Marilyn C. 22 years ago

Dear Paula... What a story you have! Thank you so much for e-mailing me. We all need as much support as we can get. I was wondering, does your state have medicare waiver? That is where medicare pays what they will allow and medicaide pays the rest. You certainly are disabled with all your illnesses. Call medicaide and see if they have any options for you. I can't see why you would not qualify. There are also other doctors. You may have to travel a bit it may be worth it. Have you looked at the surgeons part of this web site? I guess you tell that I wish you could be successful in getting the surgery that would give you your health back. Somehow you are making the most of your situation and motiviting others. There will be something good in store for you. Keep up the hard work on the road you are following. You will be in my prayers also. God Bless you now and in the future. With love..Marilyn PS Richard Simmons is known for helping people that are having such a hard time with their weight and their health. Try to find him on the internet and contact him with your story.

Carolyn L. 22 years ago

Hi Paula, I just want to wish you the very best on your surgery. Take care and God Bless. {{{HUGS}}}

L. Brown 22 years ago

Paula, you are doing such a great job keeping the other people here busy filling up others pages with well wishes and prayers. I just don't understand why you always say you are not their "angel". Yes, you are. Maybe they did not officially list you as their angel, but your actions indicate that you are their "angel". Good job! You are an amazing angel.

Beth P. 22 years ago

Hi Paula, Thank you for your support. Im getting excited about the surgery, 6 day's to go. I hope you get a date soon also. Take Care and God Bless. Beth Perry

Chelli 22 years ago

Hi Paula: Thank you so much for your prayers. I look forward to reading that you have a surgery date. All my best to you.

shubaby 22 years ago

Hi Paula....I'm a Medicare receipent also...awaiting a surgery date. I am originally from Harrison, Mi. having just moved to Fl. last fall. Anyhow, I too have to pay up front the surgeons fee....because he says Medicare often denies the surgeons fee, however does pay the hospital. I have dug into the pocket and am going forth with this...I'm not a young chicky (68/B.D. 17 July) and need to lose weight...have had many problems associated with obesity. Give me an e-mail at [email protected]. There's other Drs. that you might want to check out with. Hope to hear from are a brave lady ! Bonnie

Suzanne M. 22 years ago

Hi Paula. May God bless and keep you safe on your journey to the other side.

mbenoit268 22 years ago

Hi Paula, I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up what you are doing. I will pray that doors keep being opened for you. God be with you.

Cherie L. 22 years ago

Paula, I hope you get a surgery date real soon. Good luck and God Bless. Take care!

Lora B. 22 years ago

Hi Paula, Thank you for posting on my surgery page.I pray God will work everything out for you.May he keep you safe in his arms until you have surgery.I pray when you do have your surgery he'll give you a complication free surgery and a speedy recovery.May he also give you good nurses and the best of care.God bless you,Love in christ,LOL
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Mar 01, 2002
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