5 months post-op- Down 76 lbs!

Jan 15, 2009

Well im 3 days away from being 5 months post-op. Ive been very busy lately. School is great and I just found out I have a 3.5 GPA! Woo awesome! Its keeping me really busy but I love it. I loved being a stay at home momma and being with my son, but I was so bored and really needed to get out there. I just went to see the surgeon last week and everything is going good. I was told that I need to be taking bariactic advantage vitamins now instead of the ones they told us to take 3 months ago.. soo waiting for those to come in. My surgeon was happy with my weight loss, but isnt happy with me because I havent been excercising.. much. Im alittle upset about it because things are very tough right now(money wise) and dont have the money to spend on a gym and he told me that walking isnt enough.. and also when we decided to have the surgery we were promised a years membership to a gym in our town and when we went back for our 2 week post-op appointment they told us they just stopped giving them.. it really pisses me off! but whatever.. MY weight loss has really slowed this month.. ive lost about 10 lbs in 2 months.. not good. But im hoping it will speed up again. My mom is now at 144 and is wearing size 8s. My dad is now down to 212 and looks amazing. His pants are always falling down. Im now down to 250 and down 6 lbs this week since being at the surgeons. AWESOME! im wearing 18s. I was realy excited to go buy jeans at Old Navy and got some 20s that fit me pretty good, and I tried the 18s on and they didnt even come close to zipping up. Now 2 weeks later those jeans are HUGE on me and falling down, but the 18s still dont fit me.. Ugh it really is annoying. But cool too. When I started school I started at a size 2x scrubs and im now in just an extra large. Its really cool.. Anyways, that is that. Ill put a couple pictures up of me 3 weeks ago, and then in the next week or so ill put some newer ones up. Thanks. Oh its 76 lbs since surgery and 102 lbs down since 6 months! WOOOOHOO

Pre-op                2            3          4          5

Bust- 50              44        44          44     44
Stomach-58        50        50         46     46
Hips- 59               54        54         50     50
Thighs-28            26        26         24     23
Arms-18              14        14          14     13

2 friggin inches this month.. boo! but 37 inches all together.


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 06, 2008
Member Since

Friends 50

Latest Blog 36
3 months post-op
2 months post-op 70 lbs down from July!
