BariatricTeam Appointments

Jan 06, 2009

I woke up so excited and somewhat nervous at the same time. I knew what all my appointments would be about but I wasn't sure how everyone would respond to my 'need' to have the surgery. I was shocked and very much happy that two of the ladies that work there, had the surgery themselves and are doing great. First I met with the Exercise guy, Greg, who talked with me, weighed (270lbs) and measured me. Then he put me on a bike for 6 mintues. The first 3 minutes were at a easier pace and then the last 3 minutes were at a somewhat harder pace. But I did very well with both of them. Once I was done with that, he ran some calculations and came up with this exercise program for me. He wants me to exercise 10 minutes/3 times a day.

Once finished with him, I met with the Dietician, Julie. She was so nice and just a skinny little thing. We talked about my eating habits and she went through some of the things she would like for me to work on. She wants me to only eat 3 meals a day with NO snacking in between and to watch my carbs and keep them at 148 grams for the next 3 weeks. She wants to see me again on January 5th, 2009. At that time she will weigh me and also go over my online food journal that she is having me keep.

Once finished with her, I met with the Medical Director, Dr. Eshowsky. He sure was a cute young thing. Well I'm not sure how young he really is to have just had his 4th baby. But anywho.....He basically gave me a physical and went over any health problems that I might have, which I didn't have any (Thank God), and then told me some of the things that he would like for me to get done before the surgery. A Mamogram being one of them and also they're going to run some lab work. He did tell me that my liver wasn't enlarged. WOOHOO!! lol He could tell just by patting on my stomach.

Once I was finished with him, I met with the Surgeon, Dr. Credi. When he walked in (a hour late) I said, your shorter then I thought  you'd be. We laughed. He also did a physical but it wasn't as lengthy as the one Dr. Eshowsky did. Then he asked me two questions that I wasn't but was prepared to answer. The first one being...

1. What makes you think that this surgery will work when everything else you've tired didn't?
The surgery will be like I'm being reborn. It will help me to get control back of my life. The surgery will also help me to make better decisions when it comes to food. It's just as much a mental discipline and it is a physical one.
2. 20% will fail at this surgery, why do you think that is?
They don't have the desire. This is something you have to need and not want. When you need something you will do everything you can to achieve it. You have to be mentally ready for this. Some think they are, but this is and will be hard work. And shouldn't be taken lightly.

Can you believe those two questions!!! Talk about something to really think about. He told me that he would leave me to get dressed and he when he came back he would ask me those two questions again but this time he wanted my answer.

Once finished with him, I was suppose to go over and see the Behavior Therapist (Dr. Onkka), but with Dr. Credi being tired up in surgery, I wasn't able to make that appointment and had to reschedule. I'm scheduled for 12/23 @ 2pm.


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Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2009
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