The Diet Solution Reviews

Jun 24, 2011

I am going to share how to lose fat quicker by making small modifications to the way you diet and exercise. The challenge many people face when they begin a weight loss program is that their weight comes off slower than they would like which causes them to lose their motivation to continue but you can speed up your fat loss by using simple shifts, if you would like to learn how, then please read on.

The Diet Solution Program
Final Phase Fat Loss
Carb Rotation Diet
Tava Tea
Fat Loss Factor
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

How To Lose Fat Quicker

1. Modify your carb intake. Carbohydrates are your body's quick and easy energy source and for many people their body becomes so good at burning carbs for energy that it neglects a perfectly good source of energy just sitting on the body - i.e. body fat.

To get your body to burn fat over carbs you can finish eating carbs by lunch time. This removes them from your digestive system later in the day and forces your body to burn body fat, helping you lose faster.

2. Avoid overeating by eating more mindfully. It is true that there is a significant delay between the time your stomach has received enough food and the time your brain registers that it is full. If you eat too fast you will easily overeat because your brain hasn't gotten the signal to stop, but by practicing mindful eating techniques you will naturally slow down and eat less.

Try this simple trick, chew and swallow every morsel of food in your mouth before taking a next bite, this makes you eat slower giving your brain more time to determine you are full.

3. Add intensity to your workout. Exercise is great for burning fat and if you want to really boost your fat burning you can do so by adding quick burst of intensity to your workout. Instead of keeping a steady pace from start to finish, add 1 to 5 minute burst of high intensity during the exercise session. This boost your metabolism and keeps your body burning fat long after your exercise is done.


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Industry, CA
Apr 24, 2011
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