1/01/2001 JUST A LITTLE ABOUT ME... I am 34 years old and the mother of a 16 year old son. I have a wonderful boyfriend of 8 years who supports me all the way on the journey we are about to take together. There is one thing I want most in the world and that is to get married but more important than that I want to be thinner,healthier,more active and a beautiful bride not hiding under 100 pounds of excess weight.I want to look at my wedding pictures someday and like what I see not a big round face looking back at me. I made him a deal,when he can carry me over the threshhold we will get married!!! I really want this for myself because I don't want to end up like my parents when I am in my 70's, my mother has had several strokes and recently my dad had a quadruple bypass and a valve replacement. I was thin until I gave birth and that was the end of it! I am tired of being overweight and it's time to do something about it!
03/08/01*** I went to the PCP today and he gave me the green light to go ahead with the appointment with the surgeon.I wa sreally worried about his reaction but he was the best. Will let ya all know what happens next!!!!
3/24/01*** I filled out all the paperwork that Dr.Schauer's office sent to me now I have to wait for them to call me with an appt. I called another surgeon out of curiosity to see how long the wait would be I can see him JULY 27th. WOW that is 4 months just for the initial consult I sure hope I can get one sooner.I will keep an update.I have been visiting the chat room daily and I love all the people I have met there they are so helpful and supportive.Well until next time.....
3/30/01*** I got a call from Dr. Fernstorm's office saying that she looked over all my paperwork and will now be fowarding it to Dr. Schauer and I should hear from his office in the next 3 weeks. I am going to go to my first support meeting on 4/4 I am looking foward to that.
5/10/01**** FINALLY!!! I got a call from Dr.Schauer's office today to schedule my appointment (41days after the call from Dr. Fernstorm's office) I go on June 23rd at 8:00am Yeah(happy dance) I am relieved to finally have an appointment that means we are getting somewhere. I will update when I know more.
6/23/01*** I had my first appointment with Dr. Schauer he was really nice and told us everything we needed or wanted to know about surgery. We met as a group at first then they took us into our own exam room where he came in and talked with you one on one. He told me that I was an ideal cantidate for surgery because I have not developed too many problems "yet" now I wait for a call saying the ins. has approved me...I hate to wait>>>
but I will update when I hear :O)
8/10/01*** I must say I am gettin a bit impatient it has been 49 days since my appointment and still no word. I called the ins. company about 11 days ago and they said they had nothing listed in the computer about paperwork for approval,I then called Dr's office and spoke to Theresa which I am sure she has to put up with people like me all the time and she was nice but somewhat scolded me for calling the ins company and said I should hear something in the next 3 weeks thats Karen was indeed working on it. I am like an idiot everyday I come home from work hoping there will be a message on the machine. Well until then .....
8/27/01***Well I found out that I AM APPROVED!!! "HAPPY DANCE"
I called Dr Schauers office and left 3 messages for Robin over the last week and I never heard back from her so I decided I would call the insurance company myself and the girl I spoke with there was really nice and very helpful she went and looked up my info and when she came back she gave me the best 3 words I ever heard "YOU ARE APPROVED" she also told me she was showing a date of 12/25/01 to 12/28/01 and the hospital being UPMC Presby I am assuming that the Dr's office used a "dummy date" to get the approval. I am going to call and speek with Theresa today and see if I can get the ball rolling on my pre-op testing.
let ya know more when I hear ~~~~~~~~smiling from ear to ear :O)
9/5/01*** I am doing a happy dance>>> I GOT A DATE TODAY!<<<<<<
I was contacted by Robin at Dr. Schauer's office she gave me a date of November the 6th at Shadyside Hospital. I am SOOOOOOOO
excited I just can't begin to tell you. I have to call for all my pre op testing which includes a psyc evaluation,nutritional counceling,seeing my PCP for a physical and medical clearence,blood work,EKG,sonogram and a chest x-ray. I will have my pre op appointment October the 26 at the Falk Clinic. I am so happy I could cry. Now that I have a date I can start telling people what I am about to do. I have told only a few people,but not my family & co-workers this will be strange>>>what do you say ? Will they support me?I am doing this for myself so they are entitled to their opinions and I will do what I feel is best for me, I am sooo ready to do this!
