Hi My Name is Kristi and I'm from Modesto California and I'm 41 yrs old. I've been over weight my whole life except for maybe 3 years of it. I was actually thin at one time in my life. I was in the 7th grade and it lasted until the middle of my high school freshman year. I was living in Murphy's California which is a small town. We didn't watch alot of tv or eat unhealthy but then it all changed. I moved back to Modesto and was introduced to cable tv, pepsi and chocolate. It all went down hill from there. I wasn't as active as I had once was and had issue's with my divorced parents. I turned to food for comfort boy was that a big mistake.I made it through the rest of my high school years as the fat kid and couldn't wait to graduate. Kids can be so cruel. Well then I met my husband when I was 19 and he loved me for who I was on the inside and not for who I was on the outside.  Then I got the news that I was pregnant after being together for 3 years. I was so excited even though we weren't ready to have a baby. My life was great.  I had a man who loved me and a baby on the way. After my daughter was born I didn't think things could get any better. I had it all and then 8 months later my beautiful baby girl was gone. She passed away from a very rare lung disease. Doctors couldn't really tell us much about her disease because it was so rare in children. There was only 10 documented cased at the time. We were just devasted. I turned to food for comfort and just continually got bigger and bigger. My out going attitude had changed and so did my zest for life. Our relationship was starting to suffer and my need for comfort food really increased. As time went on I learned to deal with my loss all though the pain was still there you have to go one. My relationship started to grow stronger and I was able to find reasons to start my life again.  Three years after our daughters death we finally got married and have been together now for 22 years and are very happy. We had to finally come to the conclusion that we are not meant to have kids. We have found out alot more as the years have gone on that what are daughter had could very well be genetic or hereditary.
I have gained over 160 pounds over the course of my life and I'm tired of it. It seemed that no matter what diet I tried  I was always hungry and didn't see the results that I wanted. I couldn't seem to stick with a diet. Alway hungry no weight loss why bother. I can stay on an even kill and not be hungry all the time. So with every diet I did and the little weight that I lost I would gain it all back and then some. It has been a never ending roller coaster. So now it is time to get my life back and stop being a prisioner. I want to be able to enjoy life with my husband. When he comes up to me and says hey lets go to laguna-seca and watch the alms race I say no I can't go because I can't walk up the hills or have trouble catching my breath or my feet, ankles and knees hurt. I will be able to say next October 2009 yeah that sounds like a great time. I will be able to walk to the top of the cork screw without feeling like I'm dying. This surgery is going to change my life and it can't come soon enough. Thanks for reading my story.

About Me
Modesto, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2008
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Just starting the process
