All ABout Me!

Aug 04, 2009


I have decided to join my husband Chris on the Loser's Bench.  Ayear ago I would have said it would not be for me.  But, after learning the ins and outs, the good and bad about RNY, I decided that this can only be a positive thing for us as a family.  I have been overweight my entire life, but not this overweight till after our 2 wonderful kids!  I am a relatively active person who plays tennis and could walk 4 miles..... but I am destined for health problems if I dont do something long-term as I have just turned 46.

This is all about me right???  Yeah... but not really.. its all about being there for my kids and of course CHris.  I am excited and lloking forward to AUgust 25th.  I am really spending a lot if time picturing myself in a size 12.  It will feel sooo good, but I know the work that will be spent getting there.  I also have exerienced first hand the efforts and struggles that Chris has faced, so I am not kidding myself!

This is not a silver bullet for sure!!!  But I will take the tools and runn like Forest Gump!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2009
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