The devil truly comes to steal kill & destroy!

Sep 14, 2010

God has afforded me  the opportunity and experience to have had this surgery and I get diagnosed with exercised induced asthma.  WTHeck?  I am having the hardest time getting into my exercise regimen in the house.  Part of my therapy comes from the outdoors, walking the trails and enjoying the fresh air and greenery.  I take in the collage of colors the different hues of green, blue, brown, orange, red, magenta, yellow that nature ahd to offer--it's all so beautifully surreal.  Now I am forced to pay money I don't have, I might add, to go workout indoors..I do however enjoy rollerskating on Weds. and going to the Aquatic Center!
Sometimes when I get off c ourse I feel like I am spitting in God's face.and Lord knows that is not my intent.  I am afraid because I can literally eat ANYTHING without any consequences!  Well, except my all time favorite--shrimp!  It NEVER stays down!  I pray for my strength, renewal of my spirit (for each and everyone of you, as well) so that our journeys are successful and productively healthy.  This is by NO MEANS an easy route folks, so it pisses me off when people make that implication.  Heck, I don;t even share with folks about the surgery anymore becuz ther haterism is so friggin profound! Dont you hate when folks asks, "Well, how much have you lost nah?" or . "Girl, you gon melt away?" 
In short i said all that to say this, God gave us these blessed opportunities and allowed us a second lease on a healthy, happy and active life...Don't let the devil come in and steal what's NOT his, which is OUR JOY! 
I love each and everyone of you and wish, hope and pray for only the best for each of you!  Leggo!
Lady D

ok I apologize...

Jul 17, 2010

I am so sorry for not  posting a blog since May!  I ave got to do better.. Please know that this is a good thing because my time is not as idle sitting down i n front of a computer anymore.  I am actually beginning to live my life.  I am venturing out and doing new and greater things.  One of the newest things is my travel business ( and also IP Global via Clear Communications and Directv.  I am so elated that my self confidence has imroved to the degree that I am actually doing a multitude of things because I believe in myself again.  I also have the stamina and vision to do anything!  I look good and feel better!  It is because of you OH fam memebers that this is in part possible, so for this I owe you the repsect of posting the blog!  Thanks for all the love and support wrapped with beilief and encouragement.  I want to reciprocate and I will!
Love you!
Dawn A.K.A. "Lady D"
Also for your band/dj/live entertainment needs:


May 20, 2010

Ok, let's talk...I made the God awful mistake of buying sum raisin bread and eating it with cream cheese (lite of course).  The reason being is I have been frothing so bad until I really wasn't eating anything other than string cheese and v-8 juice...So I figured with the bread I could get sum other stuff in...BIG MISTAKE!  I am stuck at 222 now!  I think it's the bread demon O.H. FAM!  NO MORE FRIGGIN BREAD 4  ME!  By the way, I only ate 3 pieces out of the loaf, but I KNOW its the bread....THAT DAMN BREAD DEVIL DEMON!!!!!  As a result of my damaging actions, i have doubled my workout and prayerfully wil see the results next week.  I know we have to learn as we go but...WHAT IN DA HELL WUZ I THINKIN'?
1 comment

whoah nellie!

Apr 28, 2010

Baby I see the changes in ME!  I feel fantabulous!  I am cleaning my life via house, emotions, diet, etc and it feels sooooooooooo good!  I feel like I am on top of the world and with God for me who cares who is against me.  I went to my post op last week and dropped 31 lbs  This morning got on the scale and lost an additional 10!  Praise Him.  
I cooked some ground turkey chili and it was good.  I was having a bit of frothing at night, but have been sipping on hot stuff to emulcify mucous...ok enuf of that!  I am so excited about getting back to the old me but tweaked with maturity and wisdom.  


Mar 26, 2010

TODAY I feel awesome.   Yesterday was my surgery and I can not believe how well I am doing.  I am already home from hospital and walking and pooting!I was expecting a lot of discomfort which I did experience breifly last night,but overall  I am doing  FANTABULOIUS!   Dr. Larry Hobson ended up being my surgeon and he is the bomb!  WOW! I did it.  I was reborn yestefday and I am so grateful to God for this opportunity.  I am committed and being that way has made my journey a smooth sailing.  I am doing 1oz every hour and it is actually awesome.  I am not hungry like I was during the last 48hours before surgery and I am happy about that too!  
Thank you all  for your inspiration and support, as I will be posting pics soon! 
Muah and lets do this people!
Lady D

Da skinny side is calling me!

Mar 11, 2010

OMG!  I have exactly 2 wks until my surg 3/25/10!  I am ecstatic!  The possiblities are endless and I feel as if I amabout to be reborn!  I had to start my high protein lean meet diet with green LEAFY veggies and no starch veggies today!  I tell yoiu God is good>  A couple of months ago I went into Sam;s to start buying some post op items and found a turker tenerloin (garlic n herb flavored) and bought two for about 9 bucks.  It took about an hour to cook and it is sooooooooooo friggin delicous and moist.  I sauteed some spinich and kale and sliced the turkey tenderloin on top and it was delish!  Whew! Then 30 mins later, I washed down some lemon-berry sugar free hawiian punch (singles to be dissolved in water) and felt so productive for following my diet and having such a satisfied pallate in the process.  Today was confirmation that  I WILL BE APPRECIATIVE AND SUCCESSSFUL WITH MY TOOL.  I planned ahead and had great results  AND FOR ME THIS IS A HUGE STEPPING STONE.  I realize part of "planning" is my way of prioritizing for ME thus taking time out to say I AM IMPORTANT!  This weight loss is important to me and I am accountable for it's success or lack thereof!  

