weekly weigh in

Jun 06, 2009

this morning i had my weeekly weigh in on my daughters wii    lost 8 lbs    down to 254  its a start i hope to keep going      got to work on the depression eating still    but i can do it I did it before I can do it again

8 year update

Jun 04, 2009

June 4,2009    Its been along time since i was last in here.     In the 8 years since my surgery I did gain 75 lbs back.  My daughter had the lap band a month ago  i am trying to lose weight with her.   Take weight and measurements every saturday.   Hopefully i can succeed again.  I know were my problems lie   its just getting past them and keeping the positive thinking.Got to stop doing what this emoticon is doing  LOL

Diary from old profile on OH :)

May 15, 2009

1/04/01 Went to PCP and got referral.

1/08/01 Faxed info to Pittsburgh

1/09/01 Called to verify they got info...said I should hear in about two weeks

1/18/01 Called the Dr that goes over the papers is out of town..will be back on Tuesday 1/23 said to call next Friday if I have not heard by then.

1/18/01 I really need this for me in order to feel better ...having problems with arthritiis and a few other things i want to feel and look better than I do now.

1/24/01 Called yesterday and they had lost my papers...Faxed copies to them ...called today and they are sending them to the dr ....suppose to hear from them in 2 weeks

1/31/01 On Tuesday 1/30 i talked to Vanessa in Dr. Ikrumaddin's
office she received my papers..and will call by mid week

2/03/01 Feeling real depressed right now ....this waiting to find out is not easy .....i want to be on the road to better health and weight for myself but it feels like it will never happen and that this will take forever ....I need to be able to do somethings for myself again....my weight and my arthritis prevent me from doing some things i want to do If I don't hear something by thursday or friday I think i will call ..i need to at least do that to feel as if i am doing something ..i feel as though my life is at a standstill right now.....Crossing my fingers and praying to God......I need this in my life !!!!!!!

2/06/01 Vanessa in Dr. Ikrumaddin's office just called i have my first consult March 28th..finally i feel as if things are progressing .....she definitely made my day for me
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next step surgery date ....i am positive its gonna happen now ..just a matter of when ....but this is at least progress

2/07/01 Went to the support group meeting in pittsburgh today ....I am so glad i went......saw the Dr i will have and met some of his patients.....being at that meeting let me know i was choosing the right thing for me :) :) :) :)

2/13/01 Called the Drs office they will be sending me the papers to fill out for my appt. the first week in March...

2/18/01 Well still patiently waiting but my patience is getting a little better (not) LOL i have been getting my migraines again and having anxiety attacks .i think its the waiting and wanting this so bad ....well i will keep this posted on any new developments.

3/01/01 Recieved my appt card ..27 more days till first consult looking forward to when i can finally say i have my surgery date......well not much else going on in my life ...going to support group meeting next wednesday .i like going to those .....

3/22/01 Computer has been down since the 8th ....got a call today from the drs office .they rescheduled my appt for the 29th

3/27/01 received my book called weight loss surgery (finding the thin person in you) have read the entire book already .it is very good and i would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about this surgery it is written by Barbara Thompson.....find it on www.wlscenter.com .......well my first consult is in 2 days , excited anxious scared and nervous ...gonna start looking for an angel.....

3/30/01 Had my appt yesterday with the surgeon ....the apt went well they are sending things into insurance now i have to wait for approval .i feel confident it will happen....

4/12/01 Letter to myself
This surgery that i am going to have done is to help give me a better quality of life ....also to help me to become the person i always wanted to be......The person that has been hiding inside herself all these years......I no longer wish to hide from life - but to enjoy - embrace - and live my life to the fullest.....I have wasted many years of my life being afraid and hiding ...I know now i had been hiding from emotions - closeness - and mostly from myself - afraid that if I was who I wanted to be - I would not be liked - I was afraid of rejection - This last 2 years I have learned alot ......


4/16/01 Have my appt with the phsychiatrist on April 24th....things are moving along ....now if i would only hear from the insurance company everything would be great.....my appt for the oxyflo is on May 2nd....my appt for nutritionist is May 3rd.

4/18/01 My list of reasons i want this surgery!!!!
1. Want to be able to wipe my own behind (a**)
2. Go up and down stairs without getting out of breath
3. More Energy
4. So the pain in my joints will not be as bad
5. To live longer
6. Be able to sit in a chair without breaking it
7. To feel better about myself
8. To be able to walk into a store and buy what i like
not just what fits.
9. So I can do more things
10. Want to wear sexy underwear :)
11. To fit behind the wheel of my car
12. So that when I cough or sneeze i won't pee myself
13. Want to see my feet
14. Want to be able to cross my legs
15. Want to be able to sleep on back or stomache if i
wish to
16. Don't want to end up in a wheel chair
17. Want to be able to walk through a store without
leaning or getting out of breath from walking
18. So my legs won't rub and wear out the crotch of
my pants
19. So i won't wear out the fronts of my shirts by
leaning on things
20. Want underwear to stay up and not ride down as i
21. To have shirts stay down and not ride up my belly
22. To be able to exercise
23. To be able to turn over at night without trouble
24. To be asked out on a date and not feel as if they
are pity dates
25. To be pain free with my gallbladder
26. Fit into restaraunt booths
27. To not be tired all the time
28. To look in a mirror and not
feel like a failure

4/18/01 Talked to Drs office today letter was sent to insurance on April 3rd......said i should hear by May 10th and if i don't to call and will have me talk to insurance coordinator ....

4/25/01 Went to Dr Paul Friday yesterday for my psyche evaluation.......it went well he said i needed to score at least 3.2...when he figured my score I was 6 so he is sending his referral to the surgeon.

