I'm 31 years old and a mother of 2. I have a 4 year old son named Jason and a 2 year old daughter named Kailyn. I've been married for 5 years.
I manage a sleep lab. Some of you may have gone to one for a sleep apnea test.

My journey began in September of 2005. When I called to get some information. I had to go to an orientation and my consult was booked on 11/4.
Everything went well. I had to have an ultra sound of my gallbladder, see the dietician and the psychiatrist. They booked me for all my appointments and gave me a surgery date right then and there. I was really shocked how smooth and easy everything went. I have read so many horror stories. I haven't had any problems with anything. I must have good insurance BC/BS.

1/12/06 ~ Today I meant with the surgeon again. They told me everything went well and I was approved. Just like that? I'm scheduled for surgery on 1/30 at 7:30 AM. I was surprised, people have told me I would have to go on a liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery. I asked about it today and they said no. I don't have to do anything the next 2 weeks except wait. This was all to easy!! I just know I have a long tough journey ahead. I hope to get my life back and be feeling great by the summer.

1/26/06 ~ Well I'm down to the last couple of days. I've gone shopping and have taken care of everything. I feel very excited but also very scared. Besides being obese, I'm very healthy so I don't expect any complications but you never know. I always have a little thought in the back of my mind that says what if? I can't stand the thought of leaving my children.
Well enough of that, Monday is the day at 730 AM. I keep reading profiles and looking at before and after pictures. I have been trying to set to many goals and see how it goes but i would love to be down 100lbs by summer???
Doable who knows, but some people have. I will check in again before the surgery and of course afterwards. Weigh in at 242lbs today....YUCK ( you wonder how the hell you ever got this way and WHY?)

1/27/06 ~ weighing in at 241lbs :( and I have a cold. I feel like crap. I hope this doesnt cx my surgery Monday?? Well today is my last day of work until some time in Feb. It's goig to be a short day. Just a few loose ends to tie up. I'll check in the night before surgery....it's so close!

1/29/06 ~ weighing in at 241.0lbs. Feeling better, the colds gone. WOW I can't believe it's tomorrow. I've packed my bag and cleaned my house. I've gone shopping and I think I'm all set for my new journey. I took my measurements. Needless to say it made me sick! :(
Ankels ~ 9.5
Calf ~ 18.5
Thigh ~ 30
Hips ~ 55.5
Waist~ 51
Bust~ 49
Under Bust ~ 42
Neck ~ 16
Wrist ~ 7
Lower Arm ~ 11
Upper Arm ~ 16

Pretty large! I'm wearing a 22/24 in shirts and a 22 in jeans. 2X in lounge pants.( bought 2 pairs today for after the surgery.)

Well I will check in again after a few weeks and I recover.

2/2/06 ~ Finally home and feeling OK. Weighing in at 240lbs. Its tough getting in all the water and shakes but I'm trying. They took out my gallbladder and said it was very difficult but other than that everything went well. I feel very sleepy most of the time, I'm trying to keep moving. I need to schedule an appt. in 2weeks with my surgeon and meet with the dietician in 4 weeks. I'll check in again in a few days.

2/4/06 ~ Well down 5LBS. today weighing in at 236. So I guess it's working? I'm feeling pretty good, still some pain and I still get very tired. I really can't belive how hard it is to get in all your protein and water. It takes forever! I feel like all I do is sip.
I made my 2 week follow up appt with Dr. Lautz, that's on the 16th. I would love to be down a total of 15lbs by then so I'll check in again soon.

