Meet Me Midstream

Jul 25, 2010

I have decided to blog this experience after all. I was not sure what I could add to the discourse, but I think it will be good for me to be able to look back on things.

Let's catch everyone up to what's been going on. I am 13 days out from Lap RNY surgery. I consider 145.5 my high weight even though I came home from the hospital full of fluids and weighing 253. That 253 is a lie - but it is also my all time high weight. How I got here and went through the process of deciding to get RNY? Not important right now.

I'm only a few pounds down so far (238) and I am really, really trying to put my fingers in my ears and sing 'LA LA LA LA!!' to drown out all the forum posts and people talking about 20-30 pound weight losses in the first weeks after surgery. So not fair!

Tomorrow is my first day back at work. I have tons of leave I could have used to take more time, but I have way too many projects to let sit for long.

I have not cheated on what I am supposed to eat although it has been difficult. Unlike a lot of other people, I do not feel any different - my tastes seem to be the same, I am STARVING, I am craving a cheeseburger and I would kill for McDonald's fries. "I just have to force myself to eat!" "The doctor cuts the nerve so you are not hungry anymore!" "I'm not hungry at all!" -- every time I hear those lines I think "BULLSHIT!", scream and kick a small animal.

OK time to count my blessings I guess - I had no complications. I can go home early if I am too tired tomorrow. I have tons of support from family and friends. I have good skin genetics. I don't have to prepare food for others. My kitchen only has my stuff in it -- no temptation. OK Whew. That helped.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 21, 2010
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