WeightHistoryChart/WeightHistoryChart.swf?username=mjdossa" quality="high" width="585" height="360">

nothin but pouch

Feb 27, 2009

All I can do is think about surgery, I read about it, talk about it, dream about it, like it's haunting me-like a drug or something!  I go on utube and oh all the time.  How will I do it, how can I stop eating, I am sure I'm not the only one that is feeling this way.  There are so many emotions I am dealing with-UUUGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About Me
Round Lake, IL
Surgery Date
Feb 26, 2009
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