62 days to go....... this should be simple after waiting 3 1/2 months for my first appointment! Keep ya updated! :O)
10/07/01 *** Well.... I have 30 days left and I think I am ready. I got a new robe and some jammies for the hospital I got everything I will need while in there. I also have gotten all my vitamins. I had Gus take some before pictures today and will have more taken once a month after surgery.
I did tell my family,co-workers and friends I had one woman at work tell me she thought I wasn't fat enough but thats all she said and my boss is excited he wants to race me in weight loss LOL he is so funny he said that I can take whatever time I need off so I will be off all of November. I told my parents and they were pretty good about it. BUT then there was my sister......she was the one I knew would give me the put downs. That was the big reason I never told her my plans. I didn't really need her approval but it would have been nice to have at least an ounce of support. The first thing out of her mouth was are you crazy then she avoided me for days then in that time she talked to all kids of people who told her the stories of people they knew from the past and then she was telling people I was going to die and I was an A**hole for even thinking about it,well that was all well and fine I figure ok she has her opinion right and seriously it didn't even upset me.The straw that broke the camels back came when I went to my PCP for a UTI and he told me she had been there earlier that day and read him the riot act and laid into him pretty good, I felt like a complete idiot for having to apologize for her behavior. I was really mad and finally told her she had to get over it and deal with it I wonder what exactly she was looking to happen there like he was gonna change his mind and take back his referal.LOL I can't imagine! I see it this way yes there are risks in having this surgery but the risks of staying 105 pounds or more overweight are far more risky. I say to some people who wonder if it is worth the risk...people die every day from giving birth to a baby and it surely don't stop people from getting pregnant I feel the risks are about the same when you look at it that way. If it is something you really want in life you take the risk! Well,this week I have my nutritional & psycological evaluations
and my 35th Birthday on thursday, what a busy week;)
10/13/01*** Well I have almost all my testing done I went for my nutritional evaluation which was everything I already knew,I had my psyc evaluation that was totaly not what I had expected, for anyone who has to go for one don't sweat it.It is basicly a technicality they want to be sure you understand the long term effects of the surgery and they make you answer about 500(no kidding!!!) questions on an little piece of paper where you fill in the dots and personally I think what they are actually doing is checking to see if you have the patience to sit there and fill in all those little dots! LOL! I also had my EKG and my chest x-ray done. I will have to go for my sonogram this week or next after I make an appointment & I go to the PCP this week for my physical and history and next week I have my blood work up and my pre-op appointment with Dr.Schauer. The time has gone by very quickly these past few weeks I cant believe in 23 days I will be on my way!!!Well until next week...
10/27/01*** Well TEN days and counting!!!! I can't believe I am almost there. I have been so busy going to Dr.'s appointments the last week and a half I had to go to the PCP for my pre-op physical and medical clearance.I had to go have a sonogram done and blood drawn. I had my pre-op meeting with Dr. Schauer yesterday(he is such a nice guy) I asked him what would be a good goal weight for me(I am 5'2") now let me tell you I was thinking on the lines of 117-120 and I thought that was being greedy well he said between 105-110#'s I was like wow really and he said yep and you will be able to get there if you behave yourself. I told him I wasn't about to go thru all this and not behave. There was a nurse there by the name of Cheryl she had the surgery done 18 months ago and she said she started out at 260 and she is now a size 4 she looks so great!!! I am the same height as her so I am hoping to look as good as she does I can't believe what a wonderful thing this surgery is. I haven't weight 110 pounds since I was 15 years old it is so hard for me to imagine that as be obtainable. Well I am sure I will be back one more time to update before I am an official post-op.
