Great Information

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying desperately to lose 25 pounds so I can be cleared for WLS through RNY. I have lost 9 pounds so far and am at a plateau already. I was looking for information on how to overcome this problem and turned to our own members for advice. This link is to a website that helps people who have already had WLS rediscover their post-op feeling of fullness but it can apply to anyone anywhere along the journey I think.
Also.... I have no idea how to RSVP to our on line meeting so I am just planning to be there and hope somebody else will be as well.
Here is the link and good luck to us all.....


New Group

Apr 10, 2010

I'm excited to finally know that I am eligible for the roux en y surgery. I have lost weight so many times but have never been able to keep it off. This is truly an answer to my prayers regarding my health. After losing all of my extra weight twice and then gaining it back I seriously felt like my life was over. I have been battling being overweight since I was 12. Good Grief!!! I look forward to hearing from other people in my situation.


Apr 06, 2010

I hope I get into the bariatric program at Kaiser. I wish they would make a commitment to me before I had to show that I am committed to losing weight. It is frustrating to think that after all of the classes and humiliating weigh-ins that at some point in the process I could be turned down. I know they are probably trying to weed out those people who are not determined to lose weight but they offer no commitment and still they expect us to be committed. These people try to be sympathetic but none of the educators so far can be empathetic. None of the people I've listened to are even 1 lb over weight. All of the doctors are thin as a twig and tell me that my obesity was a life choice. Bull Crap!!! I didn't choose to be overweight. In fact I have spent two entire years of my life struggling to lose weight. I really dislike being talked down to by people who have no idea what it is like to hate food and hate their stomach. Anyway.... I have my appointment with the dietitian and physician this Thursday. I have lost 2 and 1/2 pounds since my last orientation in March. Not bad considering my family and I have been horribly sick with H1N1. You would think I could lose more but I was ravenously hungry the entire time. I'm sure my body was burning up calories trying to heal. Besides the whole family reacted that way so it wasn't just me. I'll post on Thursday with an update. Good luck to everyone who is waiting to be on THE LIST!

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Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2010
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