4/24/05I've finally bitten the bullet.  I went to the seminar in CF this past Thursday, and had the famous 25 page questionnaire mailed back to them on Friday.  Now I'm just waiting until I have my appt with my PCP in 3 weeks.  I guess I really don't have anything to do before then!  I made sure to make copies of my diet history and family history, so I could show my Dr what I sent in.

Now I'm just trying to focus on everyone's before and after pics and not insurance horror stories!

 5/5/05Just playing the waiting game...  I have an appt w/ my family Dr on the 17th and then my initial consult appt with Angela the PA, on the 24th.  I confirmed with my insurance company today, that I don't need a referral from my Dr.  I think it would only help though.  We'll see.  I'm kinda kicking myself that I didn't confirm that immediately and I could have had both appts on the 17th.  LOL  I tell myself that this really is better though.  This way I'll have a full physical going into the consult appt - I'll have current cholesterol numbers and everything.  Everyone says that looking back, the process does move quickly, it just seems slow at the time.  Hell, I already think it's moving quickly!  LOL

Now I get to think about when to tell some friends... I don't think we'll say anything to anyone who doesn't already know - until after I get the insurance approval.  I think the largest group of them won't know until I'm on the losing side.  I just don't want to deal with some of the very negative people before I head into a major surgery, KWIM?


Well, there's not much to say.  I went to my PCP yesterday and she's very supportive.  She wants to help get me more diet documentation if I should need it... Over all it went well and she's taking everything very seriously.  She put me on the pill to see if it would help with PCOS, and she said that if my cholesterol is even borderline this time, she'd think about medicating me... just because my family hx is that bad.  Scary, but probably a good idea.  I have my consult appt in less than a week.


I had my initial consult today with Angie and Lois.  My MIL went with me and introduced me to some of the staff - that was nice.  Always good to know some insiders.  So now I'm waiting for my psych eval.  I'm getting my sleep study scheduled and then I'll just need to see the cardiologist.  Oh, and that pesky insurance.  LOL  I guess I do need an approval.  ;)


My psych evaluation went well.  I really had no idea what to expect...  I was kinda thrown off that he asked a lot more questions about my relationship with my mother, etc, instead of my husband...  that was pretty odd.  The only thing I got a kick out of was when he tried to catch me in a lie.  LOL  He had in his hands (which I didn't realize at the time) the paper that said that I don't drink any soda... He asked me what dietary changes I'd need to make and then eventually went back and asked about carbonated beverages.  Well duh.  I hadn't thought to tell him that I wouldn't be having them, because I don't have them now!  LOL  That wouldn't be a change, right?!  He wished me luck though, before and after, so I'm assuming that he felt I was competent enough for surgery.  Now it's in the insurance companies hands.  *fingers are crossed!*


Today, after being pushed by a friend, I bit the bullet and called the insurance company.  I swear I was pleading under my breath, and trying to remind myself to keep breathing if they could me that the pre-approval was denied.  LOL  I really thought that I didn't hear him right when he told me that it was approved just yesterday.  Woooo hooooooooo!  I think I might just be in shock right now.  LOL  Finally.  After 5 years of trying to lose weight as a full time job, it might just happen.  I'm so thrilled.

 7/18/05I had most of my pre-testing today.  I was at Sartori from 9-10 am - they're quick!  LOL  I had a super complete u/s - gall bladder, liver, kidneys, bil. tree, pancreas, spleen... did I miss anything?  I found out that my kidneys like to hide - I blame that on three babies kicking them into odd places.  LOLThen I went to have my chest xrays done, bld and urine tests and then on to an EKG.Later, I had an appt with a Cardiologist for a consult/clearance.  That ended up being a HUGE mess, but it worked out well and I had my second freakin' EKG of the day...  let's keep our fingers crossed that the insurance company is ok with that.So now I just have the sleep study standing in my way.  That's only a few days away.  I'd really like to have surgery towards the end up September, but we'll see what happens.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?

The good news is, I have dropped about 15 lbs since my first appt.  Like everyone else, I signed that dreaded contract that says that they won't operate if I've gained more than 5 lbs... so I'm busting my ass to get as far a way from that original weight as possible.  Heck, if I could be in the 230's before surgery...  I might just faint.  OK, maybe just jump for joy.  LOL

 I survived the sleep study!  LOL  Tom was awesome (who administered the test) and did everything he could to make me comfortable.  I got to go to sleep much earlier than usual and it really didn't take a whole lot longer to fall asleep - considering I felt like I had just had the hair highlight from hell!  LOL  I woke up more than usual - but considering everything, I think it was pretty accurate to how I sleep.  We'll see what happens.

He told me that he would wake me up and put the CPAP on if I was really having problems - and that didn't happen - but that doesn't mean I'm in the clear, either.  We'll see - I really still think it could go either way...  Or I wouldn't be surprised either way, maybe that's what I should say.

