
Apr 29, 2009

Wow it's been awhile since I posted...all is well I am almost 14 months out from surgery..feeling footloose and fancy free..my food intake has increased to maybe a cup 1/2..I am still maintaining between 157-160 I had my consult with my plastic surgeon on 4-3-09. Had to take those GOD awful nude pics to send to the insurance company..shoots seeing the photos alone should get me approval for my tummy tuck...lol but for real I called my insurance company to find out what I needed to get a panneculectomy covered(removal of excess skin in the abdomen area) I have bcbs~ I was advisied I would have had to have lost 100pds, 1 yr out from surgery, and skin irritation, well I have all three and remember from reading Cookies post to keep documentaion of the creams and powders prescribed for the irritation. I also asked my pcp and gastric surgeon to write me a letter to submit to the insurance company..so keep your fingers crossed that I get approved. I am down to an 8-10 comfortably..after surgery I will probably be a 4-6 thats just how much skin I have...I can't wait...

1 yr ago today...

Mar 13, 2009

I was 267, scared and excited at the same time...ready and anticipating what life would be like after I take this huge step...Thank GOD I made it when I opened my eyes after being in surgery for an hour and twenty minutes pushing the morphine pump the nurse put in my hand..today @ 156 I can say I have been truley blessed and given a second chance in life by having this surgery. It has in no means been easy at all...I have had lots of good and bad days, but overall I am healthier, stronger and even more confident in myself!!!!! Not to mention able to wear things I could only just imagine yrs ago to wear...no more medicine, thank GOD....I thank all my friends and family who were there for me the phone calls answered Mrs. Rhonda thank you for the visit to the hospital on your lunch break(lol) the flowers and listening to me whine about what I could and couldn't eat..Lady JWB you know u my girl thank u for the phone calls and care package...Yall will never know what that ment to me!!!!! I feel the tears now so Imma cut it off...Thank you again ...now a toast to 111 pds gone forever...raise them glasses high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Hey Hey!!~~

Jan 20, 2009

lol It's a brand new year and I have been so bad by not updating...I am still going between 166-169 I know it would go down if I start back excercising...I am gonna start back soon, my schedule has just been so hectic with school and the kidos..plus we have an added addition Preacher our new puppy..so I now have 5 kids instead of 4..lol I am wearing  a 9-10 some 12's when I want the baggy look with a belt of course..lol This surgery has been such a blessing I have more confidence in m,yself, I just love me...Congrads Obama!!!!!!

I made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 16, 2008

I am offically down 100pds!!!!!!!! I have been waiting on this day since my 1st day of surgery!!!!!!!!! Neva thought I would see it!!!! Got up this morning peed(lol) and hopped on the scale 167.8 I was like whattttt!!! I yelled..Joe came running what's wrong..I said look at the scale he looked at me rolled his eyes and kept getting ready for church...lolllllllllll I am happy..GOD is sooooooo good...finally joined Friensdhip west, down 100pds, and Joe has a job...man I cant take nothing else today...lol

8 months out..wow

Nov 11, 2008

This has been a crazy ride for me this yr..so many up downs..peaks and valleys...dangggg..I am still a size 10 this morning I weighed in at 169.8.. never wouda thunk it 2 pds away from goal..probably would have been there, but I done got lazy and slowed down on the excercise..bad me..lol Im going thru a lot though..hubby got laid off, we just bought a house..got 4 kids cars,.bills do I need to go on..but I know GOD is able and he will fix everything...I thank HIM for his grace and mercy..even though things seem bleek I know HE'S able...any way I am gonna try my best to get these last 15 pds off...

It's October..man..

Oct 06, 2008

Time really flies huh?! It's almost 2009..dang..2008 has been a year of ups and downs for me..I am at 171.4..friday I noticed my 14's were baggy..so I decided to go to kohls on Sunday and buy me some clearance stuff..lol I grabbed some 10's and 12's..I got into dem 10's..what u say..and also got into a size small blouse..blew me away..I spent 63.00..when I was bigger that was only one outfit..shoot I got a dress, skirt, 2 blouses and a pair of pants...I am loving this..my eating is still up and down..can eat some days others just not interested..Im working on the inner me now..want to remain faithful to GOD and not let the weightloss cause me to fall or have a big head...life is grand though..and that hubby..chile it's like I am a doll always wanting to pick me up, or pull me down in his lap..hes a trip and loving the new me too!!!!

The Verdict...

Sep 11, 2008

Well the trial is over and done with..I didnt know so much was involved with trials..you have to hear every bit of testimony from different people, I had to experience seeing pictures of my sister with no life in her body, blood everywhere..that's something I will never forget..then to see the man who is responsible for her death sit there with no feeling or emotions..tore me up..moma was strong she had to go before the jury/judge twice and didn't shed a tear..I'm proud of her..Toya had sooo many friends they all acted and dressed alike I felt like I had my sis back in my presence just by having her friends around...I thought I would feel good to have him sentenced and go to jail, but all I could do was look at him mom while she cried for her son and feel sorry for her.. Warren Davis was found guilty of killing my sister, and sentenced to 15yrs in jail. Thought that would make me feel good too, but it doesn't I'll never see her agin, laugh with her again, make fun of moma with her again, or here her all ova the house talkin bout baaaebaaaay go put some vaseline on yo feet...lol I love her dearly always have and always will..today was some kind of closure for me, and I will always remember the good times and laughter we

Lord have mercy!!!!!!!!

Sep 06, 2008

09-06-08_1340.jpg  I have been going between 188-186 all of August decided to do the wagon plan, woke up this morning to 179.8..look out 14's I see 10-12 coming..lol

5 months post-op

Aug 10, 2008

Well Im 5 months out down 83 pds. This WLS has been a wonderful thing for me...I am currently@186 still in 13/14's. Weightloss been kinds slow lately thought I would be down 100pds by now. Been kinda slackin in the gym trying to start that back again..still doing the 4 miles with hubby on the weekend..summer is almost over and the kids will be back on the 17th, so I guess I become mom again..lol I start going back to the gym tomorrow, eating still varies..some days I want to some days I don't. I know now I have to eat to loose weight. Will also start the Wagon next week too. Done caluculated my bmr already!!!!!! I have 27 more pds to get off..I can and will do this!

loving me!!!!!!!

Jul 15, 2008

Just wanted to say hey!!!!!!!!! I am down 78 pds 188 as of this morning! I am still getting use to this thing called weightloss and the attention that comes along with it..my coworkers are asking me how much you down..girl u look good wow kesha...I get so flustered so fast Imma be aight though...I am in 14's now got soooooooo many clothes to get rid of all 20's/22's...to GOD be the glory I never thoough I would ever feel my bones or see my cheek or collar bones...lol I am simply humbled...

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2007
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