Back to work

Sep 15, 2008

Yes I am back to work.  6 days out and like being hear.  This morning I got up at 4:30 am and took a 1.5 mile walk I felt so good.  When I got here all I hear is Asia, Asia, Asia we are so glad to have you back.  My desk was filled with Submittals to do.  Well I finally finished half the work so I decided to take a break and check in.  My boss is so cool that I am wearing shorts to work because the jeans press the stomach to much and puts pressure on the incisions. 

My bosses.  I have 3 of them and they all said that it looks like I am losing weight in my face.  Now all I have to do is lose the stomach and the butt!!! Going for a walk at lunch.

Just came back from my walk and I walked 3 miles.  I feel great!!!!

Let me post what I ate yesterday.

B: Activia vanilla lite, low fat yogart  1oz
S: Protein Drink
L: Cream of Mushroom w/ skim milk - 2 oz
S: SF Chocolate Pudding 1oz
D: Soup from my Spareribs and Cabbage - 2oz

I drank about 48 oz of water.  Water is going down so much faster than before.  I really don't have to sip sip sip.  I don't gulp but I also don't take 15 minutes to drink 1 oz.

Talk to you later.

I am back home!!!

Sep 12, 2008

Hi everyone I came back home yesterday and feeling fine. Let me start by telling my whole story: I went in on Tuesday at 11:00 for my 12:00 surgery. I was just lying there wondering if this is the right choice for me and I came to the conclusion that it was. My surgeon Dr. Fowler came in and talked to me, the nurse that was helping Dr. Fowler came in to talk to me. She was bigger than me and told me that she needs the surgery too however she is not there yet mentally to do it. The last person was Dr. Z now he was funny. He asked me if I had a big breakfast. I was like what I could eat. I know he was joking but it was a nice icebreaker. I got a shot in my arm which made me feel like I had 12 beers than they wheeled me down the hall and I saw about 5 men and women in blue scrubs and than a mask went over my face and black out. No counting backwards or nothing. I woke up 2 hours later with some upper stomach pain. It was the trapped gas. My husband came by at 4:30 to pick up the car and I told him to go home. That I was totally out of it and I don't want to talk. At around 9 pm I got out of bed and walked around the hospital floor. It was a big relief. I think I walked every 2 hours it helped relieve all the gas. The next day I had to do the swallow test. Well my stomma was to tight. It had a bit of swelling. So Dr. Fowler wants me to stay one more day so that I stay hydrated. He said there is no way I will be able to get all my liquids in. So it is better safe than sorry right. Well yesterday I took the swallow test again and this time the liquid was going down a little faster than the day before so he released me. I was so happy to go home to see the children. I walked to my kids school to pick them up. Their school is not even a block away. I stayed at the park and they came a running. I knew I made the right decision. Well after about 2 hours I was like man I want to go back to the hospital for some peace and quiet. So Ironic how life is. They were making so much noise that I decided to take the pain meds that the doctor gave me so that I could have a good night sleep. It worked I slept like a baby. I stayed in the kids room on the full size bunk bed. It was so easy to get up because the bars over head. By sleeping in that bed my 3 yearold slept through the night. I think I might do it again tonight. My poor husband o well I can't give him any benefits for awhile so this is better. Thanks for reading. Asia

Today Is My New Birthday!!!

Sep 09, 2008

Right now it is 6:00 in the morning. I have been up from 4:45. I can't sleep my mouth feels like cotton. I had to do the bowel prep yesterday and now I feel a little dehydrated. My surgery is at 12 noon so I have to be at the hospital at 11 am. I only live 30 minutes away so I will leave here at 10:15. I am leaving my car at the hospital and my husband is going to catch the bus from work to the hospital to pick it up and see me. He catches the bus everyday to and from work so it is no big deal. I am staying away from the kitchen and any sinks. We are not allowed to have water all day. Thank God I am the first to have surgery I would hate to be the 5:00pm patient. I gave all my kids hugs and kisses and told them that I will call them tonight and that they have to behave for dad and do their homework. I really don't know what to do today for the next 4 hours. I have researched all I can there is nothing else pre-op that I can do. My pre-op journey is coming to an end now it is time to start the post-op, losers bench, my new life. Since I am not doing anything I thought I would list my goals. 1. Underland 12/1/08 2. 12/31/08 be able to complete a firm video. 2. Size 13 pants 3. Be 160 by April 15 when my girlfriend comes to visit from Vegas. 4. Run a 5K 5. Be 150 or a size 10 by July 2009. 6. Goal of 140 that makes 100 lbs lost. I need to stay focus and excercise everyday. Eat right and wait 30 minutes before and 30-60 minutes after eating to drink my water. I need to take my vitamins everyday. Oya I forgot to have a smile on my face even when I stall cause baby I came such a long way and I ain't turning back. Good Luck Asia!!!!

Starting Point

Sep 06, 2008

Well I tooks some pre-op pictures today. I think pictures add 50 more pounds. I hate these pictures . When I go to work on Monday I will up load them. I decided that I wanted to record my measurements so here it goes.
Shoulders - 52
Breast - 51
Under Boobs - 45
Waist - 46
Hips - 55
Left Thigh - 28
Right Thigh - 28
Left Calf - 28
Right Calf - 28
Left Arm - 13
Right Arm - 12.5
Pre-Op / Surgery / Current / Goal
246      /     236    /    236     /140

I hate these pictures however I will hate myself if I don't post it.  Total humiliation.  How did I do this to myself.  Guess what Asia we are going to fix it right now.  Don't look back just look forward.  Its time to put on the Big Girl Panties!!!!!