 8/9/05It's a big day.  My first official day off of birth control and I got my sleep study results.  No sleep apnea!  Not that it would have been a big deal at this point - just a pain in my butt.  Dr G's office requires you to be off of BC pills for 30 days to decrease your risk of blood clots... so that puts me at Sept 6.  Which is my daughter's first day of preschool.  I think Sept 20th will be the perfect date.  Everyone can cooridinate their schedules perfectly then - I can start my liquid diet on the first day of preschool, rather than being in the middle of it when two kids start school... how nerve wracking would that be?!  LOL 

All in all I'm excited.  I thought it would kill be to wait that long, but I'm very at peace knowing that the can is (kinda) set in less than a month and a half.  (that date had been "penciled" in already at the office, pending the sleep study results)


I got the official word today that my surgery date is set for Sept. 20th.  Wow, kinda a weird feeling.  I finally have a day in sight...

 9/11/05I'm about to head to bed, so I think I can say that I have survived the 5th day of the clear liquids!  I have some doubts though... I already want to puke just looking at broth.  So now I'm making protein everything...  OJ, slushies, etc.  LOL  The weekend has proven to be more difficult.  Once the week starts and I get really busy again, I'm sure the rest of the days will fly by.  I have my H&P scheduled for Wednesday and my appt with Dr G on Friday.  Ten days... I can hardly believe it. 

Woo hoooo - my BMI is officially under 40.


I'm one week out and feeling great.  I hadn't been having any pain, but then I hit this little coughing spree this morning.  Man did that hurt.  So right now I'm just trying to get back on top of that and carry on.  The drain is out and wow.  I can't even describe how much better that makes me feel!  At the office I was at 239 today and at home, without shoes, etc, I'm at 231.  Our scales are about 5 lbs different.  I'm cool with that.  LOL

 11/17/05It's been almost two months, so I guess I should update! 

Well, I'm down to 204 and hoping to get below 200 by Thanksgiving.  I think my mother is going to be blown away next week when I see her.  She saw pictures a month ago, but still, this is another HUGE difference this month.  We'll see.  I'm excited about this round of pictures and measurements - I love seeing the difference month to month.  Oh, and did I mention that I'm *this* close to getting into my pre-kids jeans?! 


Just wanted to jump back in here and say that I did make it below 200 - I came back from Thanksgiving vacation to find myself at 197!


I've decided that I really need to go with the 265 starting weight for my own sanity.  I know Dr G goes with the weight right before surgery (251), but heck, I would have still been at 265 without the liquid diet... so dang it, I earned those lbs just the same!!!  Anyway, I'm thrilled where I am and I've kicked up my exercise even more.  My muscles hurt, but I'm sure it'll pay off and I'll be looking good for summer.  Plus, I'll be super healthy!


I'm happy to say that I'm at a normal BMI!!

And... I'm pregnant.  Not expected, and sure not planned, but great all the same!

 6/14/06I completely suck at updating my profile.  I swear, every month I promise myself I'll be better at it, and every month I forget.  Or I simply put it off.  I'm still sitting right around 150 lbs and am quite happy with that.  I had thought about setting a personal goal of 145, but I think I look a little bone-y at times and I'm not overly happy with that.  Plus, I'm not one to fixate on a number or clothing size.  Health really is the goal for me.  If I'm in an 8 or 10, I don't really care.

As far as the pregnancy goes, we had a pretty big scare last week and ended up finding out that I'm just a lot "less" pregnant than we thought.  We're blaming the weightloss and think I was hyperovulating or something.  I would have gotten pregnant right when I was "late".  So instead of being around 12-13 weeks, I'm only about 9.5.  All is well though, and that's what matters.  I just have to "relive" the last few weeks of this pregnancy so far.  LOL

 Still kicking around.I just saw that I have less than 100 days until this baby is due.  Eeek!  It's time to snap myself out of denial I guess!  There's so much to do, yet I don't want to get stuff out and in the way for the holidays.  Lovely.

Anyway, my update.  At 26 wks pregnant, I'm sitting around 162.  You have no idea how many times I slip up and say 262.  After freaking out about it a lot, and talking to Angie, etc., my OB nurse talked my OB into letting me go without the glucose test.  I really wanted to refuse it, but apparently all of her post-op patients have done it.  I think they're nuts!  lol  If I dumped off BBQ beef this summer, there's no way I'm going to drink that glucola.  Man, it made me sick before surgery...  I told them if I did it, they would probably have to provide me with a place to nap afterward.  And that I'd have to arrange for a baby sitter so that my husband could be there to drive me home.  They decided it wasn't worth it!  I was a very happy camper after that appt.

About Me
Cedar Rapids, IA
Feb 10, 2005
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