(3/4/02) Tonight was the Education Class. It was a very informative class. Overwhelming, in fact. The instructor left some to be desired however. We were provided a book to review with all kinds of details of what will be happening. I met some people having the surgery the same day, or real close to it.

3/5/02) Today I had my pre-op appt with the Dr, as well as the Nutrition Clas and the Wellness Workshop. My pre-op weight today was 258 (yuk). They told us all to make sure that we were prepared to get our pictures taken. Wouldn't you know it - they forgot to take mine! The nutritionist was great. She gave us lots of ideas and made us all feel real comfortable with calling with any questions. I'm excited now! A bunch of us went to lunch together, since we were all put on a pre-op diet (Atkins or protein shakes), and it would be our last meal. It was nice to have some friends that would be with me in the hospital.

3/20/02) Today was my surgery day. What a fun, but not-so-fun day. I hate needles, so I put off doing the pre-screening with the hospital (that was dumb). They had to do a blood gas, preg test and the IV and they all came in at once. I was ready to get up and go home at that point. But, that was done and I was all better. From then on, I just waiting until it was my turn. I remember seeing 2:48 on the clock and I was out. I woke up in my room about 8ish, very happy to see my family. Where's my morphene?

3/21/02) The day after. I had my upper GI early this morning (nasty stuff), but no leaks (YEAH!!!). Then, back to my room for my breakfast (if that's what you call that liquid stuff). I walked a few times throughout the day, but was not up to even saying hello to my friends in the rooms next door.

3/22/02) What a difference a day makes! The IV and attachments were gone & I felt so much better today. Oh Yeah, I got to shower today for the first time (what a relief). I was able to walk much easier and able to say hi to all my friends. The morphene was making me sick on the pump so I rarely used it. Then, they gave me the morphene pills today (I only took 1 because I didn't want to be "goofy" like the IV made me). It gave me a rash on my face and chest. KEEP AN EYE FOR THAT - SEVERAL PEOPLE HAD THAT HAPPEN. If it does, ask to be switched to a different drug. They gave me Darvocet and I was a happy camper!

3/23/02) WOW! I feel like a new woman. I woke up, got myself up and walked more in the hall then I had the whole time so far. By the time my family was there, I was in my room chatting with a friend and we were just happy happy people. Next thing I knew the doctor was there asking me if I wanted to go home. YES!! He pulled the drain tube (not the G-tube, the other one) and told me I was clear to go home. Very happy. I got my stuff and went home!

3/24/02) I'm a post-op now! I got home yesterday from the hospital (after 4 days including surgery date). I'm happy it's finally done and now I'm on the other side. My words of advice to anyone considering it - go with support to help you. I had met 2 people having it the same day and 2 people having it 2 days later, as well as another I met (via the chat room on this site) having surgery on the same day. It was very nice to have my family visit with support as well as being able to be each other's support members while in the hospital together. (PS - I've lost 12 lbs since I started my pre-op diet on 3/5) Today's weight - 246.

3/25/02) I went to work today. DON'T DO THAT. I was determined that I was the one that was going to break the mold and be back on my feet the next week. I got there at 9 and was fine, but by 11, my head was spinning and I went home. I told them I would be back next week - but we will see. Work was not a smart idea!!!

3/26/02) Support meeting was tonight. I was glad to be there, but they had a special speaker and there wasn't much of a "support meeting" (not a good speaker either). Anyway, they had the important scale - Today's weight - 238 (that's down 20 lbs from 3/5/02 - YIPPIE).

4/2/02) G-Tube is out!!! I'm now 231.5 lbs (down 25.5). I'm a happy camper. The G-tube thing was rather annoying - it never drained for me, but just kept flopping around in my way.

However, my problem now is because of the other incisions. I had to change the bandages all the time (why I don't know - only 1 or 2 ever leaked) and my skin is real raw from removing the first aid tape. Any suggestions on how to make that better?

4/9/02) Nothing new & exciting, but I thought it was time to update. During the week I went to Publix and decided to use their scale to weigh myself. I didn't expect any change - but I was surprised. It said I had gained 4 lbs! What - how did that happen? Very upset - I contacted my support buddies and they all told me not to rely on Publix and wait a few days. This morning I tried my home scale and PUBLIX SCALE LIES!!! What a relief! I have only lost about 1 or 2 lbs this week, but that's ok - better than gaining 4. I will update again after my one-month checkup next week (and nutrition class - good, I need food ideas).

4/15/02) - Tax Season is over. Yeah!!! (Yes, I'm an accountant).

4/16/02) - One month checkup and nutrition class today. I am down 37.5 lbs now. I got some new ideas for food today, which helped a lot. I'm feeling great today and I get so excited talking to others at the Dr. office. It's so motivating. I'm getting ready to go on a cruise and I have to go buy new clothes. The ones that I have no longer fit. Imagine that - it's only been one month!