2/5/06 ~ Well today I'm weighing in at 233.8lbs.. WOW. My husband says I'm crazy ..I've been on the scale everytime I go to the bathroom. Just to see. I really dont feel any different but it's nice to see the number dropping. My incinsions are healing nicely. I really can't stand drinking the protein shakes anymore, they seem to get gross after a few sips. I know these are most important it's the only place to really get the protein in.. each shake has 20grams so Im trying to drink 3 a day then 2 carnation instant breakfasts. I've been eatting some sugar free popclicles. They are good and it makes you feel like you are eatting. I tried chicken broth but wasn't to thrilled by it, I'm going to try some jello and some more chicken broth.
The propell waters are yummy, I've been drinking lots of those.
I've been walking a little ut it's been raining out, after walk i get sooooo tiered that I need a nap. Yesterday I had to take a 3 hour nap. Which turned out to be good because both kids were up sick last night. Well I'm not hungry but I see food and wish I could have a bite or a piece or whatever. I've heard from other people "NOTHING tastes as good a Thin feels." I would like to live by that, so we'll see.

2/06/06 ~ Well 1 week post Op. Weighing in at 232.8. Not bad for for one week. I still feel really sleepy all the time but I'm trying to fight through it. The shakes are really gross now, I feel like I can't drink another one. I need to find a way to mix them up.

2/12/06 ~ HELP!!!! Weighing in at 230.2. I'm feeling pretty disappointed. I feel like this was a waste of time. I've been exercising, walking 1 miles 3-4 days a week. Which I never exercised before. I just started the dice protein and I'm doing very well, nothing is bothering me. I've been drinking my water and shakes, I just don't understand it???????????? I go back to the surgeon on Thursday so we will see what he has to say. Any feed back to this would be great..Thanks

2/17/06 ~ Weighing in at 226.7. I had my 2 week check up yesterday and I was down 15lbs. That is fantastic! I'am feeling great, I go back to work on Monday but I'am on call this weekend. I thought the weight would come off a little faster but I guess 15 lbs since the 30th is pretty damn good. Especially seeing I could never loose weight before. One of my incisions is still not healed and I think I ripped it a little bit last night vacumming. Tomorrow I'am joining the gym.. its called PACE....it's pretty much like curves. so we'll see how that goes.

2/22/06 ~ Weighing in at 222.3. I was at a stand still for the last week but I joined Pace and today was the first work out. I had some problems with the staff and opening a memebership.. The girls had no idea what they were doing. Any how after I worked out I was down 3.5 LBS..WOW. I love the PACE, Iam going tomorrow also. My friend Kelly Google my name and found my profile..:( I didn't really want anyone knowing the story until I lost a good amount of weight. Oh well. Doing well no problems with the diced protein..its hard to get all the water in but I'm trying

2/28/06 ~ 223 This is retarded. I not loosing weight very fast. I know it takes time but this is taking weeks. I'm stuck between 222 and 225?????????????? I've been going to PACE and I love it. I do feel like I'm shinking but I dont see it on the scale.

3/06/2006 ~ 220lbs, Saturday I was weighing in at 218. I keep bouncing from 218-220. Saturday night was the first time I went out to dinner. Everything went well, I had chicken with cheese from Fridays. I ordered water and brought crystal lite to drink. I've been going to PACE 3-4 per week. I LOVE IT! first off its fun and I feel good but next NOONE is ever there so I always have the place to myself. I know I've been doing OK but i thought you were suppose t loose a little faster???? Sometimes i feel that I won't loose the 100lbs that I want to. I know I wouod feel comfortable at 150 but I would really like to be 120-130lbs. I had to reschedule my dietician appt. last Thursday, I had issues at work with computers and people were coming out to fix it and I had to be there. I asked them to reschedule me but I havent heard anything. I will have to call again today. Well after the gym I weighed in agin for the last time this week and it was 217.4 So thats great!!!!! I'll take the 217. I put on a button down blouse today that I bought and never wore because the buttons pulled in the chest area. Well its actually big on me today and comfortable ...:) YEAH!!!!!!

