I DID IT!!!!!

May 13, 2009

I did it.......I reached my 6mo weight loss goal! 101 down 61 to go....there is no stopping me~!! 

I'm half way there.......but still have a long way to go.

Mar 19, 2009

I just realized that I've met half my weight loss goal today!!!! I am 81lbs down and have 81lbs to go till I met my goal weight. WOW!!!!!! I'm at a loss for words. I'm so excited!  This is a wonderful feeling.  Praise God. I just wanted to share my excitement with everyone.  
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December blues

Dec 28, 2008

It's been a lil over a month since my RNY and I'm down 46lbs!!  I'm very excited about my weight loss but I'm not happy with myself with my exercising and my discipline to take my vitamins like I am suppose too. I have had some DRAMA with my daughter, my dog and my job this month that has my spirits down and has left me in a VERY BAD MOOD!!! I keep telling myself that I know better and that I  should just focus on ME!! Wow, what a selfish concept huh? But, is it? I have always been the ROCK to hold it all together for my kids. They are teenagers and I have to make a decision on just how much more I am willing to allow them to put me thru. I hope that next blog my spirits will be uplifted and I will be in a BETTER MOOD!!! I am NOT going to wait until New Years to make a resolution. I am making it TODAY, right now....I will regain control of my life, my kids, my job and I will allow myslef to be happy in everything that I do. Wow, what a bummer blog this turned out to be. Until next time, God Bless.


Nov 22, 2008

I'm one week out and I've lost 17 lbs!!! Wooo Hooo. By the amazing Grace of God I'm doing GREAT! I am following all the rules. If I'm suppose to eat this,I eat it. If I'm not to eat that,I DON"T. I get all my 6 meals in everyday, even if it takes me all day. I'm struggling a lil to get all my 64oz of fluid down but I'm still trying. I've started walking at the gym daily. I love the exercise. I've had alot of advice from other wls patients and one thing they all said was...DO WHAT THE DR TELLS YOU TO DO. So far it's working. My body is changing right before my eyes. I can feel that my shoulders and legs are smaller. My face is thinner and the funny thing is I have space between my toes....ha ha ha
I know most of ya'll can relate to that..lol
Well,I'm closing this for now. I'll blog soon. Take care to all and God Bless You.


Nov 18, 2008

Well, today is now the 5th day since my surgery. On Nov 13th I went into UMC hospital at 8:00. Had all my pre op lab...which took 6 sticks! OUCH~~ then I was in surgery by 11:00. The procedure only took an hR and I was in recovery for 1 and a 1/2hrs. I thought I was going to be a nervous wreck at some point in time but, by the grace of God I never got nervous. When I woke up in recovery OMG~~~~I was feeling pain that I could have never imagined. This was only my 2nd surgery and my first one was thyroid surgery so,being my first abdomen surgery ever, I was blown away by the pain. The hospital staff was WONDERFUL!!!! They made me very comfortable and kept me feeing safe the entire time. Once I went to my room my wonderful family was there to greet me. Seeing them brought tears to my eyes. It was at that moment I felt a"ton of weight leave me." funny huh? I had been carrying a burden that was on my heart from reading a memorial of a young lady here on this site who reminded me so much of myself and ever since then I was praying more than ever, and even though I had peace in my heart about my decison the FEAR was still there. It's a miracle how just seeing the faces of your loved ones, after going thru a procedure as risky as this, assures you that IT IS ALL WORTH IT!!    I was up and about going to the bathroom by myself later that afternoon, I was not allowed to walk the halls because the abdomen support binder they had put on me was WAYYYY to small, so Dr Syn, did not want me to wear it. So, therefore when I stood gravity took over my belly....OUCH!! I went home the very next day, Everything went GREAT and I was on my way when I started feeling pain, SEVERE PAIN....the pain lasted about 5 hrs!! I was very confused as to why I was in so much pain because I had an internal pain pump,and I was NOT in pain like that at the hopsital. ANYWAY....come to find out, I had crimped my pain pump tubes when I put my pants on and once that was fixed,there was INSTANT RELIEF!!! Thank God. Other than my self inflicted pain, I'm doing GREAT!!! I struggle to eat 6 meals a day. I start to eat and by the 3rd bite I'm so full. That is such a mind blowing reality!!!  I go for my weekly followup on Friday and I will post my weight loss then. I will continue to PRAISE GOD everyday for my blessings and I am praying that anyone who reads this will feel peace about their decison to have WLS. Take care to all and God Bless You.

About Me
Lubbock, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2008
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