Meet the virtual me.

Mar 20, 2007

 I have a before, a 3 month (midway) and my future figure.


22 Days until surgery

Nov 28, 2006

I have 22 days left until I my surgery.  I can't wait.  I have all of my pre-op appointments set and have scheduled myself off work.  I'm taking off the two days before my surgery to get the house in order before D-day.  My fear at this point is that because I quit smoking that I may have gained a few pounds that might prevent me from having sugery.  I'm trying to get up and motivated but I can't seem to get there.  I think my nerves are getting the best of me.  I have indigestion something fierce. I eat and I feel sick and I'm still pre-op.  I don't get it.

Insurance said Yes

Nov 21, 2006

I have a date set now for my surgery.  I'm very excited and nervous at the same time.  I get to start my new life on December 20.  I'm not sure how long to expect to be in the hospital after my surgery but I'm certain I will be home for Christmas.  I'm trying to get everything in order at work so things run smoothly without me.  I already know that I will be getting lots of calls from the store.  I just hope they can leave me alone while I'm in the hospital.  Well, on the brighter side several friends want to help me celebrate my upcoming surgery by getting me rather plastered one last time.  I may take them up on it and at least get a tad touch tipsy.  That's all for now.....I need sleep, I worked an 18 hour shift today and have to be back at work in less than 6 hours.  Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Pre-Op Weight 307.7

Oct 19, 2006

Well, here goes. I'm a 35 year old convenience store manager. I work 6-7 days a week and by the time I get home from work I have absolutely no energy for my family. After making the decision to attempt to get approved for surgery I called Dr. Pitts office and signed up for his mandatory seminar. I went to the seminar on September 7 which is the first step in Dr. Pitts program. I brought my health questionairre with me to this meeting. My husband and I learned quite a bit and decided that this is what I want/need. Within a week of the seminar, Dr. Pitts office called me to set an appointment to meet with him and get the process started. Before I could visit with Dr. Pitt I had to meet with the dietician, physical therapist and the psychologist. I immediately set all appointments and waited. My fear was that someone, somewhere would try to have me rejected. Most of my fears were put to rest on October 12 when my visit with the surgeon finally arrived. He reviewed the information from the other people on his team and said that the reports all looked great. I seem to be a good candidate for RNY. The next step was for him to generate a letter for the insurance company and wait for approval. This is where I sit now. Sitting and waiting, waiting and sitting. He suggested that I call the insurance company in a couple weeks to make sure they received all necessary paperwork. I marked my calendar for the 26th to start checking up on the approval process. I'm hoping to have surgery sometime either at the end of December of beginning of January. Cross your fingers.

About Me
Boonville, MO
Surgery Date
Oct 15, 2006
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 4
Meet the virtual me.
22 Days until surgery
Insurance said Yes
Pre-Op Weight 307.7
