
Jul 24, 2010

 My biggest challenge so far has been in my head. The surgery has made me realize that my body doesn't need to eat a Big Mac for nourishment. When I was hungry before I usually ate whatever was closest. If I was out doing grocery shopping, I would drive through a drive thru and pick up something. Now I understand (or try to) the foods that my body needs to function.

When I was considering surgery, I was told a hundred times that it was just a tool. Although I understood that going in, I now fully understand. Not everyone is the same, but for me I still struggle on a daily basis with the urge to eat. I know its all in my head.  I still struggle with the little voice in my head that says “its okay to eat that cookie, its just one”. I think this is something I will live with everyday for the rest of my life.

I will say though that as I lose weight and feel better it does become easier to make better decisions and turn away from tasty treats!. 


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Jul 12, 2010
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