Ronetta's Journey

Mar 01, 2011

     If your reading my blog that means you understand my long journey to WLS.

2006 - The beginning of my journey: It starts off with me at a thrift store trying to buy a dress for my company holiday party, what a disaster . That was a nightmare I end up leaving with nothing to wear had to resort back to the same old trusty pants suit in the back of the closet. Now I am feeling shameful, embarrassed and disgusted with myself, how could I let myself get like this. I wore a size 5 up until I graduated from High School. Then the slippery slop began.

Well long story short, I started researching WLS at first I thought omg this is scare I don't know if I could do it. So the journey ended.

fast forwawrd to 2010- Things started to really take a toll and my health start to be affected

July 2010 - I started rethinking my options for weight loss. After taking my body through so many roller coaster diets including the new fade (HCG) to only have the same results as always lose 30- 40 pds and gain 40-50pds. Enough is enough I need to seriously re think what I am doing to my body. Back to the drawing board.

August 2010 -  I went to a WLS seminar with my best friend. I was so intreged and thedifferent types of surgeries that is out there. Wow I am very interested in the Lapband, my friend wants to do the RYN bypass.....hmmm a little to much for me. Feeling good I think I can finally get rid of this weight.

September 2010 -  Had my first weigh in with the dr.'s nurse. We went over my insurance coverage and what they require of me to have the surgery. I have Aetna a little nervous.  I weighed and my bmi was 40.3. well were heading in the righr direction for my insurance. BMI must be over 40 or have two comorbidity amd 6mos of supervised dieting and provide 3 yrs of obesity. Also did my sleep apnea study, that was not fun I don't like sleeping in strange places without my husband.

October 2010 - Second weigh in also have a meeting with the dietician we moving on. Still feeling good about my decision. I want to tell a few friends but I am not sure their going to be supportive, its to early in the game to be debating my decision I will wait. I still have my best friend who is in the same boat.

November 2010 - Happy Thanksgiving Third weigh in half way tthere getting a little nervous, I have changed my mind about the lap band I am going with the sleeve. After researching and talking with people who have had both I decided the sleeve sounds perfect for me.

December 2010 - Merry christmas Fourth weigh in wow over the half way mark. I am hoping 2011 is the new beginning for me. I am getting excited. I hope my insurance excepts me the first go around.

January 2011 - Happy New - Fifth weigh in, I had an appt. with the psych. wow I was very nervous a little chatty. Omg I hope she says I am good to go. Time to have blood work done, I hate needles, man they filled alot of viales. I am happy to do this if this is taking me one more step to my dream.

February 2011 - Sixth and final weigh in yeahhhhhhhhh! made it. OK, its not over have some more test to do. Had an EKG and it went well, I finally got a chance to talk with the Surgen. I am feeling nauseated, I did not realize all of my issues I am developing slowly. I knew I was fat but I felt like I was still semi health. I am pre diabetic, high bp, insomnia and rls. I hope this gets resolved with surgery I really need to change this life style. I hope my insurance agees with me.

March 2011 - Received a call from the WL clinic I have to take an echocardiogram in the middle of the month....what is next I  this is the last test and they can submit my paperwork and my insurance approves me...By the way my best friend got her approval today 3/1/11. My best friend had her RNY Gastric Bypass surgery on 3/7/11, I am sooo happy for her. She is doing great in some pain but all in all doing great.
3/8/11 Dr's office called and confirmed my appt. for echocardiogram on 3/16/11 2p. According to the nurse I will have completed everything and they will be able to submit to the insurance. I am feeling very excited. I feel this is really a dream come true. My goal is to have VSG on 4/11/11.

3/16/11 2pm - I had my Echocardiogram- this should be the last test I need, before they send off to the insurance company. I should hear back from them in about 2 to 3 weeks with my results.

3/21/11 - I got a call this morning I need to go in on 3/22/11 for my last consultation and to pick a date for surgery yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! its finally here.....OMG I am nervous.

3/22/11 - 10am I meet with Brian and we did my last consultation everything looks good. I meet with the Bariatric coordinator and she gave me the best news ever. I don't have to pay for my surgery it is covered through my insurance Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am excited. Of course I have to get full confirmation from the hospital but I take her at her word and she does this for a living. A big reliefe. Know if Aetna cooperates and approve me. Everything is in Gods hands, so far he has made away for me to go through this journey. By the way they wanted to schedule me for 3/28/11 but I have to notify my office so I picked 4/4/11.

3/24/11- OMG  - My Pschy eval. did not get faxed over to the dr's office so they can submit to my insurance. I had to call them and have them do it. I pray to god this does not delay my surgery date. I have an appt with the surgent on 3/31 @ 13:15. I am going to have happy thoughts from this day foward I can not let this take me 3 steps back. As my hubby said its already in the works whats done is done.

3/31/11 - I had my appt. with the surgeon Dr. Hanna, I feel good about him doing my surgery.

4/1/11 - Hospital called to verify time and date of surgery.

4/4/11 - Today is the day, My husband and I got there at 6:30a I was getting nervouse. It took about an 1/2hr to get me signed in. 7:00a I was taken to the back to get undressed and preped for surgery, 7:15 my husband and best friend was able to come and sit with me. 7:35 meet the anesthesiologist, very nice woman. 7:40 Dr. Hanna comes in and he is running a little behind. his first patient is getting a lapband and she is suppose to have surgery at 7:30a. I am ok  that gives me more time with my family. 8:30a they roll the first patient out, omg its my turn.... 8:45a the anestesiologist comes over and puts the medicine in my iv I feel a little goofy, its taking affect. I am getting rolled in and I am having mixed feelings. I know this is for the best and I am in good hands with Dr. Hanna. 11:50a time flys when your having fun. opened my eyes to see my loving husband and best friend I am very happy. Meds are kicking in and its time to sleep.

4/5/11 - 10:30a time to go home. Feeling a little anxious and nervous I had such good care in the hospital I am scared to go home. I'm home and my husband has everything prepared he has fixed up the coach for me and is at my beckon call, my daughter has been very helpful also. I received a lot of calls from family and friends all wishing me well.

4/6/11 - received call from my Aetna nurse. I love the after care Aetna has to offer, also received a call from nurse (Glenda) checking up on me, she was a big help and I enjoyed talking with her.

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About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2011
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