5/29/02) - Ok, so it's been longer than I wanted to wait in order to update.  Been busy getting into my new life. As of today, I'm down to 207.5 (total loss 50.5 lbs). I was doing great. All was well until day after my 1-month checkup. I got the thrush thing and I've been fighting it for almost 3 weeks now. After several different medications, I think it's finally gone. Yeah!! Now back to life. Throughout this - work suffered and I finally took 2 weeks off just to recover thoroughly. I'm at 2 meals a day now and drinking my water. Trying real hard to add meal #3, but it isn't happening. Im so tired of protein, but that's all I can have at this point, so I have to deal with it. The pictures I've been taking are amazing. I have to start a scrap book real soon.

6/8/02) I am so close to getting below the 200 mark - it is so great. I can't wait to get there. As of today, I'm down to 200.5 lbs. I don't know why that .5 lbs always sticks around. That's a loss so far of 57.5 lbs. I'm a happy camper! Tuesday, I have my 3 month appt (even though it's only actually 2 1/2 months). Hopefully, by then I will have lost another lb so that I can be under the 200 mark. Boy that would be so awesome!!! I can't believe what an amazing change in such a short period.

7/10/02) I've made it. I'm finally below 200 lbs. I have been so busy lately that I haven't updated.  I've been planning our wedding renewal and that's quite a task. 10 years already. WOW! Pre-surgery, I would only look at my wedding dress and wish that it would still fit. Now, I still wish it would fit, except that now it's too big instead of too small. :-) I have to have it altered so it will fit me. With all of this, I forgot to take my 3 month pictures - DUH!!! 10 more days and I'll be 4 months post op - and I'm down 72 lbs (57% of excess weight). This is such an exciting adventure.

8/20/02) The wedding renewal was beautiful, and I can't believe that it really happened. The wedding dress was altered and they had to take it in 4 inches. I can't believe it. However, I guess the stress of all of that, plus normal daily stuff threw me off quite a bit. I had gotten to a point that I would only eat 1 meal a day. And, if that wasn't bad enough - it was only about 1 oz. Obviously, I knew this wasn't good, but was too scared to tell my Dr. Finally, when I went to get my B-12 shot, I told someone (one week ago today). They immediately made an appt for me with my Dr for today. I was very nervous because I thought he would put me back in the hospital. However, I guess the nerves scared me back to where I should be. I started eating 3 times a day (most days) and I'm drinking 40-64 oz of water a day (he's not happy there - wants it 64 or over, but I'm working on it). Now, that I know I'm ok and not going back in the hospital, I'm much happier. So, I have to constantly think about what I'll eat next, but at least I'm doing it. :-) I'm down now 87 lbs, and I'm no longer a plus size woman. I have trouble shopping because I don't know where to go - I've been plus size since I was a teenager. Happy Happy Me.

10/3/02) Wow, so much is happening now. We have put our apt for sale, and have a contract pending. Our closing date is coming up hopefully on the 18th. We are moving to Asheville, North Carolina. That will be exciting - it's so beautiful up there. However, I'm scared. What about my doctor? I know that I can (and will) come back for the annual checkups, but it's not the same. I still want the monthly support group meetings and the comfort of knowing the doctor is around the corner when needed. Call me a baby - but it's that comfort thing. As of now, I'm down 97 lbs. Only 3 more until I break the 100 mark. It's so amazing. I just bought some t-shirts that are a size 8/10, and a really comfy dress that is a size 8 (however pants are still a 10 or 12). Well, I'm off to packing for now. I probably will be in another state at the next update.

11/11/02) As predicted, I'm in another state now. I've moved to North Carolina. I didn't realize all that has changed in the past month. I'm over the 100 lb mark - actually at 103 gone at the last check - it may be more now. I'm down in clothing sizes I know. My size 10 pants are now pretty baggy, and I tried on an 8 pair today that fit great. My top 1/2 is smaller and it's more along the lines of a 6. It feels so weird to put that in one digit numbers. I'm now considering plastic surgery to remove excess skin. Off to start looking up information...

12/14/02) Well North Carolina is quite a switch from Florida. We had 6 inches of snow a few weeks ago (gone already). It was neat being able to play in the snow with my family. I'm so used to being on the sidelines, not actively involved. What a switch! I went shopping for clothes for a Christmas party and boy was I surprised. I found a really pretty skirt in a size 10, so I bought it thinking it would be ok. It wasn't! I finally found another one that fit, and it's a size 6. WOW! The topper is this one - I bought some pants at a thrift store (love those stores now) for my husband several months back. They are a size 29 (yes he is small). Anyway, he took one look at them and told me that they were ladies jeans, not mens. I apologized and put them in a box. As we are still unpacking, I found them in a box and thought - what the heck, I'll try. Guess what? They fit!!! Made the hubby do a double take. :-) I am starting to get used to the new me. Finally!

1/1/2003) HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE It's 2003, and I can't believe that it's been 9 months already since I've had this amazing surgery. I'm down to about 142 now (total loss 116 lbs) I'm getting my hair back, but it's peachfuzz coming in - very weird. Best of luck to anyone reading this. Life is amazing after surgery.

6/18/03) Wow! I can't believe it's been 6 months since I've updated this. Let's see - what's new... Weight is still the same. I just need to get this skin removed. Abracadrabra - shucks that didn't work. I'm currently researching plastic surgeons that could possibly get this extra skin off so that I can really appreciate the new me. I'm tempted to call that show - Extreme Makeover, but haven't quite done it.

