Almost at 3-month mark

Jan 16, 2008

The 22nd will be my 3-month mark, and I am creeping up to a 40lb loss.  I have lost 38.5 lbs, and I am trying to not get discouraged.  It seems slow to me, but I have to remind myself that had it not been for the surgery I would still have all that weight on.  I wasn't able to lose any real weight without the surgery.  I have recently started eating more regular food but am still trying to get at least 70 g of protein from my Syntrax Lemon Tea mix which I love mixed with Oceanspray Diet Cranberry - Grape drink.  I do not want to lose my hair or have my skin sag more than it has to.  My post-op blood work was all good except my iron is low and I have increased from 1 iron pill a day to 4.  Hopefully I will have more energy from this too.  My workouts are getting more regular and more intense.  Yesterday I did 50 min cardio and burned 400 calories which is probably 1/2 of what I eat in a day.  Need to remind myself all day to drink more water.  Yesterday I also started drinking my one cup of coffee a day.  Well I had 1/2 of the cup and will probably finish 1/2 a cup today.  I haven't even wanted it, but I think it will help my mood and energy level.  I take protonix for acid reflux anyway so I am not concerned that 1/2 cup coffee will damage my pouch.  I had printed out a weight loss planner that showed I should be at 173 lbs by 1/22 and I am now 178 with 5 days to go.  Although I hadn't lost a lb for 5 days so I could drop .5 a day for a few days.  That seems to be my pattern.  It's hard to not try to keep up with goals like this, but I think it's part of the old mentality that has to be banished.  Feeling better and stronger and firmer should be the key.  Although I felt encouraged that when I am at 164 lbs I will be in the "overweight" category on the BMI chart and no longer labeled "obese".  Not that it should matter, again, but for some reason it does. 



1/4 way there (?)

Nov 21, 2007


Post Op Appointment

Nov 10, 2007

I saw my surgeon yesterday for my first post-op appointment.  He said I am doing well and this is a good start.  I was hoping to lose more weight faster, but I have to be patient.  I am going to start working out again and a regular routine will be great for me.  It was good to hear that I am losing at a good rate and I am especially happy that I am almost gonna dip below the 200 lb. mark.  This morning I took a bath because my back has been killing me.  It did relax me a little, but I am definitely going to have to start stretching on a regular basis.  It felt good to soak though. 

Ticker is ticking

Nov 06, 2007

2 Weeks + 1 Day

Nov 05, 2007

I lost 13 pounds since surgery, and I am trying to convince myself that I'm doing great.  I'm having a tough time getting protein shakes in.  I'm wondering if it's the 1% milk.  Today I am going to look into some other flavors because maybe I'm just bored with the Cookies and Cream Isopure I have and the other one I have which is Chocolate Peanut Butter.  I am proud that I have been consistent with my vitamins and able to get them ALL in every day.  I get so tired at night.  Like 7pm I wanna just go to bed.  Water is a hassle, and I have to try harder.  I am defintely NOT getting 64 oz. of water or crystal light a day.  I can't wait to workout because I think it will give me some energy. 

About Me
LaGrangeville, NY
Oct 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 5
Almost at 3-month mark
1/4 way there (?)
Post Op Appointment
Ticker is ticking
2 Weeks + 1 Day
