
Oct 07, 2008

Okay, I think my brain is shrinking. I drove all the way to my surgeons office today to get my staples out. My appointment is Thursday. I'm mixed up here. Anyway, I'm doing great. I have been walking about 2 miles a day. I really get worned out after one mile, so I do one in the morning and one in the evening. I need some more protein I guess. I take 2 flintstones vitamins and 2 tums a day. I'm still on clear liquids. Lawd knows I could eat me something bad right now. I just don't know what. I'm not hungry. It is just the old habits fighting to stay alive. I still don't sleep well.  Its these darn staples. I love the way they healed my incisions back together, but they are a pain when you are laying down. Monday I crushed up one of my ambiens and took it. I might try that again tonight. I'm really shrinking yall. I am down to 206.5 today. I started this journey at my nut office on 9/15/08 weighing in at 234. I can fit so many of the clothes I couldn't wear last winter. I put on an outfit this morning and it was so cute. Here is a typical day of meals for me.

8:00 8oz water
9:00 1 protein shake 4-6oz
10:30 jello or popsicle
11:00 8oz water
12:00 strained cream of chicken soup
1:30 8oz water
3:00 1 protein shake 4-6oz
4:30 jello or popsicle
6:00 beef broth
7:30 8oz water
9:00 1 protein shake 4-6oz


Oct 03, 2008

Well, I'm 3 days out and I feel good. I'm drinking about 4oz of liquid about six times a day. That
includes water. I'm trying to increase today. My only complaint is the staples holding my incisions together. They make it hard to get comfortable laying down. I am doing so much walking. Maybe that is why I'm not having major gas issues. The gas that I have is coming out at both ends without a problem. Lets see, I was 234 when the nut weighted, 218 before surgery and 212 now.


Oct 02, 2008

 I'm home. My doctor had me x-ray and released by 9:30. I had about 2ozs of shake before leaving the hospital. I feel so good, I can't believe it. I haven't had any pain medicine yet today , but I will be taking some here soon. The ride home was very smooth. We stopped at the bank. Then we stopped at Macy's so I could get the magic bullet that I should have already had. Then we picked up my precription and stopped at food lion. I got out each time. My band holes 10cc's and it has about 4 in it now. Well, I'm going to take my pain medicine and lay down for a while.


Oct 01, 2008

Had surgery today. It lasted about 40 minutes. It is about 8:30 p.m and I am now taking my pain meds, no complaints. The pain isn't too bad. I am walking without a problem and urinating without any complications. Blood pressure a little low. I am only getting about 50cc of water every 4 hours, and nothing else until tomorrow morning.


Sep 30, 2008

Well tomorrow is my day. I have to be at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning and surgery is at 7:30. I will try to post again as soon as possible.


Sep 21, 2008

Okay, I have to come clean. I have been cheating on my pre-op diet. Not much, but I cheated. I ate 5 potate chips Thursday night. Then I ate 1 bite of a yeast roll on Friday. Saturday night I ate grits and sauage. But with all that I still lost 10lbs in 6 days. I did better during the week at work. My friends are giving me so much support. They are basically eating what I eat. I see my surgeon tomorrow. I have 10 more days until surgery. I will be on the losing side. Thank you Jesus!!!!


Sep 15, 2008

I started my pre-op diet today. It is not bad at all. I would call it the south beach diet. I can have 2 small meals a day and 3 shakes. No carbs or fruits. I'm so excited. I have been looking at my pictures from the last 3yrs. They are not a pretty site. My face is disfigured from the fat. I almost look like a different person. My surgery is 10/1/08 and I can't wait. I have my family support in place and i'm ready to go. I will meet with my surgeon 9/23/08. I am praying everything goes well. I know God is my savior and he will make everything alright. I have faith in God. I know through God, all things are possible.


Aug 20, 2008

I can't believe how time is just flying. I sure hope the weight flys off. Anyway, things are going okay. I think I might be gaining a little weight. Seems like my clothes are getting tighter. I am so ready to get on the losers bench. There is this co-worker that lost about 70lbs. I noticed today the weight is coming back. I'm so glad I chose to have the surgery. I don't want no more weight loss disappointments. Oh yeah, my date was pushed up to 10/01/08. I already paid my surgeon with my flex spending card. Well, flex spending wants the money back. Said I can't pay that far in advance. The surgeons office will have to refund the money and get it again. I'm in school on-line. I didn't take anything hard. If my recovery is slow, some of my relatives should be able to keep me going. I hope my recovery is fast. I only plan to be out of work for 2 weeks.


Jul 17, 2008

I got a date, 10/7/08. I am also on the waiting list in case someone cancels. I can't wait to be on the losing side. Everything else seems to be going fine. I will post again soon.


Jun 29, 2008

 Yippee!!!!! I'm approved!! I went to the mailbox today and my letter was in there. God is so good to me. I didn't blog much lately, but the approval was always on my mine. I'm so excited. I guess I will hear from the surgeons office tomorrow. I hope I don't have to wait to long for a date. Too everyone that is waiting, please don't give up.

About Me
Greensboro, NC
Surgery Date
Jun 24, 2007
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