1/2 way there

Sep 15, 2014

173  1/2 way there...been very slow process...but i have to say that i have built some tremendous muscle strength that i have not had in 35 years.  i no longer have knee pain, back pain.  no longer on meds, blood sugar in control, hair is starting to grow back...slowly but is still falling out a little.  a little depressing at times so i try to stay off this site because people have almost doubled the amount of weight that i have lost in the same time period but...i was a "light weight" so they say.  I am happy...just a little disappointed at times because i work out hard, but the scale creeps. oh well...it will come off.  i just cannot imagine being 120 by december 26 like the doctor expects me to be.  don't want to see the look on her face as if i have not been doing what i was supposed to be. i don't eat sweets...hell..i can't i get sooo sick.  just have to stay the course.



not loosing

Jul 28, 2014

how the hell can the weight loss just stall like this?  i have to figure out wtf I am doing wrong.


finally out of the 180's

Jul 02, 2014

finally out of the 180's ...had to step up my cardio per the nut...back off on weights for awhile, didn't get to swim for about 3 weeks because of a laser procedure on my face.  still swimming 80 laps


just bitching

May 20, 2014

187...what a drag...only eat around 700 calories a day...exercise...*#@%.  I am swimming 1 mile 3x a week, working with weights 3x week, on the elliptical 3x week, walking 2-3x day...i don't know what the *#@! else to do. last week i weighed and even got on the scale 2x and it said 184...the very next day it said 188...now 187...



May 07, 2014

The grandchildren got a trampoline...jumped a little on it Saturday, no problem, went on it alone on Sunday, less than 2 minutes, felt 2 vertebrae knock together, have been in severe pain since Monday afternoon...can't take walk, can't work out, using heating pad...this sucks. lesson of the day...when you are almost 60 yrs old you should avoid trampolines!


not a good morning

May 04, 2014

I almost feel like I shouldn't log on to my profile any more. I see people who had their surgery around the same time I did and they have lost a huge amount of weight...not me though.  I walk 3x a day except on Saturday and Sunday, swim 2-3x week (up to 52 laps in 20 yd pool), weight train normally 3x week back & biceps, chest & triceps, shoulders, then next time serious leg workout- putting on some significant muscle.  I use the elliptical 35 minutes x week followed by the 45 minutes of swimming laps, log my food intake and I just feel like I just bounce up an down 1-3 lbs. My caloric intake is between 600-800 cal per day, 80 gr protein, lower than 35g carbohydrates.  Have tried sweets, they make me sick, tried peanut butter on bread...thought I was going to die for 4 hours...I have not been drinking the amount of water I am supposed to do...loosing confidence in myself.  Some days I feel I am doing great..until I come to this website and then make myself depressed.  My hair is falling out a lot now...that doesn't bother me though...just the lack of weight loss. I am so excited for everyone who had surgery...I am very happy for their weight loss and regaining of their health and  I wish them much success, I am grateful for my surgery, just a little down today.


feeling good

Mar 31, 2014

194 lbs this morning.  Had a rough weekend, had oral surgery on Friday (3 hours!!) followed by 3 days of pain.  But, it is subsiding now...so back to work or should I say working out!  The weigh loss seems slow but I am still ok with it...when you think about it, in September 2013 I was around 258 so I am slowly chipping away at the weight!  Have decided that Skinny Cow Ice Cream is not worth the pain and nausea! Starting to think the same about my coffee creamer!  Need to find a good post weight loss cookbook because I am getting bored.



onderland has arrived

Mar 11, 2014

Good morning...I have arrived!  At least that is what my scale screamed at me this morning!  Am at 199, haven't seen that number since around 1981.  My weight loss is slow, 31lbs since December 26th but that is fine with me.  Cannot even explain the emotions that rushed through my head this morning when I stepped on the scale, last week gave away all of my "professional" clothing ie. suits, dresses, evening gown to a friend at work it was like loosing an old friend.  How absurd clothing your friend but there were a lot of memories in those garments...lol...a lot of "eating" memories! Threw away some shorts, went to Walmart and got some new,Goodwill for jeans.  I was wrong when early on I thought the surgeon may not have really done the surgery...lol. Am so grateful for the surgery and as they say...wish I'd  done it 20 yrs ago.  All those years hiding from cameras so that I would not have to look at myself. Let Lauren  take a photo of me the other day outside in the front yard...she was shocked then David posted it on my facebook...lo and behold I didn't have a fit like I in the past, he was celebrating with me!  Oh Happy Day!


Feeling good again

Mar 06, 2014

The shingles are flat and going away, so glad!!! Started back to the gym day before yesterday...yeah!! Started of course with my favorite leg day so my quads, hamstrings & gluts are hecka sore!!  Slept like a log for the past 2 days though, evidently even through a raging thunder/lightning storm the other night. Yesterday started walking again, 2- 15 min walks, 1- 25 minute walk, felt great.   Last night worked chest/back/bicep/triceps so woke up this am a little stiff...no worries, tonight will be elliptical and hopefully 30-40 laps in the pool.  Still at 201 lbs...crap.

Been having a little trouble with the dense proteins lately, have to be more careful to eat more slowly, trying to keep the carbs under 40, but heck, the yogurt alone is 20!! Sometimes I will eat a piece of chicken or beef and it feels like it gets stuck then I feel sick to my stomach for about 20-30 minutes, found if I sip some water it helps.  Last night had just yogurt for dinner. 

One victory, hard one to do though...emptied my closet out of all my professional dresses/suits, gave them to a friend at work.  It is hard to say goodbye to old friends...like you can be a friend to your clothes...but I know what I mean.  A lot of memories in those dresses...I don't want to buy any dresses until summer, hopefully I will be able to get a "normal" size dress!!  In size 16-18 pants right now, blouse is still 18-20.

gotta remember...Baby steps!! Stay positive!! Be an example for those around me who need this surgery and are fearful!


feeling better today!

Feb 28, 2014

201lbs Haven't been this low in 30 years!!!

Stomach pain has subsided...intestinal that is.  The shingles have spread, wrapping around my left side almost to my navel.  Not a continuous patch, multiple spots.  Talked with Kirsten today at work, she says that she suffers from shingles often...she said that I am actually toward the end of the virus. hopefully it will be a short while longer. 


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