I started my journey toward surgery three years ago.  Unfortunately I was laid off the same year and unable to move forward.  Finally last year and 360 pounds and employeed I made the committment to get healthy.  

I enjoyed working with my nutritionist in preparation for surgery.  I lost 40 pounds during this six month.  Somehome 18 of those pounds reappeared prior to my surgery date.  Hmmm.

I attend the Monarch Support group at Highland as well as continuing work with a counselor to assure that I stay on track.  Like many I have spent scads on money on Optifast, Weight Watchers, Diet Workshop, etc.  I want to be healthy.  I want to live again.

My weight and I preferred to stay home and sulk.  That is not healthy. 

My five grandchildren are a motivating factor in my decision to improve my health.  I want to live to enjoy them and all that life has in front of me.

About Me
Elba, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2008
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