11/6/01*** WELL TODAYS THE DAY!!!!! I have about 2 hours before I have to leave for the hospital and I am showered packed and ready to go. I have been on liquid for 2 days now and I have lost 6 pounds thats a little head start.I think I will go vote before I go. I feel really calm thismorning I guess I am just relieved that it will all be over with shortly. My surgery is scheduled for 2pm but i have to go to the hospital for 10 am. I have gotten so many well wishes posted on my page and I really do appriciate everyone of them. I will update when I get outta there.See ya on the lighter side...
11/13/01*** Well here I sit STILL waiting to hear back from Dr. Schauer's office and it has been 1 week today since I was to have my surgery. I am so discouraged at this point. My UTI is gone and I call the office everyday but no one tells me anything I am off work and I want to go back if they are not going to spring in and say hey we can do it in 2 days. I dont want to leave them short there at work I work in a BUSY pharmacy and it would not be fair to go back and leave again 2 days later and have them scrambling to cover me again. I left messages for Bill who does the scheduling and explained that I need to know "something" so I can make plans to go back or not and to boot I am not getting paid so thats always nice! Well I hope to hear something soon......:O(
11/14/01*** WELL I GOT A NEW DATE>>>>DECEMBER 11th....It is not a week but I guess it will have to do I should have known I would have to wait weeks upon weeks even if Dr. Schauer said I would'nt. I am a little disappointed with the whole process I wish they had a surgery spot open for such cases once a week so that people don't have to go thru all this waiting it is the mental part that really works you over.I get to go back to work now for 3 weeks and then take off again. I guess the up side to this is I will be able to have one last BIG Thanksgiving Dinner and try to get all my x-mas shopping done in the next few weeks.
12/07/01*** Well I am 4 days away...again!!! I had a repeat urine test done to make sure there were no signs of a UTI to screw me up again....nothing in sight...thats a good sign! I have been forced to get all of my shopping done which is a first for me being that I will be 2 weeks post op on christmas day. My son will be turning "17" 5 days before christmas also so I have that all taken care of.I plan on doing all my decorating this weekend so that it is all done when I come home from hospital.I am so ready this time I can't wait to get there.I will update when I know what time and all that,bye for now :O)
12/19/01*** Well....I know I have had a few of you a little worried but not to worry I am back and I am doing fine!!!! LET"S SEE WHERE DO I START....
I went into Shadyside Hospital on Tuesday the 11th and had my surgery which by all accounts went well they found a little scar tissue which took them a little longer but no biggy.I was pretty much out of it all day tuesday I do remember them getting me up to walk in the evening~FUZZY~
Well then I woke up on weds morning at about 5AM and I could not catch my breath I felt like I had run up 86 flight of stairs and my diaphram was about to pop open I called for the nurse and it seemed like years before they came but I was panicing I was so scared well as it turns out there was a blood clot forming along the staple line in my old stomach and it was blocking everything up this was not a good thing I needed to go back into OR so they could remove the clot and when I woke up I was in CCU with a tube down my throat well that was the worst I was gagging all over the place so they kept me sedated till they took it out on thursday morning from there i spent another night in CCU and went to my regular room on friday evening which from there I started to improve every day I was walking 4-5 times a day but it was quite the trick I was so hooked up to IV'S, a folley, and they put in a Gastro tube into the old stomach and I got a two for one on the JP drains one on each side I said I do know now what it feels like to be a man(if you know what I mean they were always hangin between my legs ...Teee Heee Heee) I did'nt have my swallow test until monday so I went one week basicly with nothing in my mouth just a swab of water....but i was never hungry which was so strange! I passed my test and on monday evening I was allowed to start my liquid diet which I did with great joy I just wanted something whith any taste to it.
By monday night my back had seen enough of laying in the bed or on the chair I was losing my mind ready to go AWOL all I wanted was my own recliner chair so first thing on Tuesday morning when Dr. Costa( who is one of Dr. Schauer's residents who was very wonderful and very nice to me) came in at 6:30 AM I was like I need to go home if he had told me no I was gonna tell him I was going AMA. I spent the rest of tuesday getting all my last min antibiotics and potasium and finally at 4 PM I got outta there I came home and sat in "my" chair for a little bit took a well deserved snooze and then I did what I have waited a week to do....