3/09/2006 ~ Weighing in at 219.. I think its because I have my friend this week..:( I saw the dietician yesterday, she said I'm doing everything right. I told her it seems kinda slow and she said it isn't so I guess thats fine. I tought I looked nice esterday but she made a comment that my clothes were too baggy and too big (theres a first) She told me I probably need to go down 2 sizes at least that would put me in a 14-16. I would say maybe a 16, there is no way Im a 14 yet, but I hope so soon. Well here are my old measurements and I'm taking my new ones now. I'm dying to see the difference!!!!
Ankels ~ 9.5 ~ 9
Calf ~ 18.5 ~ 18
Thigh ~ 30 ~ 28
Hips ~ 55.5 ~ 52
Waist~ 51 ~ 45
Bust~ 49 ~ 44
Under Bust ~ 42 ~ 39
Neck ~ 16 ~ 14
Wrist ~ 7 ~ 6.5
Lower Arm ~ 11 ~ 9.5
Upper Arm ~ 16 ~ 14.5

So wow thats a difference!! That at least makes me happy and I can see a difference. I hope it keeps going!! Wish me luck

3/17/2006 ~ HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY! weighing in at 214.2
not to shabby. It does seem slow but I guess the slower the better. I've been doing pretty well with my liquids and proteins. I'm starting to eat more of a variety. I found some EAS protein bars that are pretty good and 18g of protein. Today Ellen and I went to a sleep conference and people actually said I lost weight so Thats a nice touch. I have about 80-85lbs to go. Hope it just keeps coming off.

3/19/2006 ~ weighing in at 212.8...what a good day! My in laws say I look terrific. I tryed on a shirt that I wore at Thanksgiving, it was tight then and uncomfortable. Tonight it was so loose and looked good, it actually felt good. This is an unbelievable feeling! 12lbs and I will be below 200, I think I was 200 in 1996 :( I weigh less now than I did on my wedding day!! I know I would feel good at 160 ~ so thats 52 more lbs. But my main goal is to be around 125/130lbs. More later

3/25/2006 ~ 209.4 wow,I'm feeling pretty good. I havent gone to the gym all week because I've been so busy at work. I'm going to go today while Kailyn is a dance class. Last night my friend Jen came over and it was the first nigt I had a drink. It went well, I only had 1 drink but I wasnt drunk and felt fine. I didnt get sick or anything. Thats good!!! I go back to see Dr. Lautz on Thursday, so more then

Ankels ~ 9.5 ~ 9 ~ 8.5
Calf ~ 18.5 ~ 18 ~ 17
Thigh ~ 30 ~ 28 ~ 25.5
Hips ~ 55.5 ~ 52 ~ 50
Waist~ 51 ~ 45 ~ 43
Bust~ 49 ~ 44 ~ 43
Under Bust ~ 42 ~ 39~ 39
Neck ~ 16 ~ 14 ~ 14
Wrist ~ 7 ~ 6.5 ~ 6.5
Lower Arm ~ 11 ~ 9.5 ~ 9.0
Upper Arm ~ 16 ~ 14.5 ~ 13

3/30/2006~ gained some weight :( 211.0 I saw the surgeon today. They say I'm doing great! The PA expects me to get down to 130lbs in the next 9 months..YEAH! She said I should feel pretty comfortable there. That would be nice. She asked me if I could remember how I felt at 130.. I was like 130 I havent been there since 8th grade. Well today is the 2 month anniversay of my surgery. Everything is going great!!

