
Jun 22, 2011

 i had my surgery on 6/6/11 and had a world wind of events happen. i had to stay an extra day in the hospital because i couldn't drink anything. i had a high fever. and then finally after 4 days i was able to go home. the very next day i was back in the ER. i was having dumping from any and everything i drank. i would have a sip of water and to the bathroom i would go and the same for the shakes and so on. so back to the hospital i went and i was admitted. i had a bacteria infection called CDIF, and what that is is an over growth of a bacteria in the colon and it causes diarrhea (TMI i know).  so i was in the hospital for another 3 days with that. the day i was due to come home, my husband was there to pick me up and i was taking the last of my meds and i threw all of them up along with the protein shake that i was sort of being forced to drink by the nurse. so needless to say i had to stay another night which almost killed me. i thought i was going to die in this place. i questioned and cried on a daily basis as to what i had gotten myself into. well today i am 2 weeks out and i have my 2 week check up tomorrow and i can't wait to se what the doc has to say. i have been trying new foods like mashed potatoes i had today and that went very well with my tummy, i had some fish and spinach yesterday and that didn't go well at all.  so i guess its like trial and era. milk and crystal light have been my two best friends. also i have alot of medication to take because of the bacteria and i am sooooo tired of taking that. ok so last thing is that i have been losing like 2 pounds a day and i am so freaked out by that. i don't think that its a good thing at all. my weight was something like 268 and now today i am 247 and only 2 weeks out, YIKES! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2010
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