I'm now 1 year and 3 months out and Yes, I still have eating problems. I went today for an endoscopy and found out that I have an ulcer. The opening was the right size, but the ulcer is not a good thing. I'm too young to have an ulcer!!! Hopefully, the biopsy is ok and it will heal. I pray that it does. Once this is taken care of, maybe I can start eating correctly again - what a concept!

7/15/04) It's been ages since I've visited this website and updated my profile. I'm now 2 years, 4 months post-op. In September of last year, my husband and I decided to try and get pregnant, but we would take our time. It took 5 years to get pregnant with my first, so we weren't expecting any rush. I was pregnant the first month. The pregnancy was exciting with its ups and downs - mostly because local doctors in Asheville are not familiar with the WLS surgery. I did have bad problems with pain from adhesions - to the point I couldn't walk, but it was all worth it in the end.  I had a healthy baby boy on 5/19 and he's adorable. Unfortunately, I now have to battle the extra weight that I gained during the pregnancy. I'm currently at 152, and I started at 145, but I want to be down to 133 (my original goal). I hope I can remember the right way to do things to get back to that weight.

11/1/05) Ok, so I'm horrible at updating my profile. 3 years and 8 months later, I've now had my second baby (9/8) since my WLS (third baby total) and my kids are great. I was always terrified that the WLS would hinder my pregnancies and it didn't in any way. Now, I have to get off all the weight that I gained with baby #1, plus the weight from baby #2. Thankfully, between both of them it's only about 25 lbs to get to my original goal, but that's still a long way away. Going back to exercising as soon as my pain stops from baby delivery. :-)

5/5/06) Babies are doing great, but the weight remains. This is very depressing. I'm officially going back on my protein diet and vitamins and water tomorrow - I hope. I keep saying that, but not doing it.  Right now, I'm up to about 173 lbs which makes me want to cry. I want to be 133 - so 40 lbs to go. Pray for me!


(11/25/06)  Ok - nothing lost in the last 6 months.  Instead, I've actually gained some more.  My kids have faced multiple challenges and I haven't focused on myself at all.  I'm trying to change that now and goal is to stay focused and lose a little at a time.  Current weight 181 and very sad and depressed.

(11/20/07) I just typed all this, then somehow deleted it.  UGH!  Anyway, back in Feb, I said I've had enough when my weight got back up to 174 on 2/1/07.  I started using SparkPeople for the food/water tracker to see what I was eating.  I started removing some of the junk and drinking lots of water.  I lost 7 lbs the first week and got down to 170.5 by 3/18/07.  However, for some reason I stopped trying at that point.  We went on vacation in Florida and I guess I never kept it up when we got back.  I wanted to be smaller for vacation and was disappointed that I wasn't so I guess depression over diet made me stop.

Anyway, on 10/10/07, 174 lbs,  I decided enough is enough and really put myself back in gear.  Now, I was tracking food/water/vitamins and even exercise.  That was new for me.  After a while, my kids started joining me too.  My 9 year old is starting to do my nightly crunches with me and my 2 year old sits on me while I do mine.  She gets a fun ride and I get an even better workout.  Great for all of us!  I even survived all the Halloween candy (candy corns are a big downfall for me) So-slowly-I am losing the weight again and as of today, my current weight is 161.5.  Hope to get through Thanksgiving without eating too much. 

(12/23/08)  What a year!  This year has been a major challenge for my family.  My family all has medical issues (I'm the healthy one!) and it's been a challenging year.  Hopefully we'll all have a better year in 2009. 

This year started with me following my eating habits great and in February, I was back down in the 150s.  YAHOO!  I had so many compliments and was really feeling great. But...Things went downhill after that and stress got the best of me.  I'm eating whatever I can whenever I can because I'm always on the go.  With a large family, many Dr appts, and only one car, and one driver (me) it's been a rough year. My hubby finally got his license back recently and that helps tremendously but he is also disabled now and unable to work.  Waiting for disability is crazy.  But, we wait-and wait some more.  We've moved our family in with relatives and thought this would be the worst Christmas ever but God has stepped in and provided us with some Christmas relief that is just unbelievable, so we know that the kids will be happy.

My weight however is not a happy thing. I'm now 192 and again I'm addicted to caffeine.  I try to stop drinking my caffeine and get terrible headaches.  I have to get control back and wean off this caffeine too. I have renewed our membership at the YMCA, which is great for everyone.  Unfortunately, for the past month, I'm having major pains on my left side that my Dr has not been able to figure out, so I can't go to the Y-I can barely move.  We did take the kids today so they could enjoy themselves but all I could do was watch, even though I wanted to go do something productive.  Wish me luck in this journey of ups and downs since it's never-ending, at least not in my world. 

About Me
Tallahassee, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 08, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre-Op Picture - March 2002
8 mo later - 108 lbs gone forever!!!

Friends 7

Latest Blog 3
Trying Again to get Back On Track
Back on Track
