Pre op nutrition class tomorrow

Mar 18, 2009

Well...I am one step closer to my surgery day.  Tomorrow I am off with my hubby to do my pre op nutrition class.  I hope I can keep everything straight in my noggin.  The nervousness is coming now....wish me luck!



Mar 12, 2009

APRIL 20th!!!!!!! I am really nervous right now but I think part of that is knowing that it will be here before I know it!! Got the testing scheduled for April 6th and waiting on a call back for my pre op nutrition class.  I just cant believe that it will be this soon before I am on the losing side!!! WOOHOO!!!


Mar 11, 2009

I have been approved!!!!  March 11th is a turn around day! I'm turning around to start my new life!  My husband and kids are a wonderful support group and I know I will succeed with them beside me!  The surgeons office told me that my surgery will probably be mid May.  Will keep you posted!
1 comment

On its way!!

Feb 28, 2009

Well...the resubmit is at the insurance as of yesterday...the surgeons office promisedme that she wouldnt leave for home on Friday until they were sent to the insurance....going to call on Monday to make sure they received them. Keep your fingers crossed for me!  Hopefully with it being a resubmit it will only take a couple of weeks...thats what I have been told from others at my husbands company. 
So trying to brace myself for the worst but praying for the best.

Ok on my way again....

Feb 10, 2009

So my family doctor is getting his report and letter done this week and sending it to the surgeons office.  I contacted the nutritionist to let her know that we are getting ready to resubmit.  I contacted the surgeons office and told them that my family doctor should be sending his report and letter this week plus I sent them my personal letter to the doctor that denied me the first time around.  I have been afraid to get my hopes up this time but its SO hard not to!! Then when the surgeons office emailed me telling to that they are confident that I will be approved this time....its really hard! So trying to be patient....please keep your fingers, toes, legs, arms and even your eyes crossed for me!  I will let you all know what I find out....just anxious for it to get to the insurance so I can start bugging them!! LOL!
Thanks for all of your support!

Down in the dumps

Jan 15, 2009 I have gone to 4 doctor appointments and the 5th one is tomorrow morning.  They werent trained correctly on the add on for the scales so my weight has just bounced around so I'm not sure what I have actually done except my beginning weight was 390 at the surgeons office and last month it was 383....but now with the holidays who knows....I told my husband that I cant get my hopes up like I did in the beginning with the insurance approval but he got upset with me and told me that I was giving up.  He wants me to succeed because he knows how much I want it and of course need it but he is so much stronger willed then I am.  I am going to still keep on trying to get through this but I am so scared they will turn me down once again....
Thanks for listening...


Fighting my way through....

Aug 19, 2008

Well, I got the letter from the insurance and it said that I had to have 6 monthly doctor visits.  So I had my first one on the 12th but of course he couldnt weigh me because it was the standard scales that most doctors use....but....he said they could get a counterweight to add to their scales to weigh me...they had one in their last office but it got lost in the move.  My husband also changed PCP so he went this past Friday to renew medications and do the initial visit and the nurse told me that she found the counter she could weigh me!!! I lost SEVEN pounds since July 3rd! So I am on my way!


Aug 07, 2008

Well, last Thursday  was a really hard  day for me.  I called  the  insurance and they told me that I had been denied.  He read me the  letter they were sending me and it said the ONLY reason they denied me is because I didnt OFFICIALLY go through a weight loss program with a doctor overseeing my progress each month!  I went through the  Weight Watchers and Curves but my doctor didnt see me once a month so in turn  they denied me.  So I was pretty upset but got up on Friday, decided that they werent going to beat I found a PCP that is  WLS friendly and I will go  through the  6 months like they want and submit to them again.


Jul 25, 2008

Well, yesterday I got a letter from the surgeon's office telling me that they submitted to the insurance.  I got on the phone and called insurance and they said they had just received it yesterday (which would have been Wednesday).  I asked about a time frame on a decision and they said they would send me and the surgeon both a letter.  I told them I wasnt very patient so I would probably be calling back and she asked for me to give them until Monday.  I tried calling back today to see if there was an automated system that would tell me the status but it said I would need to speak with an associate....ugh!   I'm so scared they are going to turn me down...trying to be patient and wait though....please weekend go fast!

Big day!

Jul 03, 2008

WOW! Big day today!  My had my seminar, my one on one with my doctor, my psychologist appt., and I met with my nutritionist.  
My psychologist appointment was first, he approved me for surgery and I agreed to meet with the nutritionist, lose 20 lbs before surgery and attend support groups each month then fax in verification forms each month.
Attended the seminar next, didnt learn anything that I didnt already know but I'm sure it helped others.  I know that it did my husband, he understands things alot more now.
After that, Scott and I attended the one on one with the doctor.  I gave him everything that I had collected: my curves receipts, my weight watchers food guide, weight watchers weight tracker, the letter from my endocrinologist recommending that I have the surgery, all of my weights from the past 9 years along with copies of my charts and doctors notes.  I had printed off Cigna PPO's (my insurance) criteria for the surgery plus my benefits showing that bariatric surgery is covered along with showing my deductible is paid for the year and showing my out of pocket balance.  The doctor felt like I had plenty for proof to Cigna to approve surgery.  So all in all a good day!  Keeping my fingers crossed!

About Me
New Goshen, IN
Surgery Date
May 30, 2008
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