July 30, 2006

Oct 26, 2006

I can definitely tell the weight lose is slowing down. But that was to be expected. I was snacking way too much, as well. So this month I have gotten back on track. I am back at the gym, working out about an hour, next week I am adding weights into the equation. No more unplanned snacks! I also started doing fitday.com. I was really surprised how many calories I was eating. Surprised in a good way. I generally get in about 1000 calories.......I feel like I eat a lot so I was quite happy with that!

June 21, 2006

Oct 26, 2006

Well it has been awhile since I haved updated so I thought I would do so today! I have lost about 145 pounds so far. It feels so good. I can see my goals getting closer and closer. Things are starting to slow down a bit, I am fighting that though with more exercise and really watching what I am eating (and how much). I haven't had any complications (thank goodness) although, I did have to have an appendectomy, which they said was in no way related to WLS. My surgeon's office said they like people to be at a 65% loss at one year. That is three months and twenty-five pounds for me. I am going to make my goal fifty pounds (it may be a little steep, but it will keep me working). I will be happy with anything over the twenty-five.......but even happier the closer I get to fifty! That would also put me under 200 pounds. I can't even imgaine that.

February 26, 2006

Oct 26, 2006

I have lost 110 pounds so far! Things slowed down a little bit last month, but I think they have picked back up (at least for this month). I am exercising, but not as regularly as I would like to, I let life get in the way too much ........but this is my life! So, my goal for March is to get to the gym more.


Oct 26, 2006

75 pounds gone! I am determined they will not return! I was told I am a little ahead of schedule on the weight loss. I just hope that pattern continues.


Oct 26, 2006

I think I may be getting into the swing of things. I still need to get in more protein and liquid....seems to be the daily quest! I am seven weeks past surgery and down 50 pounds. I already feel so much better and get around so much easier. I had my bloodwork done and was told my liver enzymes were a bit high, but that was not unusual after WLS. Life is very good!


Oct 26, 2006

Wow, how time flies! I am six days post op now and things are going well. Dr. Cox said my surgery went perfectly! I do have some pain in my side, but it gets better each day. Everyone was so great. The hospital staff, the WLS team........all of them. They made me feel so comfortable, and truly seemed concerned for my well being, I will always be greatful.


Oct 26, 2006

So close but yet so far.........my date is now Sept. 13

July 2005

Oct 26, 2006

For some odd reason my thyroid panel came back ok. I have a close friend who is a physician and he did think that was odd, and suggested retesting it in three months. At least I am back on track to see the surgeon!

Woo hoo hoo, I have a date for my surgical consultation, and it is Monday, July 18. I was afraid it would be another two month wait so I was thrilled to know it would be in less than a week. I have choosen to go with a different surgeon, he is in the same office as Dr. Cook and from what I can find, both have equally good repuations. I could get an appointment with Dr. Cox sooner, so I felt very good deciding to go with him. After this I believe I can apply for insurance approval!

My surgical consultation was today and all went well. Dr. Cox was extremely nice and helpful. He felt I was an excellent candidate for the surgery. My papers will be sent to my insurance company, and from what I can tell my insurance company generally approves things pretty fast........we shall see!

I am approved! My surgery date is September 8!

June 2005

Oct 26, 2006

I went to the educational session today at Dr. Cook's office. It was very nicely done. I was very impressed that this was just an information session and the surgeon spent over an hour with us, answering any questions we had. I have almost all my pre-ops done. I only need to have a physical by my PCP to get an appointment with the surgeon. My physical is in two weeks. It finally feels like I am getting close...

I have finally got everything done!! Figures it is a Friday afternoon. The last two things I needed were a physical and my thyroid checked. Well, come to find out my thyroid is underactive. I am not sure what this will mean for my surgery, so I will be anxious to contact the surgeon on Monday.

The surgeon's office called and told me I couldn't see the surgeon until my thyroid panel came back normal. My PCP had called and suggested I have it rechecked, and broken down to see where the problem may lie. So, we will see....


Oct 26, 2006

After getting home really late one night I got online and was looking at this website. I found a profile that sounded just like me...a teacher....second grade...the woman even lived in the same city as I do, so I emailed her and asked her about her experience thus far. She told me of another surgeon, a lot closer (an hour and half) and also this particular surgeon was rated number one with my insurance company last year. I spent all night looking him up and seeing what I could find out about him. All seemed good...so once again I was back to the drawing board...I called his office and was told I sounded like a good candidate and they would send me the paper work. I received it and faxed it back the next day. 

They called the same day with my first appointment. I am not sure what the appointment is, kind of like an information session but more about their way of doing things than just the surgery in general, it is a requirement. Bad thing is, the appointment isn't until July 12. I really wanted to do this in early summer, being a teacher that would give me all summer to heal. I cancelled the appointment with the doctor in Concord and have decided to stick with my current plan! 

The more I thought about it though, I was a bit angry with the hospital here in Asheville. I wondered why they didn't tell me about the surgeon just an hour and half away instead of telling me lose 80 pounds. So I called them and asked, I was informed they didn't know about him. Hmmm, if you believe that, call me, I have some wonderful swampland....

About Me
Candler, NC
Surgery Date
May 07, 2005
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 14
July 30, 2006
June 21, 2006
February 26, 2006
July 2005
June 2005
