October 19, 2009

Oct 19, 2009

Well.. this is week two.  I stepped on the scale and only lost 1.4 lbs!  At least I didnt gain.. just bugs me!  My only guess is that this past weekend I was mega stressed.  I had to do mid month paperwork and was told friday that I had to re-do all of last months paperwork.  ALL I did was sit and write and write and write.. for HOURS each day! UGGHHHH!  No real excercise, Did not journal my food either.. I did follow my moms "menu" that she likes to make for me.. but, without journaling... how do I not know that I ate too many extra calories for snacks?  I should be happy in one sense... I have lost a total of 9.4 lbs in two weeks!   That is almost 5 lbs a week!  Give or take.  Not bad considering that the average for non WLS person is 1-3 lbs.  Next week WILL be better! I have FAITH in myself! This is just a lil bump in the road.  Thats all.. right?

P.S  Tomorrow will be 6 weeks since my last cigg!  YAY!

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