March 20th 2007

Mar 20, 2007

Well.. I spoke too soon...My hubby went back to work for a day & after his Dr appt that day, he was told to stay out of work another week. So now he goes back tomorrow.   I can't wait to open all these windows & air my house out. It smells like an ashtray..GROSS... Don't get me wrong I Love him, I just can't stand his 2 pack a day habbit, not to mention smoking in my house is nasty to me. How bad is it that people you hardly know think your a smoker because you always smell of cigerettes... YES thats a true story that happned to me.
  Anyhow enough of my  husband BITCHING...

I'm down to 190, size 18  , I know it could be more if I could just get controll of my snacking...eating only 3 meals of only 4 oz of meat it hard. I did it the first few days after seeing the DR, so I need to keep trying.
~~  Thanks for reading. ~~

March 12th, 2007

Mar 12, 2007

OMG... 1st day of Spring Break & I'm ready for my kids to go back to school....LOL.
Yesterday they had this brain storm to get our trampoleon wet & add dish soap & slip & slide & get all soapy (We have a net around it). So they all had a blast.  I go out to do laundry last night only to find they left the hose, NOT ONLY ON.....BUT INSIDE my garage, so my whole garage was filled w/ water.  So thats been fun cleaning that up.

On another note my DR diet has been working. I'm down to 192.  Yesterday was a bad food choice day. I went to my in laws for a pool party & they always have chip & dip sitting out, I didn't do too well avoiding them, but today is another day.

 Hubby finally went back to work today.... Now only If only I can make it thru this Spring Break with my 3 kiddies.

March 5th 2007

Mar 05, 2007

I saw my DR today, it wasnt as bad as I thought. He was not mean, he just told me to quit snacking, only eat 3 meals a day each meal should be 2/3 cup of protein, like meat, eggs, fish and cheese. So my next appt. in May, I should be in the 160's/170's...WoW.. I can only imagine. I am 197 today.

March 2nd, 2007

Mar 01, 2007

Well it's been a long 3 weeks. My hubby's insision got infected on Monday & by the time he got to the DR on Tuesday it was so bad they had to cut it to drain all the infection....right there in the office. I was starving before the appt, while there were cutting & hubby was in pain crying, I had to leave & vomit in the bathroom...needless to say I was sick to my stomach most of they day..YUCK.
So he was suppossed to go back to work on Tuesday & then they said now at least another week..ARRRR I was sooo looking forward to him going back to work. All he has been doing around here is playing his computer & laying in his recliner, filling up the TIVO with all his court Tv shows & smoking cigarettes..yeah my house reaks of it right now... I can't stand cigarette smoke & the fact that he smokes one right after another now is discusting.

ok enough with that...

I weigh 197 today, I see Dr Overcash on Monday, & not looking forward to that...seeing he wanted me to be in the 180's by then.  O well I'll just have to try harder to get my protein & water in.

February 25th, 2007

Feb 25, 2007


I weighed in today at 198.....
It's a GREAT feeling.
Thank You GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 19th, 2007

Feb 19, 2007

Hello, Not much happening here. I am down to 202 pounds.  My husband had hernia surgery last Tuesday the 13th. So I have been tending to him as well as my 3 kids, so it's been a busy week. & by the looks of my callender this week it looks to be the same, seeing my husband will be out another week from work...Thank GOD he gets paid for his time off.
 I keep getting all these bills in from my surgery now that were not expected. I havent gotten the chance to call Aetna, when there open to go over them.
I have decided that I am going to have to get my other foot operated on. It still hurts when I walk on it for longer periods, like in the mall.  We want to take the kids somewhere special for Spring Break Next month & then were going to the KEYS in the summer, so I'm gonna plan on having surgery April, so I can  go to next month & then be all healed before the Keys trip. It took a little over a month to be able to walk without crutches on my last foot surgery. I told myself I wouldnt get the foot surgery again, because it was such a long hard recovery time, when you have 3 kids & 2 dogs & are not able to walk for a's rough.
Well that it for now, I hope the next time I post I will be in ONEDERLAND  )) FINGERS CROSSED ((

February 12th, 2007

Feb 11, 2007

My neice's 16th birthday is today. She was the 1st born kids/grandchildren, I can't believe she is already 16. WE are surprising her at Olive Garden tonight, so that will be fun.

I have been stuck at 205 the past week and a half. I took measurements last night & have lost 42 inches total.  I have my DR appt. the 2nd week of March & he wanted me to be down to like 188 by then. I don't know if I will be able to loose that much before then, so hopefully he won't get to mad at me, because then I will just be mad at myself & get all depressed about it.   

February 4th, 2007

Feb 04, 2007

Just uploaded 2 new pictures. This is a little over 2 months post op, with a 55lb weight loss. :0)

February 2nd, 2007

Feb 01, 2007

Hello, The scale is down to 206 this morning.. OMG I still can't believe it.  Thats 53 lbs gone in a little over 2 months.. WOW. 

A good friend of mine Laura will be having a gastric bypass  Feb. 28th 2007. I so excited for her. She used to live up the street from me & moved  to Georgia last summer, so I'm a little sad I can't be there to help her out during those 1st crappy days/weeks, that I can remember so well :0)

I'm still not exercising like I should be, my foot is still painful, when I am on it for awhile, but I am walking more than I have in years. I notice I park farther away now, before I would try & circle the parking lot until a close spot came up, now I park further little things like that.

OMG 6 more pounds till ONEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!

Jan. 28th 2007

Jan 27, 2007

YEAH... My scale is moving again. It said 210 this morning... OMG that means I am 1 lb away from loosing 50 lbs. I am starting to beliveve that I can actually DO THIS. I am getting better at protein, not 60 grams a day, but better than before. I am not getting a gal. of water a day, but I give it my best every day. My vitamins...well I take them most days, but I tend to forget alot, & the fact they dont taste very good doesnt help...So I need to work on that. WEll I guess thats it. Thanks for reading!!

About Me
Lake Mary, FL
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2006
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FEB. 15th, 2008
Jan. 23, 2008
Jan. 2, 2008
