
Jan 04, 2007

My Virtual Model

Me now                  me at my goal weight

Finally . . .

Dec 11, 2006

I finally got an appointment to see a surgeon.  I will be seing Dr. Moon.  Well not right away but I am one step closer.  I get to go January 3, 2007.  So HAPPY NEW YEAR to me!!!  I wanted to have a Lap RNY that is why I had to go with Dr. Moon.  Hopefully everything past this point will go smoothly.  I really am anxious to meet someone who can answer my questions from a Dr. point of view.  
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My Christmas wish list for Christmas' Present

Dec 08, 2006

I wish . . . for my children to quit fighting, for at least an hour if not forever.  

I wish . . . for my husband to offer to rub my feet without being asked and without a promise to do his too.

I wish . . . for the carpel tunnel pain in my hands to stop.  

I wish . . .  for someone else to clean up the mess on christmas day.

I wish . . . to be able to loose this weight with no other problems arising.  

I wish . . .  to not have boils and cysts in the most painful places.

I wish . . . for all of my friends to get the most important things on their wish lists.  

I wish . . . for my family to be happy and healthy this following year. 

I wish . . . for this to be a nice winter not too cold and not to much snow.  I HATE SNOW!!!!!

I wish . . . for my brothers to stay home this year and not be shipped to Iraq or Afganistan.

I wish . . . for my husbands blood clot to get way smaller and him not to have to be on meds forever.

I wish . . . that chocolate wouldn't taste so good.

I wish . . . for a fairy godmother to help hold my hand during the hard times of loosing weight.
           And Finally . . .

I wish . . .for everyone who reads this to have a great year.
Bengal Tiger


Dec 06, 2006

I called Dr. Tvetenstrands office and learned that it will be at least 3 more months before he could see me due to accredidation problems with the hospital.  And since with my insurance changes starting in January, I have decided to see Dr. Mecenas.  So now I wait yet again and fill out more paper work.  Hopefully things will run much smoother with the new doc.  I just want to actually meet the surgeon.  Then waiting wouldn't be so bad.   Where is the calgon when you need it?

Next step please.

Nov 21, 2006

I finally got the psych. letter today and mailed out my patient info to the surgeon.  Now it is time to wait yet again while the surgeon reviews and calls to make an appointment.  Keep your fingers crossed please!!!  But for now at least it is on to the next step. . . 
     The Bengal TigerThe Bengal Tiger       


Nov 16, 2006

Ok so I am a scrouge.  I hate christmas.  All the rude people shopping and the crowds.  YUCK!  All the present buying for ingrateful (my) kids. . . it just leads to aggrivation.   Have you ever noticed how people act during the holidays?  It is always rush rush rush and they never pay attention to where they are going.  UGHHHHHHH.  Ok sorry I just needed to vent a little.  Bah Humbug. 
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Frustration Anyone???

Nov 10, 2006

I called the psyc. office again today to pick up my letter and the doctor is not in today and he didn't leave it with the receptionist.  So now I have to wait and call monday.  I hope it will be done then.  I really want to get my packet sent in so I know what is happening.  AAAAAAAAAArgh!!!!!!!!

one more step done

Nov 07, 2006

11-7-06  I had my final preop test done today.  The gallbladder ultrasound.  Jeez, I thought I was gonna hyperventalate.  Oh well that is over and done with.  Now it is back to waiting.  Hopefully this is it and I won't have to have the sleep study.  Click to view clipart

wait wait wait

Nov 06, 2006

11-6-06  Called the shrink today to remind him to write the letter to the surgeon.  Why do I have to do that?  He said to call again on friday to remind him.  And maybe it will be ready monday.  AAAAAH! I am just waiting on this letter so that I can send in my packet of info. to the surgeon.  Really want to get this done and get my first appt.  Tomorrow is the gallbladder ultrasound.  and then hopefully I am done.  This waiting is killing me.  


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About Me
corning, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 39
what's been happening
Guess what?
clearing my mind
My crazy life
First most embarassing moment - post op
Holy WOW!
moving again
Am I dead and other thoughts 5 weeks out