Pre-op diet

Sep 04, 2008

I have to start my Pre-op diet on Saturday and I ain't to happy about it let me share. Saturday and Sunday
Breakfast: 1 Serving of two of the following foods.
* Low fat (no-sugar) yogurt
* 1/2 cup cottage cheese
* 2 eggs
* 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/4 cup non-fat milk
* 1/2 cup high fiber cold cereal
* 1/4 cup non-fat milk
* 1 serving fresh fruit 
* 1 slice bread

Mid-Morning: Protein Drink (less than 160 calories)

Lunch: 1-2 cups Low Sodium Soup (no rice, potato or noodles)

Mid-Afternoon: Protein Drink

Dinner: 1-2 cups Low Sodium Soup (no rice, potato or noodles)


Breakfast: Clear Protein Drink (ex: Isopure, New Whey, Nectar) Mid Morning: Clear Broth, Diet Jello or Diet Popsicle
Lunch: Clear Broth, Diet Jello or Diet popsicle
Mid afternoon: clear broth, diet jello or dit popsicle Dinner: Clear Protein

**** Need to start drink at 12pm 4 litters of meds to Colytes to Bowel Prep. Dr. Fowler said to expect to sit on the toilet all afternoon and night. I told him thank god that I bought my toilet drops. He only laughed when I brought it out of my bag. I already warned my husband to leave me alone because I am going to be a bitchy person until who knows when!!!! I think it will be best if I just sleep all day Monday so that I don't kill anyone! Everyone please pray for me!!!! I am going to need it!!!

Sooo Sooo MUCH TO DO!!!

Sep 04, 2008

Lets start with yesterday 9/3/08.  I went to subway for lunch and had a six inch and a soup for lunch it was really good.  I was thinking that in less than a week I will get full on 1/4 of the soup and wouldn't even dare eating the rest.  Well I had a gift certificate for a sushi bar so I pick up $100 worth of sushi for the family.  You ever notice that when you get gifts they are mostly food.  Well my family really enjoyed the sushi and so did I.  

At 6:00 I went to the monthly meetings for wls patients.  It was really good.  There is one lady in there that just look fab-u-lus.  She was 10 months out and was at 100% goal.  I asked what procedure she had and she had the RNY.  Now I am 100% sure this is the one for me.  In the meeting there was about 40 people all women.  I would say 80% of them had lap band.  Many of them had great weightloss but just hearing their stories is just scary.  One girl was about to cry because she wished somedays that she had the rny instead.  I have to say that it must be hard for many of these ladies to see other people losing more than they are.  My hearts go out to them.  They pick less inavasive procedure and they have to work 3X harder to lose the weight.  I am picking the RNY because this is my last chance.  I tried everything and I need this to help me get over the hump. 

I will be taking before pictures on this site.  My husband wants to take plenty.  I don't know what is so exciting.  However you ever notice how 100's of people always like looking at a beached whale on the beach.

Ok guys I have a meeting today with Dr. Fowler, my nut and pt.



Sep 02, 2008

You heard me right I got a date!!! I called my doctors office and told the coordinator that all my post-op requirements are done. She then told me "Let me check the calendar, how about the 9th" I told her "Ok October 9th it is". She then told me "Not October 9th September 9th". I was in total shock. My reply was yes that sounds great. OMG 6 more days till surgery!!! I am so excited. Now I have to tell my husband, start making dinners to freeze, get my vitamins, post op foods and sf pops. I am soooo excited can you tell!!!! Ok laters off to soccer practice. Aloha, Asia

Physical Therapist

Aug 19, 2008

Well I went the the physical therapist yesterday and it went great.  She told me that as for my ability to excercise and the excercising that I am doing is great.  So now I have to wait until Aug. 30 to have my pysche eval.  After that meet with the nutritionist and excercise trainer for pre-op.  I am hoping for surgery  late September.  I am tired of waiting.  I am not use to waiting for anything.  When I want something normally I try really hard to get it.

Sleep Study

Aug 18, 2008

I am beat.  I went to my sleep study last night and I was really tired.  I was falling asleep watching the olympic on T.V. waiting for the nurse to hook me up.    Well I got hooked up at 10:30pm and went to bed.  But I couldn't.  I kept tossing and turning, I couldn't get comfortable.  I kept thinking that someone is watching me.  Well the last time I looked at the clock it was 2am.  I think I slept for two hours.  She woke me up at 4 am to take me off the machine.  I got home at 4:45 and went straight to bed.  My husband said that in 2 minutes I was out like a light and the people in the next house could here me snore.  Good thing it was only for 30 minutes because I am at work right now.  I start at 6:30 am.  I think I am going to take a nap at lunch.

Bad News Just Went to Excellent News

Aug 08, 2008

I just called the Psychologist and scheduled an appointment on Saturday 8/30/08.  I am so excited.  I am now looking at having my surgery late September.  I couldn't be happier.  O happy day.  I better go excercise I only have 6 weeks to lose 10 lbs. 


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vancouver, WA
May 13, 2008
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