Everyday is a blessing....

Jan 12, 2008

On this day, I have lost 77 pounds and I am so happy.  I love this new me, today was the first day I was able to see myself side by side in photos, my before and now pics.  I can really see the difference and I love what I see.  In my entire life, I have never liked what I saw when I saw myself and now I am happy, down right proud.  It inspires me to keep going. 

Two months...2 weeks...6 days...still counting

Dec 15, 2007

Well, I went to see Dr. Schuricht, my second follow up appointment and I was worried that he would get me for not joining the gym yet...and I did get the look and the WHY??? but when I told him that my wallet has lost more weight than I have...he understood.  He says that I look great and that he is so proud of me and because of my attitude and my intelligence, he knows I am going to be one of his most successful patients.  I am exactly where I should be and when I join a gym, I am going to really wow myself.  I never leave him without grinning like an idiot. 
On a personal note, I am really struggling, I am losing my support system slowly.   My husband is saying all the right things but his actions are different, I have been told that he is worried that I may be getting thinner and healthier and more confident with who I am, he feels threatened, like I am going to leave him, but I am doing this for myself, our son and then us.  Why can't he understand that??  I am not as confident as I portray, I am not seeing what everyone else is seeing, I still see that fat cow that I hate, that is unattractive, now with hanging skin.  I am obsessed, but with getting healthier...isn't that okay?  I don't know, I am soooooooooo confussed.  We won't even get into the mother thing...that is a whole new blog!!!  Until later...N.

About Me
Sharon Hill, PA
Dec 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 2
Everyday is a blessing....
Two months...2 weeks...6 days...still counting
