I have been overweight the majority of my life.  There is a very small window of time when I was in High School, that I remember not being overweight.  But even that didn't last long.  I remember my prom dress was a size 18.

Over the years, I feel like I have tried everything to loose weight.  The thing that always seemed to work for me was simply counting calories (in and out).  Despite my weight, I still progressed in my career after college.  The reason I say "despite my weight" is because I was in a outside sales position that was full of men.  If you were female, you typically had a cheerleader body....I didn't! 

In 2006, I lost about 60lbs.  I felt great and loved exercising!  The eating right changed because I was exercising.  It allowed me to go back to some of the foods I loved before while still losing because of the exercising.  Then the unexpected happened.  At the age of 28, I formed a blood clot in my leg!  I was told that I have Factor V Leiden, a blood clotting disorder.  My clot was brought on by extra hormones in my system from birth control pills.  Now the exercising stopped (per doctors orders, just not as much time as I took)!!  I started gaining weight again! 

Its July 2011.....My weight is out of control.  I can tell you all the hundreds of things I have tried over the years, but I won't.  The think that worked the best was just counting calories.  Its all about calories in, calories out for me!!  I just can't seem to get there. 

I have never wanted to do surgery.  I looked at it as an easy way out (don't get mad at me).  Now that I have researched it, I know that this is the best option for me.  Every diet I do, I lose but then gain back plus some!  I want to be healthy.  I want to have energy to exercise.  I want to live a longer life and have children!!

I will be blogging thoughout my journey.....follow me along if you would like!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2011
Member Since

Friends 13