4/7/2006 ~ 206.8 today is a GREAT day. Lost 40lbs!!! YEE HAA
I can't believe it. Noone really says anything but one friend comment that my jeans looked big. They are still my 22's and are falling off. What a feeling! I can mostly eat anything, not junk or fried foods, but anything normal. I need to go buy some protein mix, I've been slacking on protein and vitamins. I haven't heard from the surgeons office so my blood levels must of been good.
I've also been busy so I've been slacking on the gym also, only went once this week. I'll go all weekend! Thats it for now!!!!
AWESOME DAY 40lbs!!!!!! Today
Ankels ~ 9.5 ~ 9 ~ 8.5 ~ 8.5
Calf ~ 18.5 ~ 18 ~ 17 ~ 16.5
Thigh ~ 30 ~ 28 ~ 25.5 ~ 24.5
Hips ~ 55.5 ~ 52 ~ 50 ~ 49
Waist~ 51 ~ 45 ~ 43 ~ 42
Bust~ 49 ~ 44 ~ 43 ~42
Under Bust ~ 42 ~ 39~ 39 ~ 37
Neck ~ 16 ~ 14 ~ 14 ~ 14
Wrist ~ 7 ~ 6.5 ~ 6.5 ~ 6
Lower Arm ~ 11 ~ 9.5 ~ 9.0 ~ 9.
Upper Arm ~ 16 ~ 14.5 ~ 13 ~ 13

4/14/2006 ~ 204.0 lbs What a great week! My clothes fell off of me, numerous people said I look good and look like I lost a ton of weight. My Dadsaid I looked Damn good. Someone actually comment and said Look at the skinny girl :)
4 more lbs to my first goal.. Below 200 then next is 180 then 150 then I would love to be somewhere around 120-130. Do you think it's possible?? Tomorrow I actually need to go buy new underware, bras and pants. WOW good week!!

4/19/2006 ~ 201.3 Almost at the first goal! I should be under 200lbs tomorrow! Oh my god I cant even believe it. I love it, now when people see me they really see a difference. I actually don't even feel like a huge beast even though Im still in big clothes. 16-18 shirts and 16 pants. Even still though I havent been in a 16 in I dont know how long. I cant wait for summer, I can actually wear a bathing suit and maybe even take my daughter to swim lessons!

4/22/06 ~ 198.8...... OH MY GOD! Thats all I can say.
My Mom bought me a couple of shirts from fashion bug size 14/16 oh and they fit. I was shocked I figured they would be tight and I would fit into them like next month, but nope they fit now and I'm going to wear them this week.:) Also size 16 pants

5/1/2006 ~195 I have past the 50lb mark!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe it. Everything is BIG on me and I feel amazing. Luckily I havent had any complications:) I see the surgeon again in June. I'm also going on Vacation in June to the cape and I cant wait to buy all new clothes and a bathing suit. I cant believe I'm saying that. A bathing suit.......... To funny, I cant even imagine it.
BMI~ is now 38...That dropped 10 points, according to the BMI chart I should weigh 115 to be normal. My goal is 120-130 somewhere around there. 150lbs would make me happy
Ankels ~ 9.5~9~8.5~8.5~8.5
Calf ~ 18.5~18 ~17~16.5~16
Thigh ~ 30~28~25.5~24.5~24
Hips ~ 55.5 ~52~50~49~47.
Waist~ 51~45~43~42~39.
Bust~ 49~44~43~42~40
Under Bust ~ 42~39~39~37~37
Neck ~ 16~14 ~14~14~13.5
Wrist ~ 7~6.5 ~ 6.5~6~6
Lower Arm ~ 11~9.5 ~9.0~9.0~9.0
Upper Arm ~ 16 ~14.5~13~13~13.

5/5/06 ~ 194.2........ YEE HAW GOOD BYE 200lbs forever! I NEVER want to see that number again. I feel great no problems no complications nothing. I have a pair of jeans on today, that was giving to me about 3 years ago and NEVER EVER fit me. to the point I couldnt even pull them up over my thighs. Look at me know, they fit great and are very comfotable. I cant believe it. This is the BEST thing i ever did for myself.

5/14/2006 ~ 191.0 Happy Mother's Day! BMI at 36 still obese but done a great deal. Feeling good no problems. I've been slacking a little bit. I've been so busy that I've been to the gym like once a week for the past 2 weeks. I've also been slacing on the protein and vitamins. I need to get back on track ASAP.