Now on a less "Oprah" tip, LOL!  I met Dr. Hobson in Dr. Duncan's ofc on Tuesday!  OMG this man was sooooo professional and his bedside amnner was darn right comforting.  He made me feel like I was the only patient  he had in life.  There wasn;t the stop watch vibe you know when you go into a doc's ofc and he's actually timing how long your visit can be?  Well, none of that! For these things and more I am truly grateful!
Dawn A.K.A. "Lady D"
1 comment

Less will soon be more! I got my date family!!!! Muah!

Mar 04, 2010

I have my date which is 3/25/10!  All I can say is Thank you Lord, and the O.H. Family...Your love and support has been inspirational and encouraging!  Muah Muah MUah!  LIke my cousin says..See ya on the skinny side!  LOL!  Can you believe it.  I may actually be able to touch my toes and sit like a lady by crossing my legs!  Yippe!
LOve you all,
1 comment


Feb 10, 2010

Guys can you believe I had a friggin power struggle with my darn cardiologists's office?  I told them initially what my clearance letter's verbage should have been and some kind of freakish way, I pissed them off?  Here I am almost 30-days later FINALLY getting a clearance letter that STILL wasn't how the surgeon requested, however it will suffice!  Everything is finally turned in.  Now I a just at the mercy of my insurance company...Pray for me all!  I'm speechless...LOve and bessing to you all!



Jan 24, 2010

Well i finally finished all of my clearances!  I would have faxed them all in on Friday but I lost a long time fam-friend to aids on Wednesday had service Friday in South GA, so I am ready!  I hope I will get a date soon.  Any tips as to how I can rush that process?  I guess I can keep on my insurance company as well as the Dr.'s ofc, huh?  Any suggestions let me know>  Friday I am going to start the pre-digested protein to be on the safe side in case they say in 2 weeks or 3  i will have already shrunken liver.  This will also be my last week of carbonated drinks people!  Can we do it?  Yes we can.

I don't mind losing some/all of the fake people in my life, but I just pray my marriage can withstand and withhold the post surgery.  My hubby doesn't know the skinny Dawn only the chunky but funky Dawn...Losing my friend was devastating yet refreshing.  I am glad she isn't suffering anymore and that is that.

Wow guys, soon I will be able to cross my legs, fasten my own shoes, take stairs with no problems, walk and wear  heels without severe ankle and hip pain!  I am excited!  What about being able to bring sexy back by no longer sleeping with that awful cpap mask n machine?  How about no more maracas in my purse ( all my Rx meds, LOL)
But moreover an improved quality of life.....That is priceless!

I was just watching Nat Geo Taboo and they said that Obese people have a higher risk of suffering form dementia, as well as other heart disease and the obvious unhealthy co-morbidities.  Well that REALLY struck a realty chord because my father died from Alzheimer's/Dementia 3/29/2008.  He also had two sisters to die from the same. People, we are doing ourselves a good deed  and justice by taking control of our health destiny and lives. 
Love you all!  Muah!


I keep hearing the ole Heinz 57 commercial...Anticipaation!

Dec 29, 2009

Oh it's making me wait...I can't get my date fast enough.  The crazy thing is I need my nutritional evaluation and I'm done.   I know that sounds like its not much, but you all feel my anxiety.  My face seems to occupy more of the frame space when Im taking photos....It also appears to be larger when I look in the mirror, even my smile looks distorted due to the weight increase.  I had a couple of down weeks from falling off the bed while trying to clean the ceiling fanplease no comments, I know this was completely assanine...Especially since I have a 21 year old that is 6'6" but hey...I'm so sick of having to ask for help until I lost all bearings for judgement.

Guys can you just see it...Spring cleaning without the extra body baggage?  Being tired form physical exhurstion that isn't directly due to your own body?  What about being able to run up flights of stairs, cross your legs comfortably, sleeping without a CPAP mask, going to buy last minute clothing and coming out with a cute and inexpensive outfit...The kill all....Showing your back and knowing that when you turn around it doiesn't look like your shirt was made of  hotlinks!
I praya each one of or journeys be filled with blessings, unconditional love & support and emotional stablility,
Muah fellow OH's
Lady D
P.S> HAppy New Year to you all and your fam'sLet's party and bring in 2010 with appreciation and dedication for a new and improved quality of life...Sometimes the things we need to rid of in our lives don't always equate to physical weight...Those unhealthy " gossip/jealous driven  filled friendships" that aren't based on loyalty and reciprocity need to be ousted too!  Focus on the positive and promote a sense of peace within and around you...We have enough stress to deal with.  Love ya!

About Me
Douglasville, GA
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2009
Member Since

Friends 55

Latest Blog 13