I TOOK A LONG HOT SHOWER!!!!!!!!! That was the most wonderful feeling.
So I am no going to start getting all my ducks in a row and get back into the swing of things My son turns 17 tommorrow so I have to wrap a present for him and just a few other little things I am still having shortness of breath when I move around but Dr. said there was a little bit of collapse there from the breathing tube and should be back to normal soon. I go tomorrow to get my drains out and I am sure that will help me feel better too.... well I guess by this point in the story you all wanna know if I got on a scale yet....you bet your bippy I DID!!! LOL I have lost 11 pounds I am happy with that I should be under 200 in no time now...well sorry this story was so darn long but I figured better tell the whole thing now right? I hope everyone else is doing good and I hope you are all ready for the holidays and I hope it is a wonderful one for everyone. By the way did I mention that Gus was the best most wonderful ,caring caretaker in the whole wide world I have to make sure I mention that he was A#1 you really know someone loves you when you go thru all that not that I doubted it ever but I really know how deeply he loves me now more than ever I am truely blessed to have such a wonderful partner in life.Life is just gonna get better from here.....Talk to you all soon
12/26/01*** Hi Everyone I hope your christmas was a wonderful one I wanted to pop in and give a little update.Last thursday I went into the clinic to have my JP Drains removed what a weird experience that was to feel those tubes wiggle thru your tummy on the way out. I am stuck with my 'G' Tube for another 2 weeks which I am not thrilled about being that it is not serving any purpose except causing me to be uncomfortable it is capped off and not attached to a bag so pain in the old duppa is what it is. I am doing pretty good thus far though I have lost 27 pounds in 2 weeks and I am tolerating food pretty good and water and juice is going down great. I am very tired though I take long naps in the middle of the day which Gus thinks may be bad for me but I am so wiped out. I am ready to feel like me again though I must admit my back and ribs are killing me from not sitting up straight and I know after this tube is out I will be a ok well I must run for know will update soon.
1/8/02*** Well, Happy New Years! I finally got rid of my G tube yesterday I thought I would never be rid of that thing I was soooo very miserable I must say it was not as bad as getting the JP's pulled but it burned a little and it felt weird to walk like everything was wiggling around inside but today I am much better I am able to wear a bra again without it bumpping into that darn tube. I feel pretty good I have some discomfort in the rib and abdominal area mostly like I worked out tooooo much and I am sure by the end of the week that will also be gone. I go back to work next week,Iam starting out slow 3 days for 4 hours a day. I have lost 36 pounds so far and today is the 4 week mark I am happy with the loss and can't wait till spring when I can go out side and walk. I will update soon see you later.
1/31/02*** Well I am down 42 pounds and have lost over 44 1/2 inches all over I am so happy with the loss so far I have gone from a size 20-22 to a 15-16 and even they are roomie. I am lovin that I remmeber when some of the jeans that I am getting into now were so tight that I hated wearing them now I can wear them all day long and not be uncomfortable. I am back to my regular work schedule and everything is going good I had my first customer notice I was losing weight the other day that felt good! I think alot of people when they see me think something is different but I think that they think that it is my haircut! LOL ...
Well it has been 10 weeks since surgery and I have lost 55 pounds so far I am so pleased with the results of my surgery.I was asked if I would do it again and I said "YES!!!!" including the complications. I am now wearing a size 14 jeans and I like going shopping but it is still strange when I go into the store and I don't have to go to the plus sizes anymore I kind of feel lost in some ways I am so used to not having much of a choice to having all these cloths to choose from it is somewhat overwhelming at times and I am not sure of what I should buy because in my mind I still feel like I should be hiding under the biggest shirt I can find. Well just wanted to keep up to date. See ya soon.
