"The Material Girl"

Jul 18, 2010

Hi gang!  I hope that this post finds all of you ready for your Monday following a great weekend full of hope and great accomplishments!  My weekend was a weird one that will go down in the books for me.  I was told that I was becoming materialistic and fixing to head down the path of destruction like my niece had done.  *thud* 

You see I think I set myself up for this because I hammered into everyone head that should I start to act out of character, or start leaning to the shady part of the street to please slap me and get me back in line.  Which is what I want, but I was more meaning if I should start to show signs of wanting to hang out in bars or start favoring the wrong side of the street then give me the what for.  I did say a few things that after explained to me sounded bad but damn, I was stressed over finances and tired of giving and giving and getting nothing in return. 
So I made a stupid statement a couple of weeks back and said that I didn't care how things were as long as my hubby had a job then I can start treating myself with the things I deserve because I am worth it.  So this weekend at the flea market I bought myself a ring for $15 and my hubby bought me a sewing machine for $20.  Now granted, we just had a yard sale to get rid of crap so he can make it back and forth to work till he starts drawing a check (which didn't go into the money set back for that).  Then I was told that I am becoming materialistic because I could have spent that money on something we need instead of what I wanted.  
To a point she is absolutely right, however, she needs to take into consideration that all I have ever done is sacrifice and give until the only thing left to give to the greater good was my blood and sometimes I even did that.  Now though I have concluded that I am worth more than the way I have treated myself.  I now am not desperate enough to give more than I should as I always have just to make sure someone loved me. 
That's not their fault mind you, that is totally mine and mine alone.  No one ever asked me to do the things I did however, admittedly they never denied what I gave and knew I was doing more than any "normal" person (or they) would do. Funny, if the way I feel about myself now is into the "extreme", what must they have thought when those "extremes" were being bestowed upon them? I think that's a good question. Definitely something I have to ponder further but in the meantime, as long as I am not putting myself into the poor house I am going to continue to put me first and for the FIRST time in my life.  If that makes me materialistic then color me "The Material Girl"!  Have a super day gang!


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Apopka, FL
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Oct 29, 2008
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