Well my story is one that i am sure everyone is familar with.....I have been heavy all of my life...since I can remember.   I can actually pin point when my weight began to get out of control.  I was 9 years old and my parents went through a nasty divorce.  I had no one to talk to about what was going on and my parents were to focused on the hate that they had for each other to realize that I was having a hard time.  So food became my comfort and before I knew it I kept eating and eating.....I remeber going shopping in high school and realizing I was a size 24.  I was so depressed...I tried crash diets, starving myself, and other methods to loose weight.  Some worked, but I gained it all back and then some.  After I graduated from high school my weight got worse, I was up to 335 pounds and a size 28.   I was devistated....I was diabetic, had high blood presure, and was diagnosed with  PCOS.   I decided that I needed to get healthy... and went on the Atkins diet... and was able to loose 30 pounds.  Then in 2005 I made some huge changes.....My friend was getting married and my bridesmaid dress was a size 24 and was super tight.  I hired a personal trainer and listened to everything that she told me...and was able to loose 80 ounds with her.  In 2007 my trainer relocated and I was left on my own....I had surgery in 2008 for a injured roator cuff and put back on 40 pounds. Once I was able to resume my workouts I tried to loose the weight I had put on...but was not succesful.  My diabetes is returning and I refuse to go back to where I was.  That is when I made the decision to proceed with weight loss surgery.  I made the decision to not let food run my life....I will run my life!  I think that one huge step was to work on letting go the hurt that I had from my parents divorce.  The only other piece of advice is that it is important to undergo a support group when loosing weight.  During my inital weight loss I was having a very ard time with my new body image.  My mind was still stuck in viewing me a heavy....I encourage people to go talk with people who can relate to how your feeling!

About Me
May 14, 2009
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