03/19/02*** Well I am down 67 pounds now I weigh in at 154 and I couldn't be happier about my weight loss so far. I went the other day and bought a new bathing suit(size 12) my old one wasn't making it any more (size 20) I joined a water areobics class it is great. I have had a rough couple of weeks my son ended up in the hospital with his jaw broken in two places which required surgery the placed 4 titanium plates and 32 screws to fix it and he may end up with nerve damage in his left side. I would love to get my hands on the kid who hit him but I will let the police handle that. I may have to move out of my house too my son has been living with his dad and step mom and they dont want him now that he got hit they are afraid there will be retaliation and my son and my BF don't get along and can't live together, so I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don't even make enough to afford my own place so I don't know what I will do. I figure it this way the food bill wont be too high I don't eat much.... well talk to ya later!
3/27/02*** Just a quick update I am not moving we got everything settled so I am less stressed about that. I have only lost 1 pound since last visit but thats fine. Iwent to a bridal shower this weekend and it was cool to have everyone who hasn't seen me get that face like wow what happened to you. well gotta run goodnight
4/19/02*** #145 -75 pounds
I am feeling great I have had to go buy all new short because none of the stuff I had from last summer fits me any more. I have so much energy I love it! I am out in my flower garden daily to pull weeds and cant wait for them to bloom. I can wear shoes to work that are cute and don have my feet crying by the end of the day. A funny story from the other day... Gus (my BF) owns and operates his own custom furniture design business and we go to customes houses all the time well we had to go to one of our cutomers we do work for 3-4 times a year and the wife kept giving me these odd looks (which I am getting used to) and she asked me an off the wall question "So, do you help Gus alot?" I thought lady I have been here 3 time before what are you talking about... He husband a little while later says "Hey, Tina come check this out" Well then she confesses that she had thought Gus and I had split up and he had gotten a new girlfriend..I said well in a way he has! It was sooo funny.
5/19/02*** Well I got great news!!!!!! I AM GETTING MARRIED!!!
After 8 1/2 years Gus and I are engaged and will be getting married July 3.2003 in Niagara Falls Canada on what will be our 10th anniversary. I am so excited ! I have officially lost 84 pounds as of today and I feel great! I eat just about anything I want with the exception still of ranch dressing and sour cream
I am 17 pounds away from my personal goal that I set for myself of 120 but Doc Schauer said 110-115 is what I would probably end up at so if he says so that would give me a few extra pounds to settle in to . I only have one complaint.... I want my hair back!!! I have been losing hair like crazy and I hope it stops soon or I will look silly! I have been using Nioxin shampoo and scalp treatment which seems to help a little bit but they say it should stop soon so I will wait and see. Until next time.....
7/01/02*** Hi there is has been a little while since my last update just way to busy these days summer always is right but this summer is much better than the past. I have lost 94 pounds so far and I am weighing in at 127 pounds which I have not been in 18 years I am loving it! A size 8 is what I am down to and sometimes i still cant believe it when I look in the mirror. I am so excited in 367 days I will be getting married and I bought a beautiful dress it is a sheath style that is form fitting all the way down past your hips and I look good in it, last weekend we went to Niagara Falls to see where we will be getting married and it is so beautiful I just can't wait for it to be July 2003.
I am so glad that I had the surgery I can't say it enough. I am going to live life to the fullest now that I have one back.
have a great summer everyone... only 7 more pounds to go till "my goal"!!!!
I am so excited to report that I now weigh 120 pounds and I am a size 6. Things have gone great for me I must say. I have had so much fun this summer doing things I would'nt or could'nt do before. I went to se Dr. Schauer 2 weeks ago and he is really happy with my progress. I recently added a picture of me with Dr. Schauer to my photo diary page check it out! He is my hero and a life saver. I am now going to try to maintain the weight I am atI dont really want to lose anymore ( I CAN"T BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT!!!) but I imagine I may lose a few more but they say you may gain five back after you stablize so then I'd be right back where I wanna be. Good luck to all who have upcoming surgeries or those who are new post-ops. If ya ever want to e-mail me feel free.