5/20/2006~ 188.00 Happy Anniversary to me. I feel GREAT! Last night I went out with some friends to a festival on landsdown st. Tiesto was the DJ... It was a GREAT time. All my friends were shocked at how good I looked and keept callig me the incredible shrinking women. It's so great to hear. Its also funny that people now dont say I'm fat they say I look grat and if I say I'm fat people say knock it off your not fat. Well when I was this weight around 19-20 years old people use to say I was fat. Still need to loose weight but I feel awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6/9/2006~ 183.2 WOW, its been a while. Its only been 5lbs since last time. I've been slacking on the gym. I went yesterday I wanted to go today but didnt ..I got home to late. I will go tomorrow and Sunday morning. I really need to get moving on this. Well size LG-xlg and size 14-16 pants. not bad considering.
Down 63lbs..WOW really is unbelieveable. People make comments every day at how good I look and how much I lost.

6/21/2006 ~181.0 I keep bouncing between 181-184.. can't I get into the 70s??? I go see the surgeon tomorrow for my 6 month check up. Hard to believe its been that long. Last week I went to the track and was able to actually jog around the track. I havent been able to do that since high school.

Ankels ~ 9.5~9~8.5~8.5~8.5~8.5
Calf ~ 18.5~18 ~17~16.5~16~15.5
Thigh ~ 30~28~25.5~24.5~24~21
Hips ~ 55.5 ~52~50~49~47~44.
Waist~ 51~45~43~42~39~38.
Bust~ 49~44~43~42~40~38
Under Bust ~ 42~39~39~37~37~35.5
Neck ~ 16~14 ~14~14~13.5~13
Wrist ~ 7~6.5 ~ 6.5~6~6~6
Lower Arm ~ 11~9.5 ~9.0~9.0~9.0~9.o
Upper Arm ~ 16 ~14.5~13~13~13~12.5.

7/17/2006 ~ 171.0 WOW I haven't wrwitten in awhile. Here it is I'm in the 70s and pushing the 60's.. What an amazing feeling!!! Today I was able to put on a size 12 Gap jeans. They were still a little tight but I coulod button them and I could wear them. I guess we could say BEST decision I have ever made. Everyone keeps commenting on how good I look. I feel GREAT!
I'm VERY bad with the gym. I have worked out since I went to the track last. That is so bad I really need to get back, I'm just so busy with work. We are opening another sleep Lab that I will be taking over. My BMI went from 48 to 33. Thats so hard to even imagine. I just can't belive I ever let myself get that BIG>>

7/26/2006 ~174.8~ well boucing between 170 and 174. Just hit the 60's please!! Size 14 and I can fit into a size 12 Gap jeans but I have a little role hanging over the jeans like I did when I was 240. So I wont be wearing these yet. Shirts are a LG. I just can't believe how good it's been going! I'm so happy!

8/13/2006 ~ 164.0~ Wow it's been awhile. I'm feeling great! Down 83lbs and still going. My BMI is now 30.. still obese but much better than before. I can eat pretty much anything just a ittle bit. I miss Diet pepsi the most! I do drink it with Captain Morgans on accasion. Well I wear a size 12 again, I havent been a 12 since I was 20 years old. Med or LG shirts. Everyone says every day that they can't believe it. Such a good feeling!
I was slacking on my protein and I started feeling like crap.. and I was so tierd all the time. Now I'm etting about 60 grams a day and I feel much better

8/15/2006~ WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ankels ~ 9.5~9~8.5~8.5~8.5~8.5~8.0
Calf ~ 18.5~18 ~17~16.5~16~15.5~15
Thigh ~ 30~28~25.5~24.5~24~21~20
Hips ~ 55.5 ~52~50~49~47~44~42.5.
Waist~ 51~45~43~42~39~38~36.
Bust~ 49~44~43~42~40~38~36.
Under Bust ~ 42~39~39~37~37~35.5~35.
Neck ~ 16~14 ~14~14~13.5~13~12.5
Wrist ~ 7~6.5 ~ 6.5~6~6~6~6
Lower Arm ~ 11~9.5 ~9.0~9.0~9.0~9.~8.5
Upper Arm ~ 16 ~14.5~13~13~13~12.5~12.0.

