4 weeks post op

May 25, 2011

I am now 4 weeks post-op and down 30lbs! Finally able to eat real food again!  I am loving beef jerky, it is low carbs and high protein, does have high sodium though, but it stays down and taste great!  Had 1/2 of a hot dog last night and felt sick. But I have not thrown up anything so far even though I have felt like it a couple times. I too am off all pain meds for about a week or more.


Had Surgery!

May 03, 2011

I did it! Had surgery last Tuesday at Good Sam with Dr.Zare. I wasn't nervous... I drove mysepf to hospital at 5am, I have control issues and it was more relaxing than having mu husband drive! LOL It started out O****il the pre-op nurse put my IV in and started pushing around and I threw up and unfortunately still had some left in bowels... YUCK! After I got cleaned up she said they would put it in when I got to the operating room,. Good decision. Dr. Zare has you walk and get on the table yourself. After I got situated the Anesthesiologist said I'm gonna give you something to relax and that was the last thing I remember.  Woke up in my room and "YES" it feels like you've hit by a truck! They gave me Dylodin for the pain, which my 1am I was having an allergic reaction and stopped taking it. At 8am they switched me to Hydrocodone. It really set me back a day with the bad reaction. I got to come home on Thursday and was able to get some much needed sleep... getting woken up every 2 hours for vitals really sucked! I two was not hungry or thirsty which was very bizarre. I am walking around the house and outside in the yard and getting fresh air!
   My husband has been terrific! He brings me my protein drinks, water and my pain meds. He has been grinding my regular meds up every morning too!  He makes me breakfast, lunch and dinner and has been cooking for my Mom and himself too! What a guy...  love him so!  
   Lost 10 pounds in the first week not counting the weight you gain right after surgery. For some reason you gain weight... like 20lbs! I think it's all the fluids and gas they pump into you! So I lost that and 10  more.  Good luck to all of you that are getting surgery!

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Surgery Date set for April 26th 2011

Apr 06, 2011

Woo Hoo!  I finally have my surgery date... boy, this has been a long time coming! Met with Dr.Zare today to pick-up OptiFast, need to lose 15 lbs before surgery. I was surprised how nervous I was, this was the first time I have felt that way?! I guess it's because it seems real now that I know the day. I will be the 4th person that I personally know at work to get the surgery. I am 5'8 and weighed in at 277 this morning. I currently wear between a size 20-22. I think your mind plays tricks on you. I mean I look in the mirror in the morning before I go to work and think, "I look pretty good", but then I saw a picture taken last Saturday with my 19 year old daughter and thought "Is that what I really look like"? Wow, a little disturbing.  So looking forward to my surgery! Scared, anxious and mostly excited!

My first entry!

Jan 05, 2011

Met with Dr.Zare today! He is such a nice guy, very easy to talk too. I had all my bariatric records from Kaiser sent over... tried for over a year to have my surgery there with no luck, so I switched insurance companies so I could see Dr.Zare. My friend Ruby recommended him. I am really excited to have surgery and begin my journey to weight loss! I want to lose enough weight so I get get on a horse without using a step stool... very embarrassing! I am afraid to go trail riding or at the beach because if I have to get off my horse and I won't be able to get back on without help from someone else. Totally sucks!

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Jan 05, 2011
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