10/30/02*** Hi! Just wanted to do an update. As I near my one year WLS anniversary I just cant believe how much my life has changed in such a short period of time. I am now #115 that is 106 pounds gone forever and I wear a size "2" can you imagine! It was funny today I was looking in the mirror after I got dressed and I thought to myself now this is how you were meant to look. Do you know how good that feels to actually look in the mirror and like what you see...not push in on your gut to try to make it go away or have a sweater look awful becase your boobs are just way too fat and the roll in the middle shows thru it.I love what I've done for myself and I sure do love shopping now. I am also inching towards my wedding date which is just a little over 8 months away and I just can not wait to jump in that form fitting wedding dress and marry my wonderful man. I have recieved sooo many e-mails from people who have seen my before and after photos and I hope that I help them by answering questions they have about the surgery. I always tell them that it is their decision to make and not to jump into it with out researching as much as possible.I love hearing from people all over the U.S and I have even heard from Austrailia.Is that cool! Well as always I am babbling I am adding my measurements from before and after they are awsome.Later!
12/11/02*** 1 Year Anniversary!!!!!!
Wow ! I can't believe it's been a year already. I have had the best year ever and I am now settling into the "new" me. I have been holding steady at 111 pounds and would like to stay right where I am. I am happy that I chose to have WLS and would do it again. I am a happier & healthier than I think I've ever been. I hope that all those out there who have the surgery do as well as I have I think I am a poster child. I have absolutly no problems with eating I eat everything I did before just alot less of it. I am starting to grow my hair back and that makes me happpy. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and a great 2003.
Well it has been a little while since I have posted...Sorry!
Not much has changed with my weight I am holding steady at 111-115 it goes up and down. I recently got married 7/3/03in Niagara Falls Canada and I will have to add some wedding photos to my picture page when I get them back. I did manage to gain a few pounds in the past month mostly because we were eating out every day. I had a crazy month my mother passed away on June 24th after a long illness but it was only 9 days before my wedding and it was very stressful and sad. I am trying to get life back to "normal" and I really am not too concerned with the 3-4 pounds I gained I actually felt I needed to gain them so as long as I stay right where I am I will be happy. I am now starting to think about my next step...plastic surgery that scares me a bit I don't like pain but I must say the breasts that I have been left with pain me even more I went from a 42DD to a 32B now that is serious deflation and I have no breats tissue left just skin shapeless ugly skin that I must scoop up and put into a bra and pray that they wont fall out of the cup of my bra when I bend over (yes it has happened) I don't want DD again but a pert B would be nice. I am also thinking about the tummy tuck too. I don't have a large pani but I have not muscle control in the abdomen I can suck in and it don't move. So now I must get the nerve up to see what my next step is. I will update when I do something!
Wow!!!!! It sure has been a while since I have visited and I am sorry !!!:) I just wanted to pop in and give an update. My life since WLS 3 YEARS ago is great I am holding steady at 124 I did gain a little but I think I look healthier and most people tell me so. I would like to be 117... why ? I don't know I just seem to like that # ! I must admit I have no problems eating & drinking I enjoy just about everything I did prior to surgery just not in such LARGE amounts. I have some difficulty with dairy and I can not eat chocolate cake with icing but thats ok right I dont need it. I am wearing a size 4 jeans and a small- medium top. I have not gotten any plastic surgery done as of yet but who knows maybe some day. I am 38 years old and I feel great physicaly and mentally.I have been maried for 18 months to my sweetheart of nearly 12 years and my son is now 20 years old and doing very well. I will be adding a new picture to my online photos soon so check it out. Good luck to all those just starting on their journey if you want to ask me anything just drop me a line at [email protected]

Hi there just wanted to pop in for a little update I am 3 years and 8 months out and I am weighing in between 119 and 121, most days on the heavier side but thats great with me because it is 100 pounds lighter than I was nearly 4 years ago and I feel great! Ihope that if anyone reads my profile they take a look at my pictures at www.picturetrail.com/lasserwoodworking and go to the more albums on the left and pic my gastic bypass surgery album I love to flip thru them every now and again just to remind myself how I used to look. I am sooooo HAPPY I did this. My sister just had her surgery in July and is losing her weight a little slower than I did but she's getting there.

