My surgery...My story

Dec 06, 2011

I got to the hospital with my wonderful husband in tow at about 0620 on November 30,2011. I went in and finished registering and then by 0630 OR prep nurse took me from hubby and said I will see him in about an hour. Well during that hour I met alot of wonderful people who were important parts of Dr. Browns team there at the hospital. Danny was my OR nurse and he was great! Not bad looking either :o) The one thing I really liked about this hospital is it is a training hospital so with me having been a prior EMT and CNA I was more than happy to let any student work on me and help out, because in my eyes they need to learn too! I did have an RN student in the OR with me that I met he was really nice and he thanked me like 10 times for allowing him to do that. (No he didn't get to work on me, he only got to watch) and then the whole time I was in the hospital I think I met every student there, up in my room my nurse was an RN student from Colorado Tech (same college Adam goes too) and I even ran into an EMT-student got to mess with him alittle!  Ok back to the rest of my story!


Well the surgery started a few minutes after 0800 and lasted 4 hours. I woke up in my room with my wonderful husband saying "hi Dawn" standing there and within second (could of been longer) my dad, Aaron and Matt showed up to see me too! I was very groggy so I had no clue what was going on. All I hear then is my mother in law saying hi to me too, next thing I know my whole room is filled with people! it was alot for me to take in  I guess they said I just smiled at everyone and went back to sleep. I was in and out most of the day and everyone left except my dear Adam. About 1730 I asked if I can sit in the chair since I was awake and my nurse was more than willing, well needless to say I sat there for 2 1/2 hours that night. I finally went to bed when Adam left to come home for the night. He said he needed to get Aaron in bed at a decent hour since things won't be normal for him for a few days. I had a good night only asked for pain meds a few times, but got to sit on the side of my bed a few times that night aswell.


Well here it was December 1st, mine and Adams 11th wedding anniversary! bright at 0800 here walks in my honey with my new book from Debbie McComber. I was so excited to see him and my new book. Well today they want me to get up and go walking and try to be up and moving. Well I did manage to get up and walk all around the ICU and that seemed like it took me 2 days! Man I was in alot of pain! and I sat up all day, I took turns between my chair and the side of the bed alot. Adam and I had a nice anniversary, he stayed the night there with me (even though he didn't get hardly any sleep)


Well here it is Friday! I got woke up at 0400! WTH I was sleeping! But since I didn't ask for meds all night my nurse woke me to see if I wanted any...ummmmmmmmmmmm HELLO? if I was sleeping I was fine don't you think??????? I just don't understand that kind of thinking! well needless to say I was awake so I just got into my chair and started watching HSN (not that the TV ever really got changed it was either QVC or HSN while I was there) and well needless to say when your awake at 0400 everything they are selling looks good! Thank god I only ordered 2 items this Well Adam finally work up not sure of the time because the poor guy was up and down most of the So Adam went down for some food and I went in for my swallow. We both got back around the same time (I think) and then we waited.....we had already ordered my O2 because we knew that was coming home with me since my levels were are down when I'm resting. now we just had to wait to see if I passed the swallow and for my O2 to get there...well we got word I passed the swallow now just waiting for O2 company well that took 3 more hours! once they got there we were released! It was a long hour bumpy drive. Once home Adam got me all settled in and he went to the mall to get me a new pillow and he stopped off to fill my meds.


So far my days have been both good and bad, I have found that YES a snack cup of jello is for 2 meals or it will kill me right now....and if I don't eat every 2 hours I will get sick and be very light headed....these are just a couple of things I have learned. The best one we learned was...ok this is a warning spot if you don't want to read something kinda gross and nasty I'm giving you time to move to the ***** area!



!!!!!! LAST CHANCE!!!!!!!!

ok well the other night Adam (if anyone knows him you know he watches over me very well) said its been 2 days since you had a bowel movement so let me give you some Milk of Magnesia,  well Adam gave me 1 tablespoon of MOM and well within an hour OMG, Adam had just walked over to his moms to get Aaron and lets just put it this way I had no clue what had hit me! It was everywhere poor Adam is all I have to say, poor Adam! I got out of the shower after that mess and knew to NEVER and I mean NEVER take 1 tablespoon of Milk of Magnesia ever again!



*********this is the safe spot!*********


Every day is a learning thing for us. just hope it doesn't kill me first!


About Me
Pueblo, CO
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2010
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