5/08/01 Vanessa called today I have been approved for surgery will have a surgery date later this week................WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

5/21/01 Was called today ...surgery Date july 16, 2001

5/31/01 Had appt with PCP everything going well get the rest of the pretest done on June 11th.....looking forward to a new improved me !!!!!!!!

6/11/01 Had all pretesting done.....each day things are getting closer .....i am so glad i am doing this for myself ...I feel better mentally just knowing that i am doing things for me and not because someone wants me to do them .....My pre-op visit is June 29th ....i will need to tell my Dr about something that i never thought of ..there are times when i get real tired and light headed and feel as though i will pass out ..it never happens but someday i might not be lucky with that ...i never knew till the other day when that happens i get very white and ashen looking.....so I think i should mention it well enough for now .....

6/25/01 My pre-op visit is in a few days.....i am a little anxious depressed (about something else) and excited this time is coming up fast i am anxious and excited to get on the road to a new and better me ...i need this my conifidence has been improving but i know mentally this is what i need to truly become myself and gain the me i know i can be

7/14/01 Surgery in 2 days .....took bowel prep today mand is that stuff disgusting ....LOL..... take antibiotic tomorrow surgery will be at 11:45 on Monday morning the 16th...have to be there at 8:45 to check in .......I am so glad work and everybody there are supportive of this ....i will update as soon as possible after surgery

7/20/01 Had surgery 7-16-01 doing very well

7/22/01 still doing well ....i am surprised at how well i feel...going thusday the 26th to get drain out

7/26/01 got drain out today....had first solid food 1 scrambled egg took me 15 minutes to eat it but 3 hours later it came back up ...stay away from them for a few days....getting the drain out was a very weird feeling..it took my breath away--but so glad it is out the only pain i have is in the upper right just below the breast bone will have to ask about that next visit......got permission to return to work August 13th looking forward to it its boring staying at home LOL

8/07/01 Doing really good have lost 19lbs at last checkin not having to many problems with eating I find i am never hungry so i have to remind myself to eat ......I find sometimes i am afraid to eat afraid to put food in my mouth for fear of not losing weight ...I have talked to others and they have felt the same way but i must eat and at least get my proteins in ...for me thirst is the biggest problem even before the surgery I was always thirsty no i have to drink slower and boy is it hard i still tend to want to gulp and that is not a good feeling .......but i am feeling so much better and very glad i had this done

8/27/01 still doing real good have lost 25 lbs on a plateau but i have lost 17 inches ..have thrown up some and cannot tolerate meat products and pop ........will try to get pics on here soon

9/10/01 still on a plateau i am at 277 now wish i could break this plateau..........i am trying to increase my protein maybe that will help....i still can't tolerate red meats and pop is a definite YUCK i will stop by drs office on tuesday see if any more weight loss.....crossing my fingers.although i can tell in other ways i am feeling real good and walking is so much easier

9/17/01 276 lbs but have lost 21 inches now .....looking forward to fitting into even more of my smaller clothes i fit into my jeans that i have not worn in 2 yrs and still feeling great

10/02/01 265 lbs i am feeling real good and can't get over how my shape is changing ......

10/13/01 262 lbs i feel great i actually went down 2 underwear sizes and can wear a xlg top now

10/24/01 258 lbs i put on a pair of size 16w pants....made me feel great i was wearing 26w....i went from a 14 in underwear to a 10...and a 3xl top to an xlg......i feel great i still can't believe this is me ...i am having some trouble with being able to eat a little more i am feeling guilty about that so i am getting some counseling in order to handle it ....i know it will do me good and help me to adjust to my new self ...

11/19/01 Had my 4 month visit at the dr he is real pleased with my progress i am losing 12 lbs a month...down 50 in 4 months and 22 before so i am down 72#...he made the appt for my gall bladder to be taken out January 17th i will have it removed ..which will be good cause i have been having attacks lately.....bought a pair of pants off the rack in Penneys they were size large figured i would eventually fit into them i fit into them already WOOOOOHOOOOOO

12/10/01 I am down to 248 77# gone i am thrilled

12/25/01 i am at 244 81# gone forever

1/22/02 I am at 230 95# gone forever.. I had my gall bladder surgery thursday the 17th of january.....everything went real well surgery at 7:15 am i was home by 3pm....next appt Feb 1st........i am feeling so good i can even wear my daughters size 20 jeans :)

3/24/02 I got a new outfit its a size large....made me feel great.....my weight loss is slow but at least its coming off...i am down 100 now ....and feel great

4/13/02 Depression has set in cause I lost my job the end of February......need to work this out cause i find i want to eat again ....guess thats one thing that i still have to work on

4/27/02 Dr put me back on daily prozac instead of weekly ...it definitely made a big difference.....feeling better less depressed still looking for work .....i am now down 104 lbs

7/17/02 as of yesterday 1 yr since my surgery i am down 121 lbs...feeling real good.....still have 59 to lose but i know i can do it....i am into a size 18 ...fitting into some size 16's.......i have found a new job and i love it .things are looking good ...eventually my whole life will be the way i want it .right now though its really good with the weight loss ....I want to THANK Dr Schauer and his staff for giving me a chance at a life i thought i would never see again

10/05/02 I have lost 130 lbs and i am feeling great ..will try to update more often

2/02/03 I have been at a stand still with my weight for the last 4 months .....trying to keep the optimism up about losing the last 50 lbs...i am down to a size 16...its great i can walk into a store and just buy off the rack....Guess my trying to update more often didn't work LOL

6/28/03 Still been at the standstill in my weight have not lost have not gained ....guess I have to be happy were i am at now....Size 16 and feeling good

About Me
Oil City, Pa
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2001
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March 2002

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