Hey there, not much to update from this end but I am still maintaining my weight at 121 as I have for the past few years.I have not had any plastics yet but would love to have the breasts done, maybe someday when we hit the lottery. The last time I updated my sister was about 6 weeks out in her journey now she is 8 months and almost 100 pounds lighter she looks better than she ever has. I'm glad she changed her mind about surgery. She has a lot to look foward to now that she's a healthier lighter person. I have introduced her to shoppping in the regular sizes and I think I may have created a "monster" ...LOL she deserves it! I know how fun it is. Well I must get back to work. Will keep updating.

Hey everyone! Not a whole lot of news to report just another day of realzing how glad I am to be thinner and wanted to share.:) Did so much yard work in the past few days and I know if I were not thin I'd be dead from it right now! I want to thank everyone who looks at my photo site I get alot of hits every week andI am glad that my pictures my help or inspire someone. I am glad everyday that I wake up that I did this for myself. Right now I am still at 121 but after all the work I've done maybe I'll drop a few pounds. I will have to update with new pictures on my site soon. Have a great summer!
Well summer is almost over and I am quickly approaching my 5 year WLS anniversary ! I can't believe how fast the time has gone
I am still at 121lbs and I suppose my body just likes this weight and well who am I to argue... right? I wear a size 4 and a sm- med top and I am comfortable in my own skin so life is good!
My husband and I are enjoying our camping trips ,home improvements and his Drag Racing we keep really busy most of the time. I would still like to lose 6 pounds but I will not stress out about it. Good luck to all who are just starting out. Ti :)
12/19/01***#210 -11
12/26/01***#194 -27
01/08/02***#185 -36
01/31/02***#179 -42
02/23/02***#166 -55
03/19/02***#154 -67
04/19/02***#146 -75
05/18/02***#137 -84
07/01/02***#127 -94
08/11/02***#120 -101
10/30/02***#115 -106
12/11/02***#111 -110
07/31/03***#115 -106
01/21/05***#124 -97
04/21/06***#121 -100
07/25/06***#121 -100
10/01 10/02
Weight: 221 Weight:115 Loss -106
Face: 24" Face: 22 1/4" -1 3/4"
Neck: 16" Neck: 12 1/2" -3 1/2"
Bust: 49" Bust: 34 1/2" -14 1/2"
Rib Cage: 39" Rib Cage: 31 1/2" -7 1/2"
Upper Arm (L):15" Upper Arm (L):10" -5"
Upper Arm (R): 14 1/4" Upper Arm (R):10" -4 1/4"
Lower Arm (L): 11" Lower Arm (L):8 1/2" -2 1/2"
Lower Arm (R): 11" Lower Arm (R):8 3/4" -2 3/4"
Wrist (L): 6 1/2" Wrist (L): 5 3/4" - 3/4"
Wrist (R): 6 1/2" Wrist (R): 5 3/4" -3/4"
Waist: 42" Waist: 28" -14"
Hips: 49 3/4" Hips: 31" -18 3/4"
Thigh (L): 28 1/2" Thigh (L): 19" -9 1/2"
Thigh (R): 28 1/2" Thigh (R): 19" -9 1/2"
Above Knee(L): 18 1/4" Above Knee(L):13 1/2" -5 1/4"
Avove Knee(R): 18 1/4" Avove Knee(R): 13" -5 1/2"
Calf (L): 16 1/4" Calf (L): 12 1/4" -4"
Calf (R): 16 1/4" Calf (R): 12 1/4" -4"
Ankle (L): 8 3/4" Ankle (L): 7 1/2" -1 1/4"
Ankle (R): 8 3/4" Ankle (R): 7 3/4" -1"
Total inches lost
That's 9 feet 8 inches

About Me
West Mifflin/Whitaker, PA
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
9 months post-op -103 pounds

Friends 5