9/26/06~ 157LBS~ Well I have slown way down. I think its my own fault, I havent been exercising aand I've been eating a litttle more. :( I need to get back on track. I'm all most at m goal. I would be happy just staying here but seeing I had surgery to get here I was thinking 130-125 would be nice. Down 89lbs. NOT TO SHABBY!! Size 10 and MD shirts. Its so funy to put on a LG shirt and have it be too big. I just had to buy a new fall coat, last year I needed a size 2XL this year size MD (8-10) WOW and I can also button up the whole thing. UNBELIEVABLE! My wedding ring is too big now also. Its so hard to believe all this. I feel great. I just want to go out and see some of my old friends so they can remeber me like this and not as a BIG FAT PIG
My BMI is now 29... so sweet I am now "over weight" and not obese. At 125 I would have an average BMI

10/8/2006 ~ 153lbs... All I can keep saying is WOW! Saturday I was out and every person I saw commented on my weight. Actually it started Friday. At my work review, my boss commented, then we played cards and my friend Jen said I was getting to thin and I was skinnier than her. Then Saturday, my mothers neighbor, said I look like I was a size 6. Then the nail lady commented and my friend Trisha's mother, then my brother who hasnt said one word about the weight loss to me. he called me skinny! I love being called skinny, it just makes ya feel so good. I actually feel average now instead of always being the biggest person. I can run and jump and just have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You Dr. Lautz!!!

Ankels ~ 9.5~9~8.5~8.5~8.5~8.5~8.0~8 ~7
Calf ~ 18.5~18 ~17~16.5~16~15.5~15~14~13
Thigh ~ 30~28~25.5~24.5~24~21~20~19.5 ~19
Hips ~ 55.5 ~52~50~49~47~44~42.5~40~39
Waist~ 51~45~43~42~39~38~36~35.~33
Bust~ 49~44~43~42~40~38~36~35~34.~34
Under Bust ~ 42~39~39~37~37~35.5~35~.32
Neck ~ 16~14 ~14~14~13.5~13~12.5~12~11
Wrist ~ 7~6.5 ~ 6.5~6~6~6~6~6~6
Lower Arm ~ 11~9.5 ~9.0~9.0~9.0~9.~8.5~8.5~8
Upper Arm ~ 16 ~14.5~13~13~13~12.5~12.0~11~10.5.

11/08/06 ~ 154

UMMMMMMMM  I hope I didn't just llose my whole jurney???? I convertd to the new format, everything else is here except my pictures and my story :(

Anyways can't seem to loose anymore, I need to get back to the gym and stop eating.  I hate the holidays they are always tough.  Size 10 pants and size Med shirts...:)


2/5/07 ~ 147.0

Happy New Year   Its been awhile!  I'm doing well but I can't seem to hitthe 100lb mark.  1 more pound!  I really need to exercise but tis too cold and I'm too lazy for the gym.  I did join softball for the spring.  So any how I can fit into a size 8 pants and a size Small/Med shirt....SWEET!


4/26/07 ~145.0

Well its been awhile!  I seem to be lossing inches but the scale isnt moving much.  Size 8 pants and size small shirts.  AMAZING

I saw my X the other day, didn't even say anything?? I was like yeah! down 100lbs since I saw you last and you have NOTHING to say at all??????  WEIRD!

BMI is now 27.. still says I'm over weight :(

4/29/07~ 143.0

Actually I'am now a size 6...woo hoo!!!!  I bought dress pants and jeans yesterday size 6.   That is sooooo nuts! shirts small/medium



About Me
West Bridgewater, MA
Surgery Date
Aug 27, 